The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

276 My Love Story not Stupid Enough?

She was sick of feeling worried about the situation now.

Sam was tempted to call her mother but knew that she would only add to the negativity instead of giving her courage. Ever since the last time when Irene had been summoned by her father and given a dressing down due to Sam's behaviour, her mother had turned into a different person.

From a gentle, loving soul to a cautiously bitter and uncertain person. Though she had heard Sam's version of the truth and kind of believed her, she had still blamed her for being naive enough to fall for the guy.

She had asked her only one question on the way back to London, "had my love story not been stupid enough for you to go and repeat it, proving that this kind of behaviour runs in our blood. You were supposed to be smarter than me, learning from my mistakes, not superseding me in making worse ones."

Sam had been embarrassed as hell and guilty of making her mother go through such retribution at the hands of her father. She had blamed herself for it and vowed that she would turn it around someday. She would exact revenge on the people who did this to her and Irene.

Coming back to the present, a different thought suddenly struck her.

"Wang Wei didn't even ask me once whether I had really gone to meet Zhu Cheng as seen in the video or if I had been the one who sent him those pictures. He is so sure of my innocence without knowing anything about me," Sam's heart gave a small flip at the thought.

Her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she gave a sigh of relief.

"Where are you? It's almost time for me to go to the Li Mansion. Why didn't you take my call all this while? I have been fretting…" he cut her mid-sentence.

"Get your belongings and come downstairs. It's showtime," with that he cut the call.

"Argh, he is such a bossy guy, 'Go to work, Come downstairs'…. Grr!!! Calm down, girl. He is trying to help you out. Not a good idea to lecture him on politeness etiquettes now," she reminded herself.

She was worried that she may run into her father at the office entrance or worse, in the lift. But she made it safely to the building's porch and quickly went and sat in his silver coloured Maybach.

He was sitting at the backseat, waiting for her.

Instructing the driver to drive on, Wei handed over a pair of headphones to her.

"Wear these and listen in to the conversation as I play them out for you," he said cryptically.

Samantha looked at him, hoping for some more information but he simply showed her the video files which needed to be played on his phone. Once she had settled in to listen to the stuff, Wei shut his eyes for a few precious minutes.

He wanted some time to regroup his thoughts and figure out an effective strategy. He knew that the enemy could still have an unexpected ace up his sleeve and they needed to be wary of that. He also knew that the proof in their hand didn't directly implicate the guilty in an iron clad manner. So they needed to stay cautious.

It seemed that he had just shut his eyes before they reached the Li mansion. Sam's cold hand crept up slowly and held onto Wei's warm one. He looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Are you, umm, can you… is it too much to ask you to come along inside?" she asked him, tentatively.

She was embarrassed by her display of weakness but she would rather show it here than inside that house. This man had been nothing less than her personal miracle. Irrespective of what happened in Li mansion today, she would be eternally grateful to him for his unflinching faith in her.

"Of course, I am coming in with you. Do you think you can handle this by yourself? Have you seen how quickly you fly off the handle? Always one bullet short of killing someone… you have no idea how scary you are. In fact, I am worried for the safety of the people inside this residence," he pulled her leg.

She was looking too vulnerable for his liking.

She rolled her eyes at him and told him that she had undergone mixed martial arts training along with boxing.

"Ah… is it? Good that you told me this now. I shall make sure to maintain an arm's length distance from you henceforth," he shuddered dramatically.

Sam laughed and shook her head. She hadn't realised that when he opened the car's door and helped her out, he held her hand. And that's how they walked into the Li family house. He had kept the banter going all through the long walk until they reached the door, so that she doesn't have time to ponder over what awaited them.

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