"Err, do you mind if I accompany you to the kitchen? Probably, it's not the best idea for your ex-boyfriend and your ex-husband to be in the same room, alone," he said with a self-depreciating laugh.

She gave him an uncertain smile but nodded her head. She wasn't sure what he meant by that but didn't want to get into a conversation on that uncomfortable topic. She only hoped that he would leave before Wei comes else the situation actually may be combustible!!!!

"I see that you have a fully functional kitchen here. Seems like you have learnt how to cook," he said, referring to her non-existing cooking skills during their married days.

"Like they say, necessity is the mother of all things essential. Since I had to fend for myself, I managed to pick up a few things which ensure that I don't go hungry. Though I am far from your culinary skills level," she replied.

During the early days of their marriage, breakfast had been Fu's responsibility since Jia Li didn't know how to cook, having lived with her parents and then at the university. As things deteriorated between them later, they had started avoiding each other especially at meal times, with Jia Li eating mostly at work or ordering take-outs.

"Why don't you carry the cutlery and food tray to the table? I shall get the tea. If I have understood him correctly, Xie Tang must be getting anxious sitting there alone," he said kindly.

Jia Li gave him a grateful smile for his understanding and carried out the fruit and nuts laden tray to where Tang sat impatiently.

"He seems to know his way around her. Within first few minutes, you have handed over the kitchen to him," Tang remarked acerbically upon her arrival.

He was stewing over the hushed conversation between the two.

"Can you stop being so paranoid? And I am warning you right now. You better be nice to him when he comes out here. He is going through a tough phase in his life and I will not tolerate any sarcastic remarks towards him," she instructed sternly.

Tang was about to reply when Fu joined them.

"I hope that you enjoy the herb tea which I brewed. It will help your bones heal faster," he addressed Tang, indicating towards his cast.

Giving him a polite smile, Tang accepted the cup which Jia Li poured him.

"I know you aren't too fond of this particular flavour, but it would do you good. And it seems you haven't been eating or sleeping well. You are too skinny right now and there are deep circles below your eyes," he chided her in concern.

Conscious of Tang's disapproving look, she quickly poured a cup for herself and Fu.

"So what is your line of profession? If you are Jia Li's senior, you must have a degree in languages as well, right?" Tang enquired.

Fu's whole demeanour reeked of superiority complex. His concern about Jia Li sounded really fake, more preachy than genuine.

Fu gave a fond smile to her before replying modestly, "I did a course in languages along with finance. I am part of **** bank."

As he had predicted, Jia Li immediately said, "he is being polite. Not only is he the youngest vice president in the bank, he is also working towards his goal of working for the World Bank soon. I have always told him that by the time he is forty, he would be our campus's most famous alumni."

Fu beamed with pleasure at her words while Tang concentrated on gulping the vile tasting drink down his throat, lest he said something uncharitable. There was something slimy about Jia Li's ex-husband which made him dislike the guy on sight. He was just relieved that she wasn't married to him anymore. She probably couldn't sense it but Tang was sure that there was more to the man than what met their eyes.

Fu sat back, relaxed on the sofa, waiting for the drug to take effect. It was a mild one, enough to give him time to set up the stage. He couldn't wait for the show to start…


Jia Li felt that someone had stuffed cotton wool in her mouth. Her tongue felt swollen, as if it was touching the mouth's roof. Trying to open her eyes, she could barely squint and make out hazy outlines. What was wrong with her? Had she fainted?

"Jia Li, are you awake finally, my love? What a little chestnut you are…reacting so strongly to such a small dosage of the drug," she heard a gleeful voice.

But whose voice was it? Familiar yet strange, as if the words and the tone didn't belong to the same person.

She struggled harder to open her eyes and finally the world righted itself.

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