The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 87: I am Dongting Dragon Lord!

   The fox set a test.

  The test is in Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

   And Dongxuan Xianting Lake is the only demon clan force among all the demon races in the sky that is not controlled by the great abyss.

   In the consideration of Yue Ting, Zhuang Ming, and Liu Yuexuan, it should be to kill with a knife.

   It is precisely because Dongxuan Xianting Lake is not under the control of the Great Abyss, so no matter how tragic the process and results of the test are, it will not be the Great Abyss Demon Race that will be damaged.

   In addition, it is not a bad thing for the Great Abyss Demon Race to kill Zhuang Ming by the hand of Dongxuan Xianting Lake, or to conquer Dongxuan Xianting Lake by Zhuang Ming's hand.

   But at the moment Yue Ting heard it, this nine-tailed white fox obviously had something to say.

   "What do you mean?" Yue Ting frowned.

   "The fox was once favored by Dongting Dragon King." The nine-tailed white fox suddenly said so.


   Yue Ting was stunned. In the previous calculations, the fox's plan was not good for Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

   If Fox Zun and Dongting Dragon Lord had an antagonism, Yue Ting would not be surprised. Now this action is quite vengeful.

   But what if you have grace?

  Isn't this taking revenge?

   "It's not that simple."

Nine-tailed white fox said: "If Zhuang Ming falls on Dongxuan Xianting Lake, it means that Dongting Dragon Lord really hates the lord of the Southern Territory. This action of the fox has fulfilled the wish of the Lord of Dongting Dragon and annihilated the lord of the Southern Territory. A true dragon. If Zhuang Ming passes the test of Dongxuan Xianting Lake, it can be regarded as a heritage for Dongting Dragon Lord... But more importantly, it is Dongxuan Xianting Lake, which has a deep secret. ."

   Yue Ting muttered, "What is the deepest secret?"

   The nine-tailed white fox said, "The fox doesn't know, but the fox wants to know."

   Yue Ting touched his chin and said, "What is this called?"

   The nine-tailed white fox slowly said: "You return Zhuang Ming, if he is smarter than you, he should be able to realize it."

   Yue Ting's eyes were full of weird colors, and he said, "You mean I am not smart enough."

   The nine-tailed white fox nodded and said, "You are not stupid."


  The sky is deserted.

  Dongxuan Xianting Lake, Jinxuan Dongfu.

   "Finally came in."

   Liu Yuexuan frowned slightly.

   The formation skills of this Jinxuan Dongfu were better than he thought.

   But it is also within the scope of breaking.

   After all, even the formations laid by Dongting Longjun himself were broken by Liu Yuexuan, let alone the son of Dongting Longjun?

   He patted his clothes, looked inside the Dong Mansion, and said admiringly: "The accomplishment of the formation is only one thing worse than that of Dongting Dragon Lord."

  Dongting Dragon Lord, one of the most powerful beings under the Great Supernatural Powers, this Golden Profound Dragon's formation skills are indeed only a bit lower than Dongting Dragon Lord.

   This kind of formation is already extremely brilliant.

   According to the demon gods of Dongxuan Xianting Lake, Jinxuan Longzi's cultivation base is only at the level of the true immortal peak.

   But his accomplishments in the formation are really admirable.

Liu Yuexuan does not hesitate to praise, anyway, saying some good things will not lose the skin, mainly because you are in the Dongfu, saying a few good things, if there is any obsession with the broken spirit, you will hear one or two, and your heart will be happy. The net is open.

   "What the **** is this here?"

   "The formation of Dao Palace is hidden in this formation."

   "If it weren't for the sudden ray of light, no one would have noticed it."

   "Why does the array shine?"

   Liu Yuexuan read like this, moving towards the position of the formation.

   The formation is located in the central palace of the cave.

   This should be the main hall of Dongfu, where Jinxuanlongzi is also located.

  If Jin Xuan Longzi is not dead, or if it does not die in a flash, it should lay down a formation that belongs to the dragon clan, and it will condense out of the inheritance formation of Dongting Dragon Lord, which is difficult for outsiders to break except for the dragon clan.

   But among the many demon gods dictated, Jin Xuan Longzi suddenly died suddenly.

   At the end of the Great Tribulation, all the divine beasts of the heavens and all realms were all annihilated and died invisible. Jinxuan Longzi should have suffered a lot at this time.

   Jinxuan Longzi has no time to lay down the dragon clan’s inheritance formation.

   Sure enough, this central palace does not have the inheritance formation of the dragon clan.

   But what surprised Liu Yuexuan was that there was a Dao Gong formation here.

   and it is a pure Dao Gong formation.

   "During his lifetime, Jin Xuan Longzi laid a formation from Dao Palace around the main hall?"

   Liu Yuexuan pondered slightly, he looked at it carefully, and his expression suddenly became a little complicated.

   This is derived from the Dao Palace formation, but it is also an unresolved formation in the inheritance of the Heavenly Master Palace. There is no record of cracking it.

   He frowned slightly and his face was a bit ugly.

   But at this moment, the Dao Palace Formation suddenly radiated again.

   The array method changes suddenly.


   Liu Yuexuan was startled.

   It takes time to break the line.

   But this formation will change into another formation every moment under the change of the formation.

   That is to say, when you try to break the formation, you may have a clue, and this formation will become another unfamiliar formation.

   The difficulty of breaking the formation suddenly increased thousands of times.


   Liu Yuexuan's face was strange.

   He suddenly discovered that the formation method that was changing at this moment, the Heavenly Master Mansion already had a method to crack, and in a short time, he could find the flaws in the formation method.

   However, he hasn't made a move yet, he saw the formation change again.

   Liu Yuexuan felt a little helpless, but when he saw that there were signs of changes in the formation, he suddenly felt that it was OK.

   Not this time, wait for the next time.

   There are thousands of Dao Palace formations, but the Heavenly Master Mansion has cracked seven or eight of them.

   As long as you wait until the next familiar formation, you can break through it in a short time and enter it.


   Yan Zun waters.

  Dongting Fairy House.

   Central Hall.

  The golden dragon is entrenched on the dragon chair.

  The dragon chair shines brightly, but sees its incomparable power and suppresses all directions.

   Inside the hall, the invisible pressure is like an invisible mountain is extremely heavy.

  Before the dragon chair, there is also a real dragon with crystal clear scales and long beards. Under the pressure, it slowly moves forward, within ten feet of the dragon chair.

   "You are not the real person."

   Jin Long suddenly said, "You have a breath corresponding to your true body, but you are not the true body after all."

The real dragon raised his head, uttered words, and said with a smile: "It doesn’t matter whether I’m real or not, it’s just that my breath is the same. This level fights Longwei. My breath is the same as myself, so I have the same pressure. , You can't hold me..."

   Jinlong said aloud: "It's a pity that you come closer and your body collapses?"

   Zhuang Ming said in a low voice: "It's not a pity, because of your Longwei, I can't be restrained."

   Suddenly one in his mouth.

   This is a seal.

  Dongting Dragon Lord's Seal!

  Dongting Dragon Lord's seal refined by the refining method of the national seal of the Great Virtuous Dynasty.

   The golden dragon's eyes changed, suddenly feeling strange.

   And in Jinlong's surprised eyes, Dongting Dragon Lord's seal, the light was brilliant.

   The invisible fortune comes from the eastern waters of Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

   "I am Dongting Dragon Lord!"


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