Looking at his naughty antics and happy face since yesterday, she had realised how drastically had Tang changed in the past few years, without anyone else realising it. And that there was only one person capable of bringing him out of his shell.

In the past few hours, the cold, unfeeling man had been replaced by a charming stranger, one whose life revolved around only one person.

But it was too late now…too late for anything!

She closed the distance between herself and her husband with hurried steps.

Looking at him for signs of anger, she said, "I couldn't help overhearing what Jia Li said. I think she is worried about being misunderstood by Mei Zhen. I don't blame her since she is caught in this situation like all of us are. But she is a good girl."

"You don't need to defend her words to me. In fact, I have been thinking about how to tell Mei Zhen about this myself," he told his wife in a rare case of confiding into her.

It had been a couple of hours since the Xie family had come back to the hotel which they had booked for themselves. Jia Li had accompanied them and had gotten three of the best rooms arranged with special care in Tang's room. Now they were all seated in the dining area, whose wide, full length glass window provided a beautiful unobstructed view of Mount Mogan. The table was groaning under the weight of mouth-watering dishes, all locally produced and prepared.

"Moganshan really seems to be thriving in the past few years. It was a smart move on Wei's part to set up the institute here. I have visited the place. It seems to be doing well under your supervision," Mr. Xie said grudgingly to Jia Li, looking at the view outside.

Jia Li acknowledged the compliment with a small bow of her head in his direction.

A scowling Tang was nudged by his sister under the table.

"Stop giving such severe reactions every time Wei's name is mentioned. You don't know anything about him, remember," she muttered to him, under her breath.

Chu raised her wine glass in a toast to Tang's health. Since he wasn't allowed any alcohol right now, he clinked his glass of water with everyone.

"When do you intend to leave for Shanghai?" Chu addressed the question to her mother.

"Your father and I were thinking of leaving right after lunch. Are you sure that you are not coming back with us?" she asked in return.

Chu smiled in return and said, "Ethan is yet to pass the test of worthy of being my fiancé as per brother Tang. He has agreed to stay back here till big brother doesn't give him a seal of approval."

"But where is Ethan? Why hasn't he joined us for lunch?" queried Mr. Xie.

"It's my luck to be surrounded by workaholic men. First the two of you and now him too. During his stay here in the past two days, he has gone chasing a story around the legend surrounding the sword which was forged for the Emperor of Wu by that legendary swordsmith Ganjiang. So he is interacting with the elders around to get their versions, anecdotes. Staying with me has at least taught him some basic Mandarin with which he is communicating with them. Though I am not sure how much would they be able to comprehend each other, what with the local dialect being different," she said the last line with a mischievous laugh.

Mrs. Xie shook her head fondly at her daughter's naughty look. Looking at both her children happy in the moment, she gave a content sigh. Only if she could ensure their happiness forever, she would not want anything else from life.

Unaware of her husband's scrutiny of her expressions, she continued to savour the moment.

Mr. Xie could make out his wife's thoughts from her demeanour. She was a simple woman who remained untouched by the wealth and glamour around their lives till date. It had taken him years to realise that he preferred her remaining like this instead of converting herself into a wealthy socialite like the other women in their circle. He had tried his hardest to provide the best for his family over the years. But he was coming to realise that maybe he had had his priorities wrong all this while. His son's smile today was probably worth the billions that he had earned till date.

Maybe life had decided to give him a chance at mending his relation with his son and he intended to use it to the maximum.

"I will ensure that our bond grows so strong again before his memory returns that he can't shut me out anymore, even if he tries to. I can't afford to lose his affection and respect again," he vowed silently.

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