The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 105: The camp of the ancient gods

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The next day, early morning.

Zhuang Ming left Jieshi City.

He left the edict to City Lord Jieshi, as well as the laws and constraints.

This Jieshi City Lord had not been baptized in the Sacred Pool of Dragon Blood, and he had never known him in the past, but now he is photographed in power, bowing his head and surrendering, naturally he can't talk about loyalty.

But for Zhuang Ming, this is not important.

The important thing is that all tribes in this star-gazing region, after being enlightened, developed a sense of belonging to the Great Virtue sacred dynasty, and can gather for the fortune of the country.

In addition, Zhuang Ming has ordered him to survey the terrain, gather people's hearts, and prepare for the future refinement of the official seal.

As for the Lord Jieshi, it really doesn't matter.

After some time, he will return by himself to explore the faces of the various tribes.

If there is no change, you still don’t know the Dade Dynasty, you still don’t know the law, the law is still the weak and the strong eats the strong, and there is still no tribal terrain survey results from all parties... Then, it’s definitely not for Zhuang Ming to switch to a city lord. Difficult.

And this time, he went to invite the spirit realm.

Because of Taoist Taixu's Can Nian, he recovered a little bit under his warm nourishment, and said a place name.

Nine Palaces.


Nine Palaces.

Zhuang Ming didn't know where this place was.

City Lord Jieshi didn't know, but he invited Spirit Realm to be more prosperous than Stargazing Realm.

In the past, inviting the spiritual realm to compare to the star-gazing realm was only half a catastrophe. They were all barren land. All tribes, large and small, mainly hunted, killed each other, plundered resources, and competed for the hope of survival.

But the difference between Inviting Spiritual Realm and Stargazing Realm is that there are more ancient fairy gods sleeping there.

Perhaps, it is not that there are more fairy gods in the spiritual realm, but fewer fairy gods in the stargazing realm.

"In ancient times, the star-gazing domain was too remote, and the battle of the fairy gods did not spread here too much, so there were not many fairy gods fighting here?"

"But it shouldn't be so."

"Great magicians, fight in the Northern Territory."

"The avenue is chaotic, and the secret is collapsed."

"The entire Northern Territory, there is no surviving place, it is all in ruins."

"The Northern Territory, the most prosperous in the ancient years, is now the one that was most completely destroyed during the war. It is even more desolate than the Eastern Continent, the Desolate, the Western Region, the Southern Heaven and other territories."

"If you calculate it based on this, perhaps in the ancient years, the Spirit of Fallen Realm was the middle part, where the fighting was extremely fierce. There were many fairy gods in the surrounding land, and the Wolf God was one of the few immortal gods that survived, so the Spirit of Fallen realm turned into a dead place. The surrounding territories such as the Stargazing Region appear to be more desolate and remote, with few sleeping fairy gods...because most of them have fallen into the calamity of the ancient times."

"In this way, just speaking of the spirit world, the falling spirit realm should be the middle part of the battle between the immortals and gods in the ancient times."

Zhuang Ming was thinking like this, if in the beginning, he would not think like this.

Because the location of the falling spirit realm lies on the edge of the spirit realm.

But now, he realized another point.

The Northern Territory was reborn in destruction.

All terrains have been affected by the ancient fairy **** fighting method, and thus have been destroyed.

All civilizations, all geographical divisions, tribes and cities of various parties, including customs and feelings everywhere, have not inherited the civilization of the ancient times...There has been a fault in it.

The only thing that has no faults may be the various methods of ancient immortals.

The upper-middle-level practitioners in the Northern Territory are powerful in combat.

"All kinds of civilizations, everything, have created faults, only the level of practice, but the inheritance is more complete than that of Dongzhou and other places?"

Zhuang Ming faintly felt that there might also be hidden feelings about this.


Between Inviting Spirit Realm and Falling Spirit Realm, there is a wide star-gazing area that is more than ten thousand miles away.

