The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

36 Chapter 36 Perceptive girl

Chu was beginning to wonder about the wisdom of her brother's decision to get married.

Desperate to aid her brother in one way or other, her first impulse was to approach Deng Chung with these observations but changed her mind and went instead to Li Jie. Even though brother Tang had been closer to his friend, Chung all these years, she believed Li Jie to be the more approachable out of them.

"Brother Li Jie, I needed to speak with you for a few minutes. Is this a good time?" she approached him tentatively.

He had been contemplating his next shot at the pool table when Chu walked up to him. Something about her demeanour exuded seriousness. He took her by the elbow and walked out of the room, murmuring excuses to the other players.

He waited patiently while she collected her thoughts, "I am not sure if this is the right time to have this conversation or whether I should be talking about it at all. But my instincts are screaming at me and telling me that something is very wrong with the current tableau."

Though he wondered about where she was going with this talk, Li Jie maintained a calm façade and indicated that she continues.

Wringing her hands, she said, "actually, uh...I was wondering if you knew whether brother Tang is happy about his wedding."

He didn't know how and why had Chu managed to sense the ongoing turmoil in his friend. For all and sundry, Tang had managed to put up a smiling if not an excited groom's look. After the early morning slip-up, he had made sure to play the perfect host and an attentive fiancé.

"Why do you think he is not over the moon about this wedding? You know Tang has always been a bit reserved," he hedged.

Chu shot him an assessing look and replied, "it's interesting that you didn't immediately answer back with a definite answer. Should I take it as an indicator that you are wondering about the same or do you already know better?"

Before he could reply, Ethan walked up to them and said, "I am assuming the discussion is about the reluctant bridegroom. If so, I may have a couple of observations to add to it as well."

Li Jie scowled at being ambushed by the new lovebirds and said tartly, "if you both are so convinced about your theory, why have I been dragged into it?"

Chu put a restraining hand to his arm said gently, "all I know is that I want to see my big brother happy. You know how much his happiness means to me. I am begging you to tell me the truth."

He rolled his eyes at her theatrics and addressed Ethan, "you may be enjoying this right now. Wait for the time when you are the one facing her interrogation. She can be like a terrier without the leash, absolutely unrelenting!!"

Turning his gaze to Chu, he gave a slow smile in return to her scowling expression and said, "well, if you are so keen to get embroiled in the grown-up's conversation, then who I am to prevent you. He hasn't come and shared anything with me about his feelings but it is written plainly on his face. His near indifference towards Mei Zhen to his palpable anguish in Jia Li's presence is for everyone to see. I don't know what else do you want to hear from me."

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