The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

163 Readily part the sea

Both busied themselves with eating as more food came to the table, including the delicious Fricasse. A savoury fried doughnut with various fillings and a generous topping of harrisa, it had been Jia Li's favourite street food on her last visit here.

"You are welcome to stay here for as long as you like. And I am here to help you with whatever resources I have at my disposal," Karim said warmly.

Jia Li was comforted by his kind words. They sat discussing various work options for her, while the main course gave way to Mint tea for her and a strong cup of coffee for him.

"I am surprised that you quit your job at the embassy. I thought it was something that you really enjoyed," she said to him as they walked back towards her hotel.

"After that incident where my superior tried to humiliate me and get me sacked, I had decided then itself to quit after I had an alternate plan ready. Now I am one of the vendors on the embassy's panel to provide them with translators, and other services. My agency is the top ranked one in entire Tunisia as of now when it comes to quality," he said with pride in his voice.

"Please think through what I am saying in all seriousness. I think that you should come work with me right away. The profile fits you perfectly and we always need good resources. As for learning the local language, you can do it on the job," he tried to persuade her.

"You are only being kind by offering me this. You and I both know that I need to be decently proficient in Darija to earn that position. Otherwise, I would be a liability to you currently. For now, please guide me to the best language learning place and more importantly, find me a cheap accommodation," she said.

He shook his head in resignation. When Karim had first encountered Jia Li, he had been enamoured by her beauty. But when she had jeopardised her own position and defended him against his superior, he had completely been smitten by her kindness. Before he could act upon his feelings, she had discreetly but firmly shown him that she was emotionally unavailable. He had moved on from the attraction long ago but an innate feeling of fondness and protectiveness for her still lingered within him.

He could sense that there was more to the story than she was telling him but he wasn't going to probe her for it. Happily married and on his way to become a new father, he was content to let Jia Li stay as his friend, for whom he would readily part the sea.

"I will come to collect you tomorrow early morning. Be ready by 7am. I want to introduce you to the family whose place I have in mind for you to rent. Then I will drop you off to the institute where you must work doubly hard to learn our language and its nuances, so that I can employ you fast enough," he told her at the hotel's doorstep.

Jia Li inclined her head in gratitude.

"I will be ready and waiting," she bid him goodnight.

"Karimmmmm, you have got to help me. I haven't been able to arrange anyone else at such a short notice. If friends won't help each other, who would?" Aziz begged him on the phone, the next morning.

"Did you say friends? I must have heard it wrong. Last time that I checked, you were telling people around that you and I were competitors and even if you are dying, you won't beg me for help. Yet here you are, doing exactly that," Karim replied with satisfaction in his voice.

Aziz was his fiercest competitor and an unfair one at that.

"C'mmon, cut me some slack. I can't afford to lose this client. Business has been really slow throughout last year and this is off season time. You know, there is no one better than you in the business who is proficient in Darija/English translation. Just do this for me once and I would owe you for the whole year," Aziz literally begged.

Karim relented under the emotional desperation in his voice.

"I have someone with me who needs to be dropped off at a close by destination. I will finish that and come to you," he said.

He had already picked up Jia Li from the hotel and they were on their way to meet her prospective landlord.

"Nooooo, the man is extremely punctual and is expecting me to show up with someone right now. Let's do this. You come here now and meet him. If he approves of you, which I am sure he will, I will tell him that you would meet him directly at the site after you drop off the person," he continued with his pleading.

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