The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

155 Apologetically Yours

Wei summoned one of the maids to look for Jia Li in the bathroom but she wasn't there either. Slightly surprised at her absence, he asked the maid to look for her in the garden at the back of the house.

Tang was getting more and more impatient by the minute, standing in the living area. Finally he had had enough. He wasn't going to let Wei brainwash Jia Li against him. Ignoring Mr. Wang's startled summon to stay there, he went up the stairs, climbing them two at a time.

"Where is she? Don't tell me that you have hidden her," Tang confronted Wei halfway across the staircase.

It took him few seconds to register Wei's dazed expressions. He held a letter in his hand. Tang peered at the letter and his face blanched at the sight of familiar handwriting. Snatching the paper from Wei's nerveless fingers, he started to read it.

My dear friend Wei

I have been really lucky to have enjoyed the privilege of your friendship and affection for so long. Unfortunately, this is where that privilege ends. As the saying goes, you can't have too much of good things.

I stood at the stairs this evening, listening to the anguish and fear in your mother's voice. She truly believes that she is going to lose you and your love. When I heard those words, it was like my nightmare had come alive. I have been dreaming for years that I am standing in the room while Uncle Xie utter similar words to my father. I hadn't witnessed that scene in actual but it had played in my mind always. A part of me had always wondered that had I been there in the house that day, would I have still gone chasing after Tang, hoping that he would find a solution to the situation. Today I got my answer.


The price for your happiness shouldn't be your parent's misery.

Please know that I don't doubt your words when you say that you would protect me and cherish me but I am unhappy about the cost at which you would achieve that.

The question which would probably haunt me for life is whether I am so unworthy of someone's affection as so many people vehemently seem to believe so.

Wei, I beg you to release me from your heart. Let the feelings vanish like a midsummer night's dream, happy but unreal.

I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope that you achieve whatever you dream of.

Apologetically Yours

Lin Jia Li

Tang read and re-read the letter. Then he crumpled it and ran down the stairs. Wei picked up the letter and smoothened it before folding it and putting it back in the envelope. His mother had come up the stairs by then. She took in his crestfallen expressions and opened her mouth to say something.

But he levelled an accusing look at her and walked towards his room.

Mr. Wang, who had seen Tang rush off in a hurry downstairs came up to his wife and gave her a look of enquiry.

"It seems that the girl came to her senses and left our house. Thankfully, this was the last that we saw of her," she said with quiet glee.

He looked at her with an expression similar to his son.

"I used to wonder if it is resentment that you felt towards me because of my incompetence in matching your business acumen. But today I realised that you are simply incapable of basic human emotions. If you aren't moved by your son's silent pain or his love's intensity, then there is nothing else which can affect you," with that he went and knocked at his son's door.

Mrs. Wang was upset at her husband's accusing words but it was a small price to pay for getting rid of the girl successfully.

Wei couldn't remember the last time he had felt numb with pain as he was experiencing in this moment. He was reluctant to face whosoever was knocking at his door but the choice was taken away the next second. His father came in and wordlessly, hugged him.

Wei stood frozen for a moment before crumbling in his father's embrace. Today seemed a first for a lot of things. Usually a reserved person, his father had never indulged in physical affection with Wei through his growing years. But he seemed to know exactly what his son needed right now.

"Let's go get her back. We'll figure out a way to handle your mother," he said softly to Wei.

Trying hard not to choke on his unshed tears, he replied with a wry smile, "she has taken a well thought decision. I am going to respect that for now and hope that she learns that sometimes it is important to place one's happiness above others' preferences. I will wait for her to come back."

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