With an effort Tang restrained himself and turned to go. When he reached the top of the staircase, he stopped to look back. She saw standing there, watching him. That's it! It was as if his control broke. Walking swiftly, he covered the distance between them in quick, long strides.

Upon reaching her, he swooped down hungrily and covered her mouth with his own. Entangling his urgent fingers through her hair, he didn't give her any width to move even a centimetre. He pushed her against the door and poured his entire yearning through that kiss. He rubbed his lips against hers, sucked them, laved them... feasted on them.

Jia Li whimpered.

Her senses were reeling. His hot mouth still held the lingering taste of the wine and it was intoxicating.

Tang's sense of urgency abated a little when he felt that she wasn't pushing him away. His insecure need was tamped down by her unsure yet unresisting response. He relaxed the grip in her hair and angled her head slightly to get better access to her lips. Nibbling the upper lip, he was savouring it like a forbidden delicacy. He flicked his tongue against her teeth, seeking permission to enter. When she resisted, he slowly travelled towards her plump, lower lip. The inner beast in him wanted to pounce and extract the entire sexiness from the ruby red glistening pearl.

But he reigned it in. Letting the anticipation build, he allowed Jia Li the opportunity and the choice to close the infinitely small distance between their mouths. She stood there, heart thundering in her ears. Her breath remained hitched. Why had he stopped? The realisation hit her as soon as she asked herself the question and any lingering reluctance melted away at his gesture.

Since when had he turned into a master seducer? She stretched her toes and reached up to pull his lip between her teeth. Nipping them gently, she flicked them with her tongue, giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Tang's legs nearly buckled under the innocent siren's little stunt. Not willing to wait any longer, he pulled her into his embrace, letting her feel his entire body throbbing for her. A tremor went through her. She was finding it harder by the minute to keep a check on her sanity. If just being held by him could reduce her to this, she shuddered to think beyond.

"I… we… I think we should… I mean…" she struggled to find coherent words.

He knew what she was trying to say and though his body was aghast at his decision, he took a step back.

He placed her head against his chest and said, "I am going to leave now. I won't look back because if I do, I may end up surrendering to this explosive chemistry between us. I want you to promise me that you will take care of yourself, not overwork and most importantly, stay happy. And yes, start replying to my mails, they feel lonely."

His words reverberated and travelled from his chest to her ears. She gave a small nod. Tang pushed her away gently and looked at her one last time before leaving.

Jia Li stood leaning against her door, long after he had left.

"What am I going to do? What do I want to do?" the questions kept crashing against her mind and came back without any answers.

"Welcome back, Mr. soon to-be Groom. How does it feel?" Jia Li greeted Eric the next morning.

He gave her a cheery grin and said, "top of the world, my girl!"

Hui walked up to them at the same time and congratulated Eric once again.

"Uh, any idea as to why does the receptionist seem out of sort? Is she unwell or something? Does she need any help?" Hui asked them.

Jia Li had always held the suspicion that Camilla harboured a deep liking for Eric. It was confirmed this morning when she saw her giving a frosty greeting to Eric as he had walked into the office. Jia Li had entered just before him and managed to witness the scene. He had looked at the receptionist's expressions in askance but then shrugged and moved on.

She was surrounded by clueless men! Hastening to assure her boss that there was nothing wrong with the poor woman, she told him that maybe she was coming down with a bug or something.

"You better stay away from her, Ms. Lin and that's a direct order," he exclaimed immediately.

Jia Li looked at him in surprise. His reaction seemed slightly extreme but it hit her the next moment. Since she was working in close contact with him now, maybe he didn't want the illness to reach upto him. Gosh, clueless and eccentric!!

Murmuring her acquiesce, she went to her work station.

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