The Gorgeous Ex Girlfriend

70 Are you joining us?

Chung rebutted firmly, "all of us are of the opinion that this might be the trigger for Jia Li to get a move-on in life. Keeping that aside, the decision has been left on her to decide whether she wants to stay here for the weekend or move out."

"You are not understanding the ramifications of this. Maybe from Jia Li's point of view, this is what she needs. But have you factored in Tang's reaction when he finds out about her divorce? You know he is a different person when it comes to her. Are you sure that she would be able to handle all the grief and guilt that he would throw her way? Considering it is her birthday, that is sure to add to the volatility, right…" he argued passionately.

Kong placed a hand on his agitated shoulder, "I appreciate your concern for her. I also understand your own insecurity on this topic. Trust me, I have been in this position. The lesson that I learnt in my situation was that it is much better to let it play out the way it is supposed to rather than try and influence it. You cannot protect her forever, how so ever much your instinct is clamouring for it. If she is meant to come to you, there is no better opportunity than this to find that out. I know you are thinking that it is too soon and you haven't connected enough with her yet. But, my friend, it's never enough. So have faith in her and yourself."

The room was quiet except for the noise of the TV cartoon which had kept Hua occupied throughout the adults' discussion.

Jia Li showered and changed on an autopilot. Was she being a coward by not willing to face the truth of Tang's marriage or that of her own? Was she that scared, what exactly was she worried about? The truth was bound to come out one day, someday. It wasn't fair to everyone that they change the hotel because she couldn't brave it out. All she needed to do was avoid running into the couple for the next day and a half. That wouldn't be too tough. With that pep talk to self, she walked upto Chung's room.

"I just saw Wei downstairs while I had gone to check out the hotel. Did you know he was also coming here this weekend?" Mei Zhen spoke while getting dressed for dinner.

"What? He is also here?" Tang was surprised.

"Who else is here?" she asked.

"Huh?" he was lost in his thoughts again.

Mei Zhen asked with barely suppressed impatience, "you said he is ALSO here. So who else is here?"

"Uh, I…that is, I saw Jia Li in the lobby earlier this evening," he struggled for normalcy in his tone.

"What? What is she doing here? Did you…" she shrieked.

"The fish monger profile doesn't suit you. Unfortunately, it has been surfacing frequently enough for me to bring this up. And no, why on Earth would I think of asking her to come here, not that she would come even if I did so," he uttered the last bit more to himself than her.

Without another word, he continued dressing up.

"It must be Jia Li", Angad said, crossing the room to open the door as the bell rung.

"Long time no see…it seems a reunion is happening, that too without me. Have I become dispensable then, to the group?" Tang asked with a touch of rancour to his long-time friend.

He followed up his words with a hard hug to Angad and entered the room to see his friend's family and Li Jie seated comfortably. His eyes swept the room again in case he had missed seeing HER in the first instance. He had left his room before Mei Zhen could finish her toilette.

Walking down to the reception, he had used his rarely exercised charm to extract Chung's room number. Then he had steeled himself to meet Jia Li's husband. He wanted to set an example of ease and comfort with his behaviour, both for Jia Li and all his friends. Maybe they could all coexist without the current awkwardness henceforth. This could in fact be the opening that he has been looking for. A way to get her back in his life, even in the tiniest way.

"So where is the birthday girl?" he asked Li Jie after brushing aside their uncomfortable apologies.

He knew that Jia Li wouldn't have wanted him in the same proximity as her husband. He didn't want to make his friends feel awkward about it any further. But it had hurt him that none of them had even mentioned about it to him.

"I think she should be here any minute. We are headed down for dinner. You joining in?" Le asked with a smile.

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