The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

115 Author...we are coming for you!


Female Lead - Jia Li

Competing Male Leads – Xie Tang, Wang Wei

Jia Li's ex-husband - Fu

Tang's wife - Mei Zhen

Jia Li & Tang's childhood friends - Li Jie, Chung

Li Jie's live-in partner - Kong

Chung's wife - Le

"Long time, no see. How are you doing, Kong?" exclaimed Le.

"I am well. We haven't met since that trip to Hainan Island," Kong replied with a smile.

"Who called the both of you to this meeting? Is your presence even needed here?" Mei Zhen's voice penetrated their conversation.

"I mean, the author hardly even mentions you. I don't think she has bothered to write any disclosures about either of you," she smirked.

Le looked at her calmly and said, "well, it is better to be not written about rather than people getting to know about one's mean traits."

Kong tried to cover his laughter with a cough as Mei Zhen gave them both a glare and went and sat in a sulk.

"Sorry for making you all wait. Wei and I had a err…slight disagreement on how much should we disclose about the author. Since she has written some kind words about him in the author notes, he is feeling really charitable towards her," Tang came and said.

Jia Li and Wei also came there, both shaking their heads at Tang's melodramatic reaction.

Chung and Li Jie strolled in. They were in the middle of an argument, Chung supporting the author while Li Jie thirsting for her blood. He was still embarrassed to face Tang after the explosive disclosure about him having a crush on Tang during teenage.

"Tang, I understand your need to try and hog the limelight everywhere but I want to remind you that the author hasn't disclosed yet as to who is the main "Male Lead". So please tread with caution. Who knows what's in store for you in future," sarcasm laced Wei's statement.

Ignoring his nemesis's words, he looked around and said, "aren't we missing someone here? I can't remember who, though."

"Fu has decided not to attend this gathering. He says he has other plans. He sounded a little upset," Jia Li replied.

"Well, it doesn't matter. He isn't that important anyways," Tang said dismissively.

"Can we focus on why we are here, if you are done with the headcount and all…I have to go back to my lecture," Chung said hurriedly.

"Yeah, I am sure you do. All the female students and teachers alike are waiting for you, right!" Le retorted.

Everyone hid their smiles as a red faced Chung stood meekly in front of his wife.

"Ok, back to the agenda. We are here to tell all our readers the facts which the author has not mentioned ever about herself. Come to think of it, has she disclosed anything at all? Shall we start from her childhood, since she told everyone about ours?" Tang said, warming up.

"Let's see. What should I talk about first?" he mused aloud.

"She was a book worm, never played a sport in her life ever. Not much has changed till date. Every time, she didn't like the way a story or a movie ended, she would spin an alternate to it in her head and be happy about it," Tang said, rolling his eyes.

"I think that's kinda cute, no?" Jia Li said.

"Huh…what's cute about being a book worm? One should have an all rounded personality," Li Jie replied.

"Did you know that she is mad about Chinese, Korean and Japanese dramas, despite not belonging to either nationalities. Swoons every time her favourite Oppa comes on screen," Jia Li disclosed with a sigh.

"Moving on, the author was a bossy sister and bullied her younger sibling to no end, much like she bullies us in the story," Tang said, ignoring Jia Li's dreamy expressions.

"She is such a gentle soul. Never says no to any of my requests," Chung countered him, with a fond smile.

Le looked at him with a frown and he immediately straightened up.

Kong walked up to Li Jie and said, "oh, relax guys. The author was only trying to be amusing when she shared those little things about you people. There is no need to get so touchy about it."

Li Jie looked at him as if he was a traitor.

"So, she shouldn't get touchy about us sharing a few things about her as well, no? Like the fact that the guy whom she fell in love with for the first time, is still lurking somewhere in her heart after zillion years," Li Jie said with a triumphant smile.

Loud gasps were heard from everyone.

"Oh, you are so much in trouble. I won't be surprised if she accidentally kills your character in a road accident or due to drowning, after she gets to know about this," Wei warned him.

Tang clapped Li Jie's shoulder in comfort, "don't worry. You are Jia Li's best friend. She dare not kill you."

"Err…on second thoughts, the author is a mean woman. She is keeping the love of my life (Jia Li) away from me. I have been begging her for such a long time to get my FL back in my life but she keeps me on tenterhooks. She is quite capable of removing you from the scene," Tang said apologetically.

Li Jie suddenly clutched his stomach and said, "I don't feel so good. Kong, take me back to Beijing please."

Jia Li and Chung exchanged an amused look but didn't say anything.

"Now would be a good time for you also to stop, unless you want the author to finally realise that I am the perfect male lead material for her novel," Wei came and told Tang.

Tang frowned fiercely at him before announcing, "I am afraid I also have to go back to Moganshan now. My head hurts. Jia Li, can you help me please?"

Everyone bid goodbye.

"They didn't even ask me for my opinion," Mei Zhen sulked to herself and left for Shanghai.

Once, everyone had left, Fu walked in slowly.

"No one missed me? Jia Li didn't even insist once that I should join in. And Tang thinks that I am not important enough. Hmmph, I will show you all…you will regret it," he vowed silently.

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