The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

: It's birthday, let's talk about the new book!

   I almost forgot about my birthday, but Master Batian from the book friend group reminded me.

   In previous years, I would occasionally send testimonials on birthdays, but this book, I thought it was finished, and I won't send testimonials again... Well, because it's almost finished.

   Speaking of the end of the book, it is inevitable to talk about the new book.

   Regarding new books, I have never panicked, because I often proudly say in the book friends group that I have been writing books for many years and have accumulated hundreds of new book ideas in the document.

   In the past few years, I published a book, maybe I have considered the next book, or even the next book, which idea to choose.

   Among these new book ideas, I prepared them more perfectly and satisfied, and then released them. The first one is Fengxian, and the second one is Taixu Hualong.

   Fengxian rushed to the street thoroughly, so let's stop here.

Taixu Hualong chapter is okay, the early stage is very good, the data is barely good-looking, in fact, in the current online literature world, my style of Xianxia is vaguely outdated and old-fashioned, and can have the previous results. It was unexpected.

  唔, I used to open a book, I always thought about what to write later, and didn't panic at all.

   But now I am a little confused, because the so-called hundreds of new book opening ideas seem to be really outdated, dog-blooded, and clichéd... This is probably my personal growth in writing, and my vision has improved.

   Recently, I am mainly considering whether it is time to reimagine a new book suitable for the current style, or to overthrow and rewrite the old beginnings in a way suitable for the present. [After writing a book for a few years, it seems that I have only recently become acquainted, and I vaguely understand how to modify it, and vaguely have a direction for change. 】

  The new book has not yet been decided, so I am a little confused about the future.

   In fact, what I want to write most at the moment is that there are two books, which are also the beginning of many years in the document.

   One is an urban category. The urban category usually has the highest traffic, but the crabs and monsters are rampant and easy to cool off.

One is a fairy tale, classical fairy tale style, similar to you Fang, but different, the style will be more niche, the self-feeling subscription will be more sluggish, and because of the overall style of writing, it is probably not long, just short and medium. The shelves may be almost over. [Ps: I always feel that the style and picture of this book may be biased towards the style of film and television, but the subscription will be relatively sluggish. As for the adaptation, a few years ago, I could touch the slim hope with the idea of ​​fluke, but now it is It's hard to get to the blue sky, no hope. 】

   If you want to write these two books, the outline and framework, settings and characters can be unchanged, but it is probably necessary to overthrow the original beginning, consume energy, and rewrite the beginning in a new way.

  The most important thing is that in the past few months, the turmoil on the platform caused the traffic to be quite sluggish. Originally, I lacked confidence and felt very embarrassed. I always feel that publishing books at this time is still a bit inappropriate.

   So, take a moment to slow down the update, and I will consider the new book. After a while, it will be over, and I will probably rest for a while.

  Ps: There is another more terrible thing. After the birthday, the family may be more aggressive in urging marriage, and the single dog trembles.

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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