Tang paused before passing the phone back to Chu and typed further, "will I recover fully?"

Chu didn't want to lie to him nor did she want to discourage him. Her hesitation to answer made him restless. He tried getting up by putting his entire weight on the right side but it still required his sister's help before he could sit up.

"Don't get worked up. As per the doctor, the recovery period is dependent upon the patient. If the patient is someone as lazy as you, maybe it can take years. If it is someone diligent and sincere like me, I guess it would take just a few months," she teased him.

At his unimpressed stare, she continued, "well, what I meant was that it varies from patient to patient. The same goes for the extent of recovery. It depends upon the person's willingness and body's response to the treatment. So, basically…" she was stopped by Tang's raised hand.

He typed again, "who all know about my condition? Has Jia Li been in touch with you?"

"No one apart from the four of us and the lawyers know about it. As for Jia Li, no, why would she be in touch? She hasn't written or called ever since, well… since the episode in Shanghai. Funnily, the only person who has been messaging me frequently is brother Li Jie. And he really is curious to know about your whereabouts," she told him.

"I didn't know that you and he were this close. Somehow in my head, it has always been brother Deng Chung instead, who was closer to you. Li Jie was always Jia Li's buddy. At least that's been my impression for all these years," Chu spoke her thoughts out loud.

Tang was getting worked up with the non-stop drool leaking from the side of his mouth. It was a weird, obnoxious feeling. He didn't even want to imagine as to how did he look currently. On top of that, his body felt as if it was a heavy piece of lumber which couldn't be moved. One hour into consciousness and he was beginning to hate it already. His inability to communicate anything verbally was not helping the matters.

He had so many questions but little patience to be able to type everything down. He felt as if he is going to choke with frustration.

He typed out two lines, "I don't want you to mention anything about me or my condition to Li Jie or anyone else without checking with me first. Make sure dad and mom follow the same."

Leaning back into the bed, he was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. He handed back the phone to her, only to snatch it back immediately, yet again.

"How soon can I start the physiotherapy?" he typed.

Chu said, "I am not sure. You have just woken up. Take it easy. The doctor wants to run a few tests. We haven't discussed about starting the physiotherapy yet."

"I want to be included when that discussion happens. Henceforth, make sure that I am kept in loop on every matter pertaining to me and my health, no matter how encouraging or discouraging it is. And get me a phone with a big keypad where I can type easily with one hand," his message read.

"OK, big brother Tang. I shall convey and follow all your instructions precisely. Now, can you please rest for a while. Your eyes are looking strained to me already," Chu said to him.

Tang nodded slightly and shut his eyes. Within minutes, he was asleep and snoring. Chu got up and wiped his mouth clean. She didn't want to do it while he was awake. He had been an introvert, independent man all through his thirty one years. Suddenly, he was going to be dependent upon others for even the smallest of his needs. He will need time to wrap his head around this fact. She sighed and leaned back in her chair.

For a second, when he asked about Jia Li, Chu had become hopeful that he may have reached out to her in the recent past. But he hadn't said anything. Maybe he didn't want Jia Li to know about him in the current state, like how Ethan had said. Under the current circumstances, though Jia Li was upset with him, she would probably turn up out of pity and maybe that's what brother Tang wanted to avoid. Chu couldn't blame him for thinking like this.

Men often tended to confuse themselves between self-respect and pride!

Had the choice been left upon her, she would rather inform Jia Li than not. If it meant that she would come and help him get better, why not? But after the diktat that her brother had issued, she dare not do it. No matter how rebellious she had been all through her life, she would never go against her brother!

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