The Grand Secretary’s Pampered Wife

Eight hundred and eighth dragon 1's life experience

Xiao Heng was stunned for a moment.

When Long Yi saw the little master was stunned, he was also stunned, and even opened his mouth in sync.

Xiao Heng blinked dumbly, and raised his hand.

He closed the door, and he opened it again.

Long Yi is still here, it's not a dream, Long Yi has really come.



Before Xiao Heng finished speaking, Long Yi pulled the door over and closed it, and then Long Yi pushed the door open again.

Xiao Heng couldn't laugh or cry, he was already twenty years old, he was no longer the little troublemaker who asked Long Yi to play with him every day.

But everyone has changed, only Long Yi has not changed.

The tip of Xiao Heng's nose suddenly felt a little sour. To him, Long Yi was not a bodyguard, not a servant, but a family member like Princess Xinyang, who accompanied him through his ignorant and naughty childhood.

Never be mad at him, never be disappointed in him.

"Long Yi..."

His voice was almost choked.

But before he was moved to tears, Long Yi clamped him tightly.

Xiao Heng felt dizzy for a while, tears were forced back, and then Long Yi didn't say anything (mostly because he didn't say anything) and took Xiao Heng to an empty room.

"This is Gu Chengfeng's room." Xiao Heng said with his head and feet down.

Long Yi went next door again.

"This is the house for the monarch." Xiao Heng said again.

Long Yi continued to walk forward and came to the third empty room.

This is Gu Jiao's house.

Xiao Heng decisively shut up.

Come on, throw me on Jiaojiao's bed!

Long Yi turned around and went out.

Xiao Heng: "..."

Long Yi found Xiao Heng's house,

After all, there was only one room left.

He pulled off Xiao Heng's outer clothes three times and five times, leaving only one inner garment and threw it into the mosquito net mercilessly.

Xiao Heng got up slightly: "Long Yi, I—"

Long Yi covered his face with a slap and pushed him back onto the pillow.

It's bed time for the little master.


When Gu Jiao returned to Fengyuan, the oil lamp in Xiao Heng's room had already been extinguished, and Long Yi was sitting on the beam with his back against the beam and fell asleep with his long sword in his arms.

This is Long Yi's habit of guarding Princess Xinyang and Xiao Heng over the years, as long as he is in an unfamiliar environment, he will guard them to rest.

He must have been exhausted from the journey, and his breathing was a bit heavier than before.

Xiao Heng quietly sat up, and quietly stretched out a finger to open the mosquito net.

Long Yi's body moved.

"I'm going to the latrine." Xiao Heng said.

Long Yi hurried on the road continuously, didn't get a full night's sleep, and had another fight with Dark Soul, in fact, he was already exhausted.

He won't wake up without a dangerous breath approaching.

Xiao Heng walked out lightly, and as soon as he reached the door, he saw Gu Jiao in the opposite corridor.

He walked over quickly.

Gu Jiao looked at him unexpectedly: "I thought you were asleep."

Xiao Heng whispered: "No, I'm waiting for you, go in and talk, don't wake up Long Yi."

Gu Jiao murmured: "Did Long Yi sleep?"

Xiao Heng nodded: "Well, he is very tired, I have never seen him so tired before."

Gu Jiao turned her head and glanced at the closed door opposite, pushed the door open and entered the room together with Xiao Heng.

"Have Gu Chengfeng and the monarch arrived?" Gu Jiao took out a fire pocket and lit an oil lamp.

"Here we are, they're all asleep." Xiao Heng said, he walked to the table and poured Gu Jiao a cup of herbal tea, "You drink some water first."

Gu Jiao was really thirsty, she took the cup and gulped down three cups.

Xiao Heng looked at her distressedly: "Are you injured?"

"They all got there in time and I wasn't hurt." Her feet were out of the way.

"What's the matter with Gu Changqing?" Xiao Heng asked.

Gu Jiao told Xiao Heng about the dead man's oolong incident caused by Master Guoshi, and Xiao Heng didn't know what to say after hearing it.

How could it be like this?

I really look forward to the day when Gu Changqing knows the truth.

Will he kill his foolish self, or will he kill the big foolish national teacher?

Gu Jiao said thoughtfully: "I have a doubt. Our actions are very covert. How did the national teacher know that we were going to the palace to steal the monarch? Does this mean that he knows that the monarch in the court is fake?"

Xiao Heng said solemnly: "I think it may be because of his boundless magic power, he calculated it through divination."

Gu Jiao narrowed her eyes slightly: "So it's you."

Xiao Heng retorted straight away: "It's not me!"

Gu Jiao: Hehe.

Xiao Heng peeled an orange and gave it to Gu Jiao: "Eat oranges, eat oranges!"

Gu Jiao took the orange and gave him back a little look that I have seen through.

