Mrs. Wang stood there, unsure of what to do next after being snubbed by her son.

"A last word of caution before you leave the room. Please consider this topic closed here and now. I will NOT tolerate any sort of interference in my personal life from you or dad. So don't bother with any juvenile plans which you may be currently hatching in your head. Also, don't even think of going anywhere near Jia Li, unless you are doing so to bestow your blessings upon her and our future relationship. She is the first person that I am extremely protective and possessive about, in twenty seven years of my existence. So you can imagine the extent of my angst if anything untowardly was to happen to her. Till date, everyone has seen the charming side of me. Let's not tempt the devil in me, shall we?" he warned her.

He took a deep breath the minute his mother left the room. Though this was his first time that he had openly defied his mother, he wasn't worried much about the backlash. Probably, it was because he didn't really care about her opinion. She had existed in his life as a person who stayed in the same house as him till date.

Wei had been particularly close to his paternal grandmother up until she passed away few years ago. That could have been the reason for him to sub consciously seek a human connect elsewhere and the first person who showed him kindness had been Chu. Maybe that's why he had considered himself in love with her at that time. Comparing his feelings for Chu then to what he felt for Jia Li now, they were as different as chalk and cheese. Jia Li brought out the entire gamut of primal instincts out of him, the ones which he had never experienced in his life before.

He had been an easy going guy, never involving himself in others' messy problems, never jealous of anyone. In fact, he used to laugh at people who would show possessiveness towards another person. He had never been that emotionally invested in anyone to ever feel that extent of belongingness.

But the scene from this afternoon was driving him crazy. Recalling Jia Li's hand in Tang's, his insides were burning up. He didn't care about Tang's mental state now or after his memory returned. All that mattered to him was the flurry of emotions which she must be going through currently.

The conflict of being Tang's childhood sweetheart and now his ex-girlfriend, had been clearly visible on her face today. He banged his fist on the wall in frustration. He had just started to work upon his relationship with her.

"Why did the accident have to happen now?" he thought savagely, cursing the timing.

Mrs. Wang narrated her conversation with Wei to her husband on the phone. She was mighty upset about the way things had turned out between them.

"Hadn't I told you to mind your words? The problem is that you still think that our son is seven years old instead of twenty seven. I don't think it was wise on your part to insult the woman he likes so blatantly. No wonder he lashed out at you," said Mr. Wang.

"Do not try and defend his actions. At least I am better than you, who doesn't even have a clue about what is going on in his son's life," she threw the words at him.

"When did I say that I didn't know about Lin Jia Li's existence and her importance in his life?" he asked softly.

Mrs. Wang stuttered in surprise, "you…you mean, you knew? You knew about this and didn't do anything to stop him till now or even bother informing me about it? What is wrong with you? Don't tell me that you are ok with letting that trash enter our house as his bride."

"Well, if we won't be willing to accept her, I am afraid our son may choose to disown us. I believe that his feelings for this woman run deep. And it would be foolish on our part to let our prejudiced notions create a permanent wedge between us and our only child," he cautioned her again.

Mr. Wang stared at the phone, long after his wife had cut the call. They were all aware of his wife's temperament but now was the first time that she would be exposed to their son's as well. And he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a pleasant discovery.

Mrs. Wang cut the call on a sulk and started thinking of unobtrusive methods to chase Jia Li out of Wei's life.

Little did she know that someone else was also entertaining similar thoughts few miles away from her.

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