"But I thought you wanted to become a doctor. You were really passionate about it," her grandmother asked in confusion.

"People change, so do preferences or you may call them circumstances. I thought it was best that I studied as my future needed me to," Samantha answered cryptically, with a smile.

"Why have you come back, Sam? We are all happy and settled in our lives. Why do you have to disrupt it again? Have you considered that your presence maybe embarrassing for some people, even if you seem to have no shame," Yimei couldn't hold the words back in any longer.

Sam looked at the woman who had once been her friend. But she didn't blame her for her reaction. After all, being blindly in love was not a crime. And if it was, almost everyone this table was a criminal then.

She didn't react to Yimei's words and ate her soup in silence. Soon… everyone would get to know the reason for homecoming, soon.

Conference Room, Wang's Office

"Mr. Wang, this is my son in-law, Zhu Cheng. He is actively involved in the Li family business and hence I would like to nominate his name as one of the directors in the new partnership company," Li Yichen made the introductions across the table.

Mr. Wang and Wei sat on the other side of the round table. Both sets of attorneys were present for the meeting.

Wei looked at Zhu Cheng carefully. It took a player to recognise another. The slick dresser and smooth talker, he was already trying to cosy up to him and his father. What Wei was really curious to know was, the history between Mr. Li and Samantha.

Recalling her words, she had said, "on the basis of the share percentage which I have in the Li company, I want to be a director in the new company. I am assuming my father would be the other director from the Li family."

Everything that she had said and not said, suggested a deep rift between her and the rest of the family. The woman was an enigma. Every time he met her, she managed to surprise him, rather throw him off balance.

"Mr. Li, to the best of our knowledge, half of your company's shares belong to someone else. As you are well aware that in this equal partnership between you and us, we will have two directors each from both sides. In our case, it would be Wang Wei and myself. But in yours, I don't see how we can appoint your son in-law as the director. Of course, we would be happy to have him to come on board as a project manager, depending upon his competency and interest," Mr. Wei said apologetically.

He had already been apprised of the situation by his son and after a consultation with their lawyers, he said this.

It was Li Yichen and Zhu Cheng's turn to frown.

"That maybe so but Samantha is just a kid. She has no interest in the family business. Eventually the shares would get transferred back in my name, and I would be passing them to my daughter and her husband, Cheng. I just wanted to avoid the unnecessary delay in naming another director. Hence…" Mr. Li tried to recover the situation.

"How the hell do they know about Sam owning half the shares?" he thought privately.

Mr. Wang looked at his son in confusion. Hadn't he told him that it was Mr. Li's other daughter who is the owner of the other fifty percent?

Before he could frame a response, Wei spoke up with an almost casual air, "I think there seems to be some confusion. Your daughter had visited our office this morning, expressing her interest in being a full time, hands-on director in the company. She even said that she didn't want to claim the position only on the basis of her holding the shares, but also her qualifications. She carried her entire portfolio of her multiple degrees and relevant experience. Though she may be short on the latter, mostly due to her age, but she definitely seems to make up for it through her enthusiasm and determination. She even had some interesting ideas for the company's expansion. You are lucky to have such a spirited child."

Wei was surprisingly enjoying the growing look of uncomprehending horror on both the men's faces. They had absolutely no idea what that girl was upto…hmm, interesting. As long as the company wasn't impacted in anyway by the internal matters ofthe Li family, he couldn't care less about who became the director. But if he had to personally choose between Samantha Li and Zhu Cheng, he would definitely choose theformer. There was something instinctively untrustworthy about the guy.

But then as per Mr. Li, he was trying to suggest that he wanted to take back the shares from one daughter and give it to the other.

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