The Governor is Sick

Chapter 126: Lone Kite Blizzard

Ah Chu pushes her away, hands and feet and crawls to the side.

Bai Liyu looked down at her empty embrace, and the temperature of A-chu just passed away. She felt her hands become cold every inch. She raised her head and opened her **** and white eyes and said, "Sister, what's wrong with you? I'll pick you up."

Ah Chu leaned against the wall and looked at her alertly.

"Are you worried that I will punish you, right?" Bai Lijie smiled suddenly. "I originally wanted to punish you for coming, after all, you betrayed me. If it wasn't for you, Shen Yan was dead at this time. But then I was angry. It's gone, I think it's fine, Sister Ah is just an ordinary woman, and it must have been scared by my assassin at that time. "She stood up and continued," So I gave you five days to calm down, wait You take it easy. Sister, haven't you taken your breath away yet? It doesn't matter, it's the same when you get back to Snow Mountain and slowly adjust. "

Ah Chu took her own hand, forcing herself to calm down, and calmly said, "I ... I don't want to go, Ayu, you go. I promise not to go to the officer, you go!"

The girl stood in front of the candlelight and looked up from below. Her face was covered with a thin shadow, and she could not tell whether she was happy or angry. She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at Ah Chu, "Aren't we sisters? Sister and sister should stay together."

"I ... I'm uncomfortable and can't stand the fatigue of the boat and the car. Shuobei is too cold, I can't bear it, or ... Can you see me again next year?" A Chuqiang pulled a smile and looked away. The window behind kite floated. The window hole was a little far away from her, and she was not sure to climb out through Bailifang. The more she thought about it, the more desperate she was, her body shaking.

The shadow seemed to be deeper, and A Chu tried to see the look of the Baili kite, but only saw her porcelain white chin and red lips. There was suffocating silence in the room. She didn't speak, and Ah Chu couldn't figure out what she was thinking. Fear is like a snake, licking Ah's hand.

"Sometimes I really want to dissect your **** and take a look. Is the beating heart hot or cold there? I also called me Aye affectionately the other day and turned my head to betray me!" Bai Lijie sneered lowly, "I thought you were different from others, Sister A. You are shaking, are you afraid of me? Do you also think that I am an evil spirit?"

She leaned down and stared straight at Ah Chu's eyes. "I give you another chance, either swallow the bliss and leave with me, or die."

Bliss! A Chu hit a spirit, a straight corpse on the bluestone slab appeared in front of her, a boneless prostitute on the carved bed, Bai Lijie's eyes seemed bloody, and she saw the corpses piled into the mountains from the eyes of those black crickets.

"I don't want to!" Ah Chu screamed, pushed away the Baili kite, unplugged the gold head from the hairpin, and looked at her. "You lunatic, you screamed my sister, but secretly hurt you All the people in Yunxianlou! You have resentment with Shen Zhen, just kill him. Why do you want to involve innocent people! You ... "Ah Chu shuddered, gritted her teeth," Your father and mother said Yes, you are a ghost! "

In the words of A Chu, if the daughter-in-law stabbed into the heart with a sharp blade, the color of crickets appeared in the eyes of Baili kite. He raised his hand to ask the assassin to enter the door, but saw tears in his eyes. The teardrops smashed to the ground drop by drop, as if broken into tens of millions of beads. Baili kite froze slightly, her face slowly receded, she lowered her eyes, turned her head to look out the window, shaking Tang Tanghua, and whispered softly: "Sister, the story I gave you last time is not over yet Do you still want to listen? "

She did not wait for A Chu to answer, and said to herself: "After the death of Brother Nine, my father and mother will not allow me to go down again. The days on the top of the mountain are really boring. You will know if you have been there. Except for snow, it is the sky, except for the sky, it is still the snow. It is white and empty, and there is no extra color. I make snowmen every day, and there are too many snowmen to stand, so I push the snowmen off the cliff and make new ones. I opened the library library in Lili and let me go read. I turned to many ancient medical books, which contained a lot of weird old recipes. I tried them one by one, the snow fox was not easy to catch, and the weasel rabbit and mouse were killed by me. I will try it myself. Then one day I discovered that I could never grow up again. "

A Chu lay down her sister-in-law, and Bai Liyu turned around and looked at her distantly. "Sister A Chu, I was born on the tenth day of the eighteenth of the eighteenth year of the eighteenth year of Qianyuan in the heavy snow. An old monk came and said I was a born evil. "

"Are you ... are you 19 years old this year?" A Chu stared.

