The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

288 Gesture of Comfort or ...

"Are you sure that you don't need to go the hospital? I think we should get that hand looked at," Wei came and sat next to her.

"I already told you that I am fine. My hand has gone numb with the constant ice compression that you are administering. I don't think I can take anymore medical treatment tonight," saying so she leaned onto his shoulder.

Wei was startled for a second but then he patted her head in comfort and said, "I am going to be staying here tonight. So don't worry about anything and go to bed."

He had already decided to hire a bodyguard for her from tomorrow, irrespective of her defence skills. One could never be too careful.

"Wei, do you recognise that guy? I have never met him but…" her voice trailed as she kept thinking about it.

The next second, she got up and went to look for her laptop. Finding the video footage of the previous apartment, she played it. Pausing at the face of the guy who had broken into her house there, she turned with a triumphant smile towards Wei.

"He is the same guy who had bribed the manager of the previous building. But how did he gain entry here? How could he gather any of our fingerprints to access the main door downstairs?" she asked him.

"The police is enquiring in the building and will also be looking at the footage from earlier. We will figure it out. Stop stressing for now and go to bed," he told her.

"I am too wired to sleep right now. Though the adrenaline has stopped making my heart gallop at a crazy speed, my head is too busy trying to connect the dots. Of course I know that Zhu Cheng is behind this act but the problem remains the same as last time. How do I prove it?" she said with a frown.

Wei looked at the crease line which was had formed between her eyebrows. He raised his finger to smoothen it out.

"Don't think about it now. I promise we will figure it out in the morning," he told her softly.

Sam's eyes couldn't stop drinking in the gentleness of his expressions. Without pausing to think, she gave into her instinct and leaned in to kiss him lightly on his lips.

Wei's sharp intake of breath made her hesitate. Her lips hovered near his for a nanosecond but before she could withdraw from there, he closed that distance. Absorbing her mouth completely in his own, his hand crept up behind her head. Tilting her head to get a better access to her mouth, his fingers found the short, wicked hair at her nape and curled into them.

Both of them were breathless by the time they broke apart. Wei was aghast at himself.

"What am I doing? I had only intended to kiss her as a gesture of comfort but I lost control. She… I… can't do it. Staying the night here is a dangerous idea," his head chastised him.

He made a move to stand up but she held onto the lapel of his jacket.

"That night… you told me not to go. Can I ask you to return that favour today?" her eyes looked at him with a strangely hypnotic expression.

He couldn't tear his gaze off from hers. Till date, they hadn't spoken about what transpired in London, neither directly nor otherwise. Then why did she bring that up now? The air had become heavy with anticipation, as if deciding whether to turn hot or cold.

Wei's head tried to come up with reasons as to why he shouldn't take advantage of a girl who had just experienced trauma. But his body couldn't give a flying f*** about any of those.

"I… are you sure that this is not a reaction to what happened this evening? I don't want you to regret your actions tomorrow morning," he told her, trying to give her a way out.

Sam raised her hand and moved it along his cheek, and then his jawline, enjoying the abrasive stubble against the smoothness of her palm.

"As long as you don't get up in the morning and claim that I have taken advantage of you or ask for my age proof again, I won't regret anything else," she replied in a whisper.

Wei closed his eyes. Her eyes were going to make him lose control sooner than either of them would like. Without giving a thought to what the next morning would bring, he took her palm and brought it to his lips. Digging his teeth in the inner flesh of her hand, he smiled when surprise flitted across his face.

He had zero recollection of the last time except for a few hazy images in his head. So if they were going to do this tonight, he wanted it to be memorable for him and her both.

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