The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

263 Don'st try and shepherd me!

The vulnerable man from the other night had been replaced by the confident, sexy man. Ever since she had discovered that he was the same guy from that night, Sam had found out as much as she could about him through social media. Unfortunately for her, curiosity had won over self-restraint!

As per the tabloids, he was every inch the Casanova, which she had suspected him to be, based on his love making skills that night. Thankfully he didn't remember her enthusiastic but lacking skills that night.

Putting that aside, the only thing that was jarring or rather contrasting, was his anguish for the lost love didn't go well with this spoilt, rich flirt image. She had seen him heartbroken, desolate and more...

Which one of them was he?

"What am I thinking? I have no time and no inclination to think about anyone. I can't lose focus of my goal. One misstep from me end and that bastard will win again," she scolded herself severely.

"Don't you want the credit for these suggestions, though? May be that will help others, especially your father, in thinking favourably of you," Wei suggested, putting a halt to her thoughts.

"Ha… favourably? Even if I acquired a pair ofwings someday, he would suspect me of having stolen them from an angel. So, no, I don't want any acknowledgment. I just want to contribute on behalf of the Li family. I want to do justice towards my grandfather's faith in me and my capabilities. I am not looking for a validation from my father, not in this lifetime," she couldn't prevent the bitterness from seeping into her words.

"I know a thing or two about parent-child discord. Don't lose hope. It may not always remain so bad," he tried to reassure her.

"I'll wait outside the conference room for everyone," she murmured and excused herself.

He could see that she didn't believe him but was too polite to say so. Damn, he was intrigued about the Li family history now. Or maybe it was the woman who fascinated him but he didn't want to acknowledge that. After all, his heart was not ready to allow anyone to come within a thumping distance of it.

"Why did you come here without me? Do you want to parade our internal feud in front of outsiders?" her father scowled at her, the minute he saw her waiting outside the conference room.

She looked at him with disdain but chose not to respond. Mr. Wang walked upto them right after and acknowledged them with a polite nod.

As he led them towards the meeting, Li Yichen whispered furiously to Sam, "how do you know the Wang family? Why have you been meeting with them privately? Now that you have the director's position, you don't need to plot and plan anymore. Enjoy the remuneration every month and leave the work to the others. I am getting your return flight tickets done for tomorrow."

Sam told herself to not let his hurtful words affect her.

Turning slightly so that her words were audible to no one except him, she said, "I plan to stay here in Shanghai for good. Don't worry. I won't be staying at the Li mansion beyond this weekend."

Her father stared after her while she went and sat on the opposite side of the table. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Wang who introduced Sam and her father to the other board members. Sam kept a low profile throughout the meeting, making copious notes and noting down observations about different people around her. Her father kept throwing anxious glances towards her. Her words had thrown him off his equilibrium. What did she mean by she was here for good?

After the long discussion, which also included some of Sam's ideas, they wrapped up the meeting.

"Why don't you and your daughter join us for some tea, Mr. Li?" Mr. Wang addressed Li Yichen.

"Uh, that is… we have some important issues to sort at our end. Why don't we meet for drinks tomorrow evening instead?" he suggested politely.

Mr. Wang agreed with a nod and they parted ways.

Li Yichen held Sam's arm the minute they arrived at their residence. He tried to drag her to towards his study but Sam shrugged off his hand immediately.

"Don't try and shepherd me. I am not either of your meek, naïve wives. I have work to do, so please excuse me," with that she tried to make her escape.

"Not so fast, Samantha Li. I was trying to spare you the humiliation but you leave me no choice. Fine, let's have the talk here. Where were you yesterday? What's your ultimate plan?" he asked her belligerently.

Yimei had come this morning to her parents' house upon her husband's insistence. Zhu Cheng had asked her to take care of her mother and make sure that Sam doesn't bully her or anyone else in the house.

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