The Good Teacher

Chapter 104 - Kano's Request

"Are you crazy?!" Goran bellowed, causing Kano to shrink behind Al.

"Goran!" Al reminded with a firm tone.

"*cough* Sorry. What I meant to say was: Why are you cleaning the wall, Kano?" Goran repeated while wearing a strained yet calmer demeanour.

"I-I-I wanted to draw something else and I need space," Kano confessed with a low murmur.

"If that's the case then why this wall in particular?"

"This wall is least exposed to the environment," Kano explained. "Even if there is rain or heavy w-w-winds, this wall is not affected that much."

At this point, Mylo chimed in, "The boy's right. I've inspected the building thoroughly, and this wall is in markedly better condition than the rest."

Goran and Al were both impressed by the kid's superior instincts.

"See, Al! I told you this kid's a genius!" Goran voiced out with a hearty smile.

"But Kano, why are you limiting yourself to this wall as a medium? Haven't you considered others?" Goran continued.

Kano smiled bitterly and replied, "I have. But we c-c-can't afford better paper or paint."

"That's it?" Goran retorted in disbelief. "Boy, you should have told me that earlier!"

Goran reached into his coat and retrieved his own storage disk. While channelling his mana into it, he pointed it towards the ground. The disk lit up immediately and from its centre, a steady stream of items started to gush out.

Paint. Brushes. Paper. Ink. Chalk. Grindstones. It was a near endless downpour of supplies, well beyond Kano's wildest dreams, most of which Kano had only heard of from Marie's intermittent stories from her travels.

With gleaming eyes, Kano approached the organised mound of art supplies and exclaimed with excitement.

"I bought these the last time I returned to the city. I was waiting to give them to you, now seems just as good a time as any." Goran explained.

"B-B-But Mister Rasmus. This is a lot... I can't accept it..." Kano said in dismay.

"Why not? Don't overthink things, lad. Just accept these as an investment on my part. After seeing just how promising your talent was, I am investing in you by nurturing you and helping you develop your craft," Goran retorted while waving his hand.

Kano's face alternated between a few emotions, as he internally debated the quandary of whether he should accept such a generous gift. In the end, his childish elation won over and an unblemished smile bloomed on his face.

"Thank you so much, Uncle!" Kano shouted as he rushed over and hugged Goran. Due to the height difference, the boy barely reached above the man's knees. Goran bent over slightly and patted the kid's ruffled hair.

"Speaking of investment. Can I talk to you for a bit, Kano?" Goran inquired. "It's to do with your future, and I wanted to hear your opinion on it."

Hearing Kano's affirmation, Goran instructed Mylo to finish the initial inspection by himself, and then led Kano to the classroom.

After the two assumed seats opposite each other, Goran began, "I know that you constantly dismiss me every time I bring this point up, but Kano you are a gifted child. You have a talent in the visual arts that others can only dream of."


"Let me finish, child. Your comprehension of colour and form is beyond your years. You may underplay it, but I've seen many, many more renowned works in my lifetime and I can confidently affirm that your work has the potential to match and even exceed the contemporary works by forerunners in the field. Sure, as it stands, your work lacks refinement and proper direction. After all, you don't have a proper teacher to guide you in this."

Goran noticed the boy getting ready to bear arms against him for the last statement and quickly assuaged him, "Don't get me wrong! Teacher Larks is amazing. He is knowledgeable and has a demeanour befitting a teacher. However, when it comes to the arts I strongly believe that limiting oneself to a singular teacher is an artist's greatest pitfall."

Kano frowned in contemplation.

"Do you enjoy painting?"

"I do!" Kano affirmed immediately.

"That's good. Do you want to get better in your craft?"

"I do."

"If that is the case, then I strongly urge you to consider this offer. In order to truly become a great artist, one must expose themselves to everything the world has to offer. Inspiration isn't gained by holing yourself in a secluded space. Furthermore, one cannot grow without observing and learning from the successes and mistakes of others. So, I would like you to come with me to the city to explore the art scene and broaden your horizon. Who knows? Maybe you'll learn something in the process?"

Kano was immediately taken by the idea. Although he tried to hide it, his face blossomed with excitement at the prospect of going to the city.

"You don't have to make a decision. After all, Matron Reva is still your guardian. I will discuss it with her at a later date. But I need you to put in a good word if you're interested in this. I feel like the Matron isn't particularly fond of me..."


