Tang's nostrils flared at Patricia's cruel words. Breathing deeply, he went back to doing the floor exercises.

Pat hid her smile. Boys were so easy to manipulate… no wonder she preferred the other gender!

"Chu and I had a talk about this and it was our mutual decision to postpone the wedding. We have been engaged for almost a year now and the relationship is going perfect. Frankly, if you ask me, I am ok with things to remain like this forever also. Marriage is nothing except legalising the existing relationship for me," Ethan addressed the Xie family later that night at the dinner table.

Chu kicked him from under the table for saying the last line but by then it was too late.

Mr. Xie was already frowning.

"Ethan, it is true that we have accepted you in the family and I understand that your values maybe different than ours but if you think even for a second that I shall allow you and her to exist in a live-in relation instead of marriage, you can think again. This marriage has already been delayed enough, first due to the conflict between mother-daughter about the country, then due to other unforeseen circumstances, and now you are suddenly giving me this spiel about why we should shelve it permanently. Let me tell you right now that the wedding is happening on the 8th of next month. You all have twenty days to get your ducks in row, understood? Discussion over," he finished speaking and banged his palm on the table for emphasis.

Tang typed a private message to Ethan, "dude, you are so screwed. Better make it up to dad before he remembers that there are many potentially better suited guys for his daughter back in China than a mere American journalist. Grovel if you need to!"

Upon reading the message, Ethan glared at his brother in-law, which Tang pretended not to notice. He got up from the table with a suffering sigh and went to find his sulking father in-law.

Was that all that the Xie family knew – how to throw a tantrum and how to sulk?

Chu looked at her brother and asked, "what exactly did you write to Ethan for him to walk away with such a morose expression."

Tang typed on his wheelchair's screen, "I told him to plead with the bride's father to ensure that he doesn't sell his daughter to a higher bidder."

Chu got up from the table, came to her brother and punched him on his right arm.

"You are vicious. Wait till Patricia comes tomorrow. I will ensure that she makes you regret tonight's actions," she threatened him.

"Really? You never said anything to your fiancé when he was talking about not marrying you. Just because your brother gave him some sane advice, you got angry with him instead. Gosh, this girl has gone over to the other side even before marriage," her mother said with her head between her hands.

Chu's gaze moved from her stone faced brother to her over the top mother and she sighed, "are you guys really sure about this? Is it ok if Ethan and I…"

Her brother's hand came to envelope hers and he raised it to his lips. Though his face could show no expression, the one in his eyes was enough to bring tears to Chu's. She hugged him hard and started sobbing.

"I… I just don't want to celebrate anything when I see you in so much pain. I can't even imagine how much you are hurting. At such a moment, how do I go and start a new life?" she spoke between tearful hiccups.

Pushing her slightly away from him, Tang started to type furiously on his keyboard.

"Just because you will get married, do you think you will have no responsibilities towards me, mom and dad? Mom is right. You have definitely changed your loyalties to the groom's camp already. Now stop sobbing and start getting some dressmakers home. I want to look the best on that day. Make sure my tuxedo's material is of the best quality. Don't know what variety would we get in your adopted country," Tang pasted a rolling eyes emoticon along with the message.

Chu gave his arm a squeeze and whispered, "don't you worry. I shall call for the material especially from Italy for you. It's not you that I am worried about. The groom is a different matter, though. My biggest fear is that he may turn up in a chequered shirt and a worn pair of denims on that day too."

"I heard that. I thought after being with me for a couple of years, you would have started to speak kindly about me. But as I just heard, you clearly prefer your own blood over your love. Damn, my heart's breaking…" Ethan tut tutted.

Chu got up and threw her hands in the air.

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