The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

40 Chapter 40 Operation – Rescue Groom

Chung didn't say anything for a few moments but simply nodded.

"So what exactly is cooking here now?" he asked, looking at them finally.

Chu gave a silent sigh of relief and walked up to loop her arm through his, "it's called 'Operation - Rescue Groom'. We are the rescuers and Jia Li is the prize."

Chung felt his eyebrows touch his hairline, "uh, guys you do know that this is not a movie and we are trying to meddle in serious affairs. The repercussions will be severe and damaging for all relations."

Ethan gave a reassuring smile and said, "I agree with you completely but I think we all can see that they both are miserable without each other. All we want to do is give them a chance to clear their misunderstandings. Rest depends completely upon them."

Chung digested this with his customary silence.

At that moment, Tang walked up to them and said, "Mei Zhen is very excited about the plan and wants to know what time does everyone plan to leave."

Chu asked archly, "is Mei Zhen also planning to come along? I hope she knows this is not a showcase tour of the five star hotels in the city."

He frowned at his sister's tone but was distracted the next minute by the arrival of Jia Li.

"Wow, you could almost pass for an under-grad student in that attire," exclaimed Ethan.

Jia Li looked down at her distress jeans and crop top consciously before replying, "I was aiming for comfort over fashion. Do you think I went overboard?"

Li Jie assured her that it was fine and that they should target leaving in another twenty minutes if they wanted to explore the city.

"We shall take good care of her. Don't worry at all, brother Tang. You relax and enjoy with your guests here," whispered Chu with a wink.

"Who told you that I wasn't coming along? Did you think I would let her roam the Shanghai roads without me? Do you know she has a habit of not waiting for incoming traffic but just walking headlong onto the road, lost in…?" Tang stopped mid-sentence at the weird look on his sister's face.

"I was talking about Mei Zhen but I guess you were on a slightly different tangent, big brother," she said with a knowing look.

She started to walk away when he angrily held her by the arm, "I want to know what is the deal with this friend of yours. Does he have no scruples, hitting on married women? Please tell me that he is not the sleazy type. Jia Li may be a twenty seven years old woman but she is still quite blind when it comes to men flirting with her. Did you know that Cheng Fu, her husband, was hitting on her from day one of their meeting? This was during the time that she was still my girlfriend. I had warned her enough number of times but she used to just laugh it off. And why the hell are you looking at me like that, Chu?"

She wiped the tears, which had gathered in her eyes and gave him a tight squeeze.

"I love you big brother and…umm, nothing. I am glad you are coming with us. We haven't spent quality time together in some years now. It would be good fun," she added.

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