"Maybe I am feeling left out. Why don't you give me some sappy love and I won't resent them theirs, hmm?" Tang said in a low voice, meant only for Jia Li's ears.

She turned beetroot at the sudden change of topic and said hurriedly, "didn't you say you wanted to walk to the hotel? Why don't you wear your shoes and I shall get my jacket."

"Wait, what is wrong with you big brother? After walking with you to the hotel, she would have to walk back alone. That's not acceptable," Chu protested.

Tang gave her a retarded look, "I really wish you would use your head sometimes. Who said she would walk back alone. I would come and drop her back, right? I am not doing this for me, but for her health."

This time he got attacked by both Jia Li and Chu for his remarks.

Groaning, he finally managed to escape their clutches, "I will be waiting outside for you, Jia Li."

She locked the house and came to where Tang was waiting for her.

"Where are Ethan and Chu?" she asked, when she saw him standing alone.

"They both went back first in the car. You scared to walk alone with me?" he asked, only half-jokingly.

She didn't say anything and started to walk ahead of him. He reached up to her and adjusted his stride to match hers. In silence, they walked side by side. Familiar smells assaulted Tang and he was transported back to their younger days.

Up ahead was the area where he had shared his first kiss with her. Not stopping to judge the wisdom of his action, he took her by the hand and pulled her towards the trees. Jia Li looked at him in confusion but he swiftly pushed her against the tree trunk.

Without warning,he swooped down and took her mouth in his own. Choosing her plump lower lip, he sucked on it till all the juices had flown into his mouth. Then he sunk his teeth into it, leaving an imprint. At her incoherent whimper, he licked and laved it, soothing it with his tongue.

By now, Jia Li had come out of the initial haze and she tried hard to push his chest but he imprisoned both her hands with his own and kept them there. Angling his head sideways, he deepened the kiss. He was invading her mouth with the intent to conquer it, plunder it, own it.

Jia Li's throat emitted another whimper at the onslaught but he didn't show her any mercy. His lips pursued hers till the time they didn't gain entry inside her mouth. He placed his arm which was in a cast behind her head to not let the tree hurt her. Then he closed the remaining distance between them. His other hand released her hands and instead went into her hair. He wrapped his fingers around her hair, almost painfully and pulled her head back.

Her eyes were open and pleading. At the mute look of appeal in them, he stopped suddenly and stepped back.

Running his hand through his hair, he said, "you and I are meant to belong together. I know it. I am waiting for you to realise it."

"Let's go. I will walk you back to the house. I don't think I would be able to hold myself back if you actually came till the hotel," he said roughly.

She struggled to catch her breath. Her senses were still reeling because of his sudden kiss and the passionate words.

"Do you know what I have been dreaming of in the past two days? I want to sleep holding you close. I want to wake up next to you and see how you look in the morning? I want us to brush our teeth together and jostle for space at the washbasin. I want to cook breakfast for you and feed you with my own hands. Then I want to bath every inch of …" Jia Li reached up to place her fingers on his mouth.

"Please, I can't…can't explain the reason but I need you to give me some space. Without asking any questions, would you grant me a wish? Can we just be friends for now?" she blurted out.

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He wanted to challenge her statement, ask her the reason for it, knowing that she wouldn't be able to say the real reason aloud. But something about her torn expression made him step back. Even though he wanted nothing else but her to give into her feelings for him, he knew that she was tormented by his marriage and all the other baggage from the past. He would need time and patience to work his way through her heart. He cupped her cheek and nodded his head in agreement.

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