Grace, Guy, Markus, Marie, Kano and Dora were seated on the floor, eating dinner together. This had been a longstanding tradition in the orphanage, and Guy had seamlessly assimilated himself into it.

The strained family ate their food in silence which was unusual. Most of the time, the two kids would talk about something or the other, drawing the teens or the adults into the conversation as well. However, today the two were uncharacteristically quiet.

Dora seemed a little checked out as if she was preoccupied with something. Kano, on the other hand, simply couldn't stop himself from fidgeting. He looked as though there was something on the tip of his tongue, but was hesitating to vocalise it.

Unable to take it anymore, the boy broke the silence with a loud declaration, "I want to travel with Mister Rasmus to Radiant City!"

Everyone else on the table froze in place and darted their attention towards the boy.

"You want to do what?" Grace asked while narrowing her eyes.

"I... I want to go to Radiant City with Mister Rasmus. I want to explore the art scene."

"Explore the art scene? Do you even know what that means?" Grace snorted.

"Yea! It's... It's... Exploring the... He said it was looking at different famous art pieces and learning from t-t-them," Kano replied.

"So you want to go all the way to the city just to see paintings on a wall?" Grace retorted while raising her voice.

"Mister Rasmus says that this is the b-b-best way for me to become a better artist."

Grace frowned and her nostril flared with anger. Right as she was about to open her mouth and bring down the hammer, Guy interrupted her, "Grace, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Please. It's important."

"*sigh* Can't it wait?"

Guy just stood up and walked out of the room, gesturing at Grace to follow him.

"We're not finished with this conversation!" Grace declared at Kano as she stood up.

Guy took Grace to the next room and looked at her with a sheepish smile.

"By the look on your face back there, I could tell that you were going to deny Kano. But, before you say no to him, just take some time and think about it. I think it is a good opportunity for Kano. Besides, I've already talked to Mister Rasmus about it. He's interested in sponsoring Kano. He thinks the boy shows promise and wants to help him develop his skill."

"How come he talked to you and not me? I'm Kano's guardian!" Grace retorted.

"Mister Rasmus said that the last time he talked with you, you just kept nodding back at him like a chicken mindlessly pecking at grains..."

"What? I did not!" Grace denied vehemently while scoffing.

"I know that you're apprehensive about sending Kano far away. But he'll be safe with Mister Rasmus."

"I don't trust him!"

"Teacher Jeeves can vouch for him, Grace."

"I don't trust him either!"

"*sigh* What about me then? You've known me long enough, right? Don't you trust me?" Guy asked while trying his hardest to look cute.

"You!" Grace was at a loss for words after facing Guy's shameless attack.

"Can't you teach Kano? You've already taught him so much. Can't you also teach him how to draw and paint?" Grace pleaded. "Why does he need to go so far away? I don't want him to suffer as Markus did..."

"The subject isn't in my wheelhouse, Grace. Although I can teach him a few basics, I can't help him develop beyond that. The boy needs to expose himself to the world and grow his artistic philosophy organically." Guy paused before addressing Grace's primary concern. "Besides, Markus didn't have anyone backing him. Kano has the leader of one of the more prominent clans in this Kingdom bankrolling him! What more could we ask for?"

Grace showed a strained expression as she pondered over the topic. Having taken care of the twins since a young age, Grace was extremely attached to them. In many ways, she viewed them as her own children. It was only natural that she was apprehensive to let one of them go, especially so early in their life.

"Fine. I'll take your word for it," Grace said as she drew closer to Guy with a stern expression. "BUT! If anything happens to Kano. I swear on my life, I will destroy you!"

Guy shuddered at Grace's palpable threats. Right as Grace was turning to leave, she froze in her tracks and double-backed, "By the way, why did you have to bring me out here to discuss this? Couldn't you have just done this out there?"

Guy shook his head and explained, "That wouldn't look good for you. To the kids, you would come across as the "bad cop", the one who always says no. In the future, if they have any requests they will avoid you and come to me. They will lose respect for you in the process. You see, kids are superficial. They are only receptive to positive reinforcement. They don't understand the intricacies behind reprimands or taboos. So in cases like this, we, the adults, must come across as a united front."

Grace exhaled in amusement and commented, "So you did it for my benefit?"

"Of course!" Guy declared resolutely.

Grace suppressed an erupting smile and clicked her tongue as she rushed out.

Guy gazed warmly at Grace's receding back and murmured with a long sigh, "I'll get through eventually. One step at a time...."

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