!!"I am on my way to book a hotel nearby to stay in. Tang wants me to keep an eye on Jia Li, especially post the happenings of this morning. He is also agitated about Wei's proximity to Jia Li right now. While I am here, you should think of ways to get everyone to agree to let Tang come here to convalesce for a few days. That should give him an opportunity to explore Jia Li's heart," Ethan said sagely.

"As always, you are absolutely right, my love," Chu smiled into the phone.

"You seem to be busy holding romantic conversations with your fiancé while your brother has suffered massive injuries. Is this the level of your sisterly love?," Mei Zhen's voice carried censure in her voice, as she crept up behind Chu, unannounced.

Chu calmly wrapped up her call and turned around.

"Don't spout nonsense. My brother has escaped nearly unharmed and I am thankful to God for that. I don't see nor do I wish to see any massive injury on him. Another thing, has no one taught you that it is impolite to eavesdrop on someone's private conversation?" she replied in the same vein.

Mei Zhen fumed at her sister in-law's sharp words. Before she could continue her tirade, Mr. Xie came there.

"Both of you, stop fighting. I understand that everyone's nerves are on the edge but that doesn't mean you should behave in a manner not befitting the Xie family," he told both of them sternly.

Right then, Mr. Xie's assistant came there with the neurosurgeon, the one whom they had been waiting for. The man had been asleep when he had received the urgent summons. Recognising the Xie family to be one of the top business houses in the country, he had complied with the request to travel, cancelling all other operations for the day. Mr. Xie rushed him in to examine Tang.

The doctor asked everyone to leave the room. He wanted to examine the patient without anyone standing vigil. After the physical examination, the doctor asked the hospital to run some specific tests and scans on him. While they awaited the reports, he asked Tang a barrage of questions.

Initially when Tang had concocted the plan to fake his loss of memory, he had mulled over taking the assigned doctor into confidence about his scheme. But almost immediately, he had rejected the thought. He didn't want to take any chance where the doctor may spill the beans to his father. As a result, he was trying to brave out and outguess the doctor while answering his probing questions now.

After an hour of engaging with Tang, the doctor finally came out and addressed the Xie family, who had been waiting impatiently outside.

"The patient is suffering from a mild concussion. He also seems to have a six year gap in his memory. The good thing is that his reports show no swelling or major hit on his skull. He is emotionally stable, and it should help him recover faster. Having said that, no one can predict accurately as to when would he get his memory back. Even if major chunks return, there may be some gaping holes which would probably always exist. As of now, he needs to rest it out completely. Travel is not advisable for the next thirty six hours after which you may shift him back to Shanghai. He can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, if no further complications arise. Needless to say, no undue stress or discomfort should be given to the patient. Try and keep him in good humour. The only thing you must be careful about is that there should be absolutely no attempt to push him into remembering anything. I have informed him about his current situation. He knows that this is year 2019," the doctor finished on that dramatic revelation.

"How did he take the news?" Mrs. Xie asked worriedly.

The doctor replied, "he is confused and is feeling overwhelmed. It is normal to feel so and as he starts going back to routine, this feeling will dissipate slowly. In the meantime, don't leave him alone for too long a period. My work is done here. When you reach Shanghai, give me a call and I shall come see him again."

Mr. Xie thanked the doctor and told his assistant to see him off.

Mrs. Xie and Chu walked rapidly towards the room. But Mr. Xie held Mei Zhen back.

Choosing his words carefully, he started, "I know this has been tough on you. But the important thing is that Tang has escaped unscathed. Like the doctor said, it is important that we don't say or do anything to agitate him."

"You mean like question him as to why had he come to visit his ex-girlfriend without informing his wife about it? Or even telling him that he has a wife now whom he doesn't seem to remember," she said caustically.

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