The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 111: Whereabouts of the Cang King

Below the source of Linghe, more than 1,700 miles.

There is indeed a tribe here, and its influence is also huge.

Zhuang Ming didn't bully others, he only walked on this land.

He looked for a location, intending to bury the body of Taoist Taixu under the earth.

However, just as he took out the corpse and said this, the remnant thoughts of the corpse trembled slightly and disappeared.

Taoist Taixu seemed unwilling to be buried here.

After a while, this corpse was born with a vaguely unwilling idea.

"Ling... isn't..."

After sending out such a meaning, this little thought almost disappeared.

Zhuang Ming immediately used the detention technique to protect it with mana and keep it immortal.

But in Zhuang Ming's heart, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

The tribe by the Linghe is a tribe of Taoist Taixu.

At first Zhuang Ming thought that Taoist Taixu wanted to be buried with an old person.

After hearing the origin of the Taoist Taixu, he believed that the Taoist Taixu was to be buried in tribal sites.

But now, Taoist Taixu has responded differently.

"Not there?"

"The tribal ruins are not here?"

"I still want to be buried in the new location of the tribe's remaining blood, so I think the tribe is not here?"

"Or, Ling... is he really alone?"

Zhuang Ming looked at the corpse and said, "You were not enough to make a tripod in your life, and your obsession was too incomplete to tell me clearly. That is why I can only barely protect you from being destroyed, and it is difficult for you to recover. ..."

Without exact clues, it is difficult to really search.

He flicked his fingers and glanced across the tribe.

"If that's the case, let's do it slowly."

Zhuang Ming said: "My business is mainly to find out the truth that Dongting Dragon Lord wants. The body of the senior has returned to the Northern Territory. Where is the specific burial place? When I finish this matter, I will talk about it when I leave."

There is still no clue to the truth that Dongting Dragon Lord wants.

But since the Taoist Taixu has obtained a mystery in the secret realm of the sixth house.

Then he can start from here to explore the mystery.

"Senior didn't want to be buried here, so now he will follow me to the sixth house."

Zhuang Ming took the corpse and said, "Senior had a chance there in his early years, and he also fell into the wilderness from there. I don't know what secrets are hidden there."


Dongzhou, Dade sacred dynasty, gather the holy mountain.

"The Cang King did hide in the sea of ​​sky fog before, but when I searched, he seemed to be aware of it."

Chen Feiyun said aloud: "On the second day when his subordinates entered the Tianwu Sea, he himself escaped from the Tianwu Sea, leaving behind many Taoist soldiers, which confuses our sight."

Zhuang Ming frowned slightly. After a while, he raised his hand and said, "This matter is secret. I order you to do it. All your subordinates are Dragon Guards and veterans. King Cang shouldn't know it early. Maybe it's something else. Let him leave. To Dongzhou...maybe, he wanted to leave Dongzhou a long time ago, but the timing is just right."

Chen Feiyun whispered: "The Cang King seems to have fled to the southern realm, within the scope of the new Da Chu Dynasty."

Zhuang Ming laughed and said, "He had defected to Da Chu, but now he has fled to Da Chu."

King Cang rebelled against the Great Chu Dynasty and was jealous by Emperor Chu.

Now that the Great Chu Dynasty has collapsed, the Emperor Chu takes the foundation, such as the southern boundary, and establishes a new dynasty.

No one expected that King Cang had fled in the direction of the Da Chu Dynasty.

Chen Feiyun was a little confused, and said in a low voice, "Is he not afraid that Emperor Chu will attack him?"

Zhuang Ming said: "Either he defected back then was just doing other things deliberately in the name of Emperor Chu, or it was just to prevent us from looking for him... Back then, the King of Cang fled, and the foundation was ruined. Death is not like a bitter trick. According to reason, there is no need to do this step. It is more likely to be the latter."

When Chen Feiyun heard the words, he was suddenly stunned.

Today, the Dade Dynasty is in full glory.

However, after more than 30 years, Longjun Zhuangming still has no desire to expand, and has not launched a war against Emperor Chu, the old enemy of the southern realm.

It's not because of sympathy, let alone being content with the status quo.

But because of scruples about the ancient gods behind Chu Emperor.

The Cang King fled to the Da Chu Dynasty, even if the Da De Sang Dynasty deliberately captures it, he will be bound to be restrained and can only hide in secret, not blatantly.

King Cang is now the true profound nine seals, and there are faint signs of making great achievements.

Unless the army is mobilized, he can only be taken down by casting a tripod immortal god.

At present, the powerful immortals and gods of the Dade Dynasty are already famous officials and generals. Once they enter the Da Chu Dynasty, they will inevitably be spotted by the Da Chu Academy.

And the younger practitioners of the Dade Dynasty, more than 30