"Yes." Bai Lijie looked down at her palm. "Like a monster, right, nine years, I have grown three inches tall. Ordinary people have sky-sunflowers at the age of fourteen, I only had them last year. Like you, I Father and mother think so, I'm a monster, **** it. "

She remembered that many years ago, her father and mother took the doctor up the mountain to see her. She was very happy. This was the first time the father and mother came up the mountain for her. She was lying on the stepping bed, watching the doctor pinch her pale wrist. The doctor pinched for a while, and went out without a word.

The doctor's face was not good, and she was in a panic, and sneaked up. She had a hunch that she might never get better. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't grow up, it's always good to be a child. She thought that this was a little longer, and maybe her father and mother would come up to see her again. She stepped barefoot across the white snow in the flowerbed, and stepped on the cold plum bricks. As quiet as death, she only heard the crackling of her bare feet on the ground.

Touching the zen room where her father and mother were staying, through the window of Biyanluo, she saw the shadow of her father and mother sitting and the doctor. The old man pinched his goatee and shook his head gently.

"This is the retribution of your Baili family, God's retribution!" Said her mother, "What can I do if this disease is not cured? She is like a monster!"

The room was silent for a long time, she held her knees and listened to the sound of snow. Finally, she heard Dad's voice: "Well, send her to the Western Regions. Since she is a ghost, she should be as hard as a ghost. Send her to the Western Regions, and then let her die!"

The words were cold and hard, and it was cold in her ears to her ears. They finally did not want her, like throwing a dog, to a foreign country, to a distant place that they would never see again in their lives. She didn't know how she returned to the zen room and climbed onto the cold bed. The word "monster" spit out of her mother's mouth, echoed in her ears, and finally turned into a scream.

"Monster!" "Monster!" She thought wryly, she was a monster.

She flipped up the medical book again, and the flowers outlined by the ink pen came into view, and the thin petals curled and tightened, biting like a circle of sharp teeth. She remembered that whenever the winter passed, a lot of these flowers bloomed outside the zen house, spreading from the top of the mountain to the mountainside, like a dying flame, which was the only beautiful color on the top of the mountain.

It turned out that under the heavy snow was always a murderous yin.

"July and a half are not enough for me. It only develops once a year, and I can't wait that long! So I increased the concentration of the pill, twice as much as four times, and four times as soon as eight times. Finally, I administer There is a bliss. "

"Did you feed it to your father and mother?" A Chu asked wryly.

"I crushed the pill into powder and poured it into Bailijia's water source." Bailijie sneered, "Balijia is on the mountainside, and I am on the top of the mountain, and a river originates from the cold spring on the top of the mountain. They are all taken from this river. Isn't it stupid? Build a sentry box around the mansion, wrapped like a fortress, but the lifeblood is exposed. "

"How many people are there in the Baili family?" A Chu asked.

"I don't know, never counted it." Bai Lijie laughed. "In short, when I went down to visit them, everyone was crazy. Sister, you really should look at that scene, that was the happiest time in my life. "

She carried a white rabbit lantern, humming on the corridor, ignited as she walked, the flames spread at her pace, climbed up the big red pillar, climbed the painted room beam, and climbed the ridge of the house. Spine Beast. Her sister and brother crawled out of the room with cramps, crying and asking her for bliss. She scattered a handful of powder with expressionless expressions. They scrambled to lick on the ground, and her clothes were burned and unknowingly.

Her father stepped out of the fire with a knife, and the flames burned behind him. His beard flew open in the waves of fire, and his anger was like a **** of war.

He growled angrily: "Bali, you beast!"

But in the end he still did not resist the onset of drug addiction. His long sword fell to the ground, the back of his hands and forehead were bruised, and his face fell to the ground with a twisted knee. He struggled to raise his head, looking at the indifferent girl in the sea of ​​fire, "I really should have heard the master's words and killed you ... you are a ghost!"

"Yeah, why didn't you kill me? You didn't kill me," Bai Lijie tilted her head and looked at him. "It's you who die."

She turned around and walked out of Hou's house. The sea of ​​fire burned behind her, the ruins collapsed one after another, and her kinship was broken. She has no relatives in this world.

"Everyone ... is dead ..." Ah Chu was cold.

"Yeah," a nasty smile appeared on Bailifang's lips. "Since they say I'm a ghost, then I'll show them! I don't know if they are dissatisfied with my Shura ghost!"