For many people, this is a remote realm that can't be reached in a lifetime, and can only be heard in ancient books or other people.

Even, for many people, they are only limited to the small areas around their tribes, and they have never heard of the outside world. They think that the world is as big as they know it, and they are only confined to a dozen surrounding tribes. Within range.

For a fairy **** like Zhuang Ming, he crossed the star-gazing domain and came to the spiritual domain, but it was only a semi-sunlight scene.

Here is still looking desolate and savage, big and small tribes, each in one place, but somehow, inviting the spiritual realm to give Zhuang Ming a sense of vitality.

He was surprised, but he also went to the countryside to follow the customs, changed his attire, and walked on this land.


Three days later, Zhuang Ming had a general understanding of the spiritual realm.

In the past sixty thousand years, the Inviting Spirit Realm is indeed the same as the Star Gazing Realm, but decades ago, many ancient existences gradually recovered.

The Wolf God, where the Stargazing Domain is located, promoted the establishment of Jieshi City, and in a certain aspect, it made the Stargazing Domain different from the past and had a better development.

And there were more than one ancient existence in the spiritual realm, and their resurrection changed the whole spiritual realm.

The tribes in various places are attached to the ancient existence, which is equivalent to recognizing their ancestors and returning to their ancestors... Of course, after the great tribulation, all kinds of tribes have been born and died, and these tribes do not know who is their ancestor, and the gods cannot find themselves. Descendants.

But for the tribe, this is relying on.

For the fairy gods, this is the power and the inheritance of Taoism.

So invited the spiritual realm to have a new look.

There are sects established everywhere.

Cities were built everywhere.

Although only a few decades old, Inviting Spirit Realm is already full of vitality.

That year, the ancient existence revived and the pattern of the Northern Territory changed. The strongest of the Nine Realms of True Profound Realm was no longer the strongest, no longer the ruler, and no longer the superior.

In that year, the tribesmen of the Northern Territory, all kinds of creatures, and those who did not reach the true profoundness, did not know the truth.

That year, should be the first year of the Shengjun calendar, the Bai Shengjun sword broke through the heavenly gate, thus changing the heavens and ten thousand realms, and the Northern Territory was also one of them.

"After the revival of the fairy gods, some things about the ancient times have gradually surfaced."

"The fairy gods of the Northern Territory seem to be more loyal to the ancient times. They want to pass on everything from the ancient culture, customs, customs, etc., so they began to teach all tribes and let them be more loyal to the ancient times. Create a sense of belonging, so that in this way, in an alternative way, to reproduce the ancient style."

"Especially in the stargazing field."

Zhuang Ming walked here and met many practitioners.

These practitioners are proud of the descendants of the immortals.

In the mouths of these practitioners, Zhuang Ming realized that the camps of the ancient times seemed to be clearly divided.


"I heard that the Yuan Lingyu is terrible, blood stained thousands of miles."

"These ignorant people, ignorant of the truth, mistakenly regarded the evil **** as the true **** and worshipped them, speeding up their awakening, leading to the disaster of extinction."

"They worship day and night, but they didn't expect that what they worship is not the true god, but the demons."

"Fortunately, we invited the fairy gods of the spiritual realm. We won that year, leaving behind this piece of land."

"Otherwise, we might also be bewitched by those evil gods and die unfavorably."

"Fortunately, the immortal **** protects me, I invite the spiritual realm to become a pure land."

In many cities, there are markets where practitioners trade, and there are also places to talk.

And these words did not come from the mouths of immortal gods, nor did they come from the mouths of practitioners of the true mystery series, but from the mouths of several holy gods and demons who were only comparable to golden cores.

In Inviting Spirit Realm, such secrets are no longer a secret, and ordinary practitioners can know it.

Even many ordinary city dwellers, tribal people, have also known a lot through word of mouth.

And they have already attributed themselves to a certain camp in the ancient times.

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