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The third domain.

There are also tribes here, but there are also cities.

The people here enshrine stone statues.

This is a strange beast, looks like a liger, and is covered in scales.

This strange beast is lifelike. Many years ago, it was discovered by a tribe and regarded it as a **** statue, worshipped day and night, to protect safety.

"This is the divine beast with unicorn blood?"

"It's not a purebred bloodline, it's not an orthodox beast, otherwise it would have been obliterated back then."

"It is a strange animal under the seat of the Taihua Palace in the Western Heaven Realm. Because of its impure blood, it is still not a true **** after adulthood, so it turned to the Taoist cultivation method and passed through the heavens to become a Taoist fruit. In real terms, it is a demon ."

"It was badly injured back then. After self-proclaimed, it fell into deep sleep, but today the door broke open. It is still sleeping and unconscious and unable to wake up, but the foolish people here regard it as a divine beast."

"In a few years, the more it is enshrined, the faster it will wake up."

"I really want to slaughter these foolish people."

"If you slaughter the ordinary people, how are you different from these monsters?"

"They worship the evil gods from outsiders, which is a capital crime."

"Those who don't know are not guilty, and they have never thought that the gods who will be worshipped in the future will slaughter them once they wake up."

"These evil gods from the outside world entered the heavens for slaughter."

A young immortal **** sighed and said: "How many fellow daoists have fallen? How many innocent mortal creatures, like ant dust, have been affected?"

An old-looking fairy **** said aloud: "The evil **** of the seventh realm, wakes up early, slaughtered 60 million living creatures, and trained a sword that can cut the true celestial celestial being, and cut our way in the seventh realm. All the friends are killed, we must be cautious."

He still didn't say a word.

If the third realm also falls, then it is best that they also slaughter the people in all directions and refine such evil way killing weapons to protect themselves.


Zhuang Ming came to the realm of Tao.

This is a deserted place.

It is said that more than 20 years ago, there were still tribes living, but the evil gods they worshipped revived and swallowed the entire tribe.

The evil **** did not know where he was going, but it seemed that he was still in the third realm.

As for the boundary of the nine palaces, it is still in the hands of the local gods for the time being.

"It's really messy."

"The fairy gods of all parties have not yet recovered their own cultivation bases. At present, they only fight within the level of the casting cauldron, but they still appear tragic."

"The native fairy gods say they are defending this world, but apart from fighting, they will inevitably spread to the mortal world. Many tribes and cities will be destroyed. I don't know how many souls died.

"The ancient catastrophe, think it must be more intense than this?"

Zhuang Ming read this way, and he headed towards the Jiugong Realm.


Nine Palaces.

The place is quite vast, three hundred thousand miles away.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, more than ten great monks of the true mystery series were born here, but in the end, there were nine of them who fought with each other and survived, and they were called nine.

These three hundred thousand miles of land, the nine major forces, each built the city palace, which is called the nine palaces.

Now the nine palaces have been occupied by the revived native gods.

The nine immortals gradually restored this land to its ancient appearance.

This time, Zhuang Ming did not rashly board the Nine Palaces Hall, but walked in this piece of land.

Taixu Taoist appeared in Tianhuang, more than a thousand years.

In other words, the Taoist Taixu has disappeared in this area, and it has a thousand years of experience.

At that time, Master Bai Shengjun had not yet moved the Tianmen with his sword, and the fairy **** had not yet recovered.

Therefore, Taoist Taixu, and these immortals, there should be no intersection.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuang Ming's gaze is placed on the practitioners of the true mystery series.

Especially the Supreme True Profound, and even the Peak True Profound.

Only the upper-level True Profound cultivator survived from that era.

If the Taoist Taixu would have been famous at that time, they would have known it.

But Zhuang Ming faintly worried.

If Taixu Taoist fell in Tianhuang, his cultivation has not been accomplished, but an ordinary practitioner who is not well-known... Then Taixu Taoist who is famous in Tianhuang, I am afraid that there is no reputation here.

Even if there are practitioners of the same age as him, who knows a small person at the time?

If Taoist Taixu was just a small person, then most of the people he met were confined to the bottom of the practice, and most of them had not yet completed their practice and died of their lives.

If no one knows Taixu Taoist, then how to find the "ling" who has intersection with Taixu Taoist?

"If you just let the fallen leaves return to your roots and be buried here, it would be simple..."

Feeling helpless, Zhuang Ming said in his heart: "But who is the one who needs to be buried with you?"

Within the confinement technique in his hands.

The corpse of Taoist Taixu, lying there quietly, did not move at all.

This strong man who caused countless disturbances in the sky, the strong man who brought Zhuang Ming the Taixu Qingqi Transformation Dragon chapter, this being standing at the pinnacle of the times, has left behind in the northern celestial realm. How many traces?

Maybe there is no trace at all.

Maybe it disappeared without a trace, just like the existences of those times.

The closure of Tianmen has also buried many such outstanding people during the sixty thousand years.


Zhuang Ming's way of searching for the great cultivator of the true mystery rank was also very simple.

This piece of land is said to belong to a great monk at the top of the true mysterious nine seals.

This great monk of the pinnacle of true profoundness, known as Gu Zun, is more than 1,300 years old.

But because of the flaws in the practice, or because of too many fights in the Northern Territory, too strong mana, or entangled in his own injuries, he is almost out of life.

More than 30 years ago, the fairy gods gradually recovered. He did not choose to fight against the fairy gods, but chose to welcome the ancient fairy gods to revive and respect him as an ancestor.

The fairy gods of the ancient times did not attack him, but made him surrender to the gods.

But today, Zhuang Ming stretched out his hand, a little bit of power, affecting countless birds and beasts in the wilderness.

In just a moment, the wild birds and beasts moved towards the city, forming a tide of beasts and besieging them.

Although there are no casualties at present, the movement is too loud and has already alarmed the peak monk.

"Why do all monsters come here for no reason?"

"Among them, there are many demon kings of the true profound level, and even the pinnacle great demon king of the nine true profound realms."

"Could it be that there is a demon **** behind it?"

"Do you want to report to Jiugong Mountain?"

Gu Zun's subordinate ~www.ltnovel.com~ many practitioners rushed to report.

And this Gu Zun was also in shock.

There were three Great Demon Kings at the pinnacle of the Nine Realms of Profound Reality.

This is obviously for him.


Beyond the wilderness.

Zhuang Ming stood with his hands in his hands.

He issued a decree to the three peak demon kings.

Lead Gu Zun and capture him alive.

During this period, it only deterred all directions and was not allowed to hunt mortals.

And he himself is here, isolated from the outside world.

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