A Chu shivered, "You lunatic ... Baili kite, it's your father and mother who don't want you, and it's your second sister who's framing you. You have grievances in your heart, just punish them. Why kill others? people!"

"They are all a gang! These are their faults! Since I hate that I am a ghost, why didn't you kill me early, why should I stay there?" Bai Lijie face sullen, "Since you left me, you should have been Expect such consequences. "

A Chu shivered, Bai Liyu squatted down and touched her smooth cheeks. She looked very good when she wasn't wearing makeup. Her face was so clean and her eyes seemed to be hiding beautiful scenery in her dark and big eyes. Bai Lijie whispered softly: "Sister, I know that you are not the same as them. Will you go with me? Only then did I say that feeding you bliss fruit is abusive and teasing you. You are my only loved one. Now, how could I treat you like that? I never blame you for betraying me, we all forgot it, okay? "

A Chu Wu shook his head.

Bailifang continued: "I have a lot of gold, I renovated Hou's house, and we live together. Don't you say that you have a queen's life, I will let you be the queen of Shuobei. From now on, no one will Do n’t dare to bully you, everyone must be at your feet and chit chitose to you! ”

"I don't!" A Chu burst into tears, "I would rather be a prostitute for a lifetime in Rouge Alley, thousands of people riding 10,000 people pillows, not the Queen of North Shuo, your sister!"


Like dead.

The laughter in Baili kite's eyes faded inch by inch, and turned gray by inch. In the end, her face regained the indifference of a white porcelain mask, cold like snow and ice for thousands of years. Baili kite drew a dagger from the waist, and the edge of the cold light was facing Ah Chu's brows. She expressionlessly said: "Then you will die, Ah Chu."

Ah Chu closed her eyes and tightened her neck involuntarily. Before the dagger had reached her brows, she seemed to have felt the cool coldness and sharp pain. Her heart shrank, and in the silence she heard only her turbulent heartbeat.

However, after a long time, the expected pain didn't hit the eyebrows. Something warm was dripping onto the back of her hand, and there was a sweet smell on the tip of her nose. She opened her eyes, facing the tip of a dagger close at hand. It was only an inch from her eyebrow, and it was just a little closer, it could kill her. But a small hand grasped it. It was Bai Lijie's left hand, and blood dripped from her fingers, like a broken bead curtain.

Baili kite bowed her head, Liu Hai covered her eyes, A Chu could only see her chin, and the tears that flowed down the chin.

She was crying, like a child.

Why are you crying? Bailifang didn't know, she just felt that there was a huge sadness that caught her and almost choked her. She didn't cry when her father and mother said "death and death are hers." She didn't cry when all the funeral bliss was drowned in the sea of ​​fire. Now she was crying.

She stood up with a loose hand, turned around, a temperatureless smile on her lips, "You are all human, I am a monster. People and monsters cannot be together."

Ah Chu stared blankly at her back.

She came to the door, the assassin opened the door for her, and the moonlight came in, and she was a dark shadow in that bright light.

"Don't you want to kill me, yes, and his brother Xiahou Xun. Let them come, I will wait for them in the snowy mountains." Bai Lijie said coldly, "If they don't come, I will let the whole Qi becomes Shura's killing ground! "

She left after speaking, and the assassin disappeared, as if she never appeared. The night breeze blew across the deserted and crippled courtyard, and the dead branches and sandy sofas sounded. Her bead curtains shuddered and shuddered into the moonlight. Ah Chu felt very tired, she got up on her feet, and slowly sat on the stepping bed. Bai Liyu had sat here before, but she could not feel her temperature. Ah Chu lay down on her side, tears running silently across the corner of her eyes, and suddenly she saw a snail box beside the pillow.

what is this? She sat up again, opened it, and there was only a thin piece of yellow paper in it. She opened the yellow paper, and the dense text on it caught her eyes.

Zhou Chu, 28 years old, was born in Shuntianfu. She was originally a prostitute in the Rouge Hutong Jiao Fang. She is now a good citizen, and was born in the first year of Xuanhe.

Event: None.

The right household post pays Zhou Chu acceptor.

Xuanhe tenth day of the first month

Tong Xian Fan Xian

She trembled, and it took her a long time to respond. This was her account post. Tears fell down and dripped on the yellow paper, like a hazy moon shadow. She put down the household note papers and ran out to yell, "Ayu! Ayu!"

No one responded to her, only the wind in the courtyard and the moon in the courtyard.

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