Xiao Heng smiled slightly: "By the way, how did you meet Long Yi?"

"That's how it happened." Gu Jiao succinctly narrated how Long Yi arrived in time and beat up the dark soul, and brought up two important points.

One, Long Yi is killing the sky, it's a real hammer.

Two, Long Yi and Dark Soul are old acquaintances, but it's a pity that Long Yi lost his memory and doesn't remember everything from the past.

Three, Long Yi may also speak.

Regarding the third point, Xiao Heng did not have any doubts. After all, except for the late emperor of Zhao Kingdom, no one trained his dead soldiers into tools that could not communicate.

"As for the second point, I can answer you." Xiao Heng said, "Shi Tian and An Hun are brothers from the same school, and Shi Tian is a junior with extraordinary talents."

Gu Jiao suddenly realized: "They are actually in this level of relationship, no wonder Anhun talks to Long Yi like that... But, who did you listen to?"

Xiao Heng thought for a while, and finally contributed his strong desire to survive: "National Teacher."

Gu Jiao suddenly became fascinated, when did the relationship between you two become so good? Did he tell you this kind of news that can't be found in Zangshu Pavilion?

Xiao Heng coughed lightly: "It's Xiao Qing, the national teacher and Xiao Qing have a good relationship."

He is thanks to Xiao Qing's blessing.

"Speaking of which, Xiao Qing has been traveling for so long, isn't your mother worried?"

Xiao Heng smiled: "He took his bodyguards to travel around the rivers and lakes when he was six years old, and he won't suffer a lot outside."

Gu Jiao asked, "What were you doing when you were six?"

Xiao Heng spread his hands: "I am brought by my mother every day, and I am not allowed to leave her for a single step. Apart from reciting poems every day, I am practicing calligraphy."

Gu Jiao rubbed her chin: "The way the two raise their children is really quite different. Then, do you envy Xiao Qing?"

Will you wish to be like Xiao Qing, who doesn't have to be forced to study or practice calligraphy, but to spend every day in style and joy?

"No." Xiao Heng said.

"Why?" Gu Jiao asked.

Xiao Heng held her soft hand and stared deeply into her eyes: "Because if I grew up in Yan Country, I wouldn't be able to meet you."


Leng Gong.

Dark soul returned to the east courtyard covered in blood.

When Han came out of the room, she was taken aback by his appearance: "How did you do this? Where is Your Majesty?"

Dark Soul said indifferently: "He was taken away."

Han frowned and said, "Didn't I ask you to chase him back?"

Dark Soul's face turned ugly: "Do you think I let them go on purpose?"

Han choked.

Dark Soul is her staff member, not her servant, and she really should treat him with courtesy.

She slowed down her tone and said, "You are seriously injured, I'll send someone to find an imperial doctor."

Her attitude softened, and Dark Soul's attitude naturally became less aggressive.

Dark Soul waved his hand: "No need, I'll just heal myself."

Han asked again: "What happened? Who hurt you like this?"

Dark Soul didn't rush to answer Han's question, but asked, "Who is that Xiao Liulang?"

Han realized something and asked, "Did he do what happened tonight?"

"You answer me first." Dark Soul said.

Mrs. Han frowned: "He is from Zhaoguo. He entered Tianqiong Academy under the identity of Xiao Liulang, and now he has become the adopted son of Lord An. His specific identity has not been found yet."

An Hun thought about what happened tonight, and his chest began to ache again: "You'd better check it out quickly. If Yan Country can't find it, then send someone to Zhao Country to investigate. This kid is weird."

Mrs. Han agreed: "He is indeed a little weird. He was young, but he was able to kill Nangong Li, defeat Han Ci and snatch the Black Wind Camp. He may be a move by Shangguan Yan."

An Hun snorted coldly: "Shangguan Yan has no such ability!"

"What? Is this Xiao Liulang very powerful?" Even the royal princess of Shang Kingdom can't control him?

An Hun said coldly: "It's not that he has a big background, it's my junior brother from the same sect!"

Han said thoughtfully: "I heard you mentioned your little junior brother. You said he is very powerful and is your only opponent in the world, but isn't he dead?"

The dark soul looked darkly and said: "I thought he was dead, but I saw him again tonight. He is with Xiao Liulang!"

"So he beat you seriously?" Han Shi couldn't believe it, and there was even a little gap in his heart.

She always thought that Dark Soul was the number one expert in the Six Kingdoms.

The dark soul glanced at Han, and snorted coldly: "I underestimated the enemy this time, next time, I will definitely kill him with my own hands!"

Little junior brother, little junior brother, do you know that you went to Zhao country with a mission?

It doesn't matter if the task is not completed, but he actually forgot who he is!

That being the case, then don't blame senior brother for me to clean up the door for master!

-----Off Topic-----

It's the end of the month, and it's time to clear the bills

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