Zhu Cheng walked upto their table, his nose still cast in a small bandage.

Sam started fuming visibly while Wei tried to maintain an impassive face. He was furious with Zhu Cheng for causing that break-in at Sam's house but without proof he didn't want to accuse him. Suddenly, Zhu Cheng spotted a stunning looking Jia Li seated with them and couldn't help but blow out a low whistle.

Jia Li was dressed in a green halter dress. Her hair was in an upturned bun which showed off her clavicle bone and dainty shoulders. Under the restaurant's light, her skin gleamed like polished marble.

Zhu Cheng's reaction was quite reasonable under the circumstances.

"This is really unfair, Wang Wei. Why do you get to court all the beauties while the rest of us can only salivate in our heads. Hello Gorgeous, I am Zhu Cheng. What's your name?" he came closer to where Jia Li was sitting.

Without missing a beat, she replied, "none of your business."

She had sensed the cold atmosphere at the table the minute this guy had come. Ignoring him, she picked up the menu card and busied herself in it. With just that one phrase, Jia Li endeared herself to Sam.

Zhu Cheng quietly fumed at the direct snub and trained his vicious words at Sam instead.

"What happened to your hand, Samantha? Got into a brawl again? You are quite the mafia, aren't you?" he said with a suggestive grin.

"Not a brawl, I was actually going for his throat. He is lucky that I wasn't feeling murderous enough to go the entire way," she replied with a feigned nonchalance.

Zhu Cheng paled at her words and the import behind them.

"Do you think it is easy to get away by hurting someone. This is China, not some savage land," he warned her.

"Exactly, this is China. I think the law is pretty strict about an intruder entering someone's house and trying to rape and kill a person," she replied, finally raising her eyes to stare at him.

Wei got up from the table and stood in front of Zhu Cheng.

"We are here to catch up with an old friend of mine. Let's not wash the family's dirty linen in front of her, shall we?" he spoke in undertones.

Cheng scowled at Wei's high handed behaviour. How dare this guy show off his superiority every time he met him? But he didn't want to get into a straight out confrontation with these two. His style was slightly more 'under the cover'. So what if one of his men was caught. He was professional enough to not implicate Cheng in the entire matter.

Bowing mockingly to the ladies, Zhu Cheng took his leave from there.

Sam blew a visible sigh of relief which she had been holding in.

"He looks ferocious. Ex-boyfriend?" Jia Li asked, her eyes surveying the menu.

"No, ex-aspirational love interest, also current brother in-law," Sam replied in a wry tone.

"Hmm, if I were you, I would hire myself a couple of bodyguards or maybe ask one of the knights in shining armour to help," Jia Li looked at Wei with a barely suppressed grin.

He gave her a sheepish look. It was an awkward situation which he found himself in, right now.

Sam's cheeks bloomed with colour at Jia Li's words too but for a different reason.

Clearing her throat, she said, "uh, actually, I wanted to apologise for what I said this afternoon. I… I just said it in a fit of anger. I am sorry, I had no right to speak to you in that manner."

"Ahhh, let's see. So, you are saying that you want to apologise for sleeping with Wei or for telling me about it?" Jia Li asked her with a frown.

Wang Wei's face went red up until his hairline. He dared not look at either of the women and started fiddling with his phone.

"I… what I spoke may have been an exaggerated version. I am not sure what came over me. I am really sorry," Sam said, embarrassment was making her fumble with her words.

But Jia Li wasn't done playing yet.

"Oh dear, you mean to say you didn't sleep with him or didn't do it as many times as you claimed? I am thoroughly confused now," Jia Li was trying hard to keep her facial expressions straight.

Wei looked at Sam's miserably embarrassed expressions and thought that his own would be looking exactly the same, as of now.

"I don't remember you being this bratty ever. What happened to the people pleasing, polite you?" he grumbled, looking at Jia Li.

"Are you complaining about me asking a few questions? I can't believe that you would start calling me names just because I said something to your girl," Jia Li adopted an injured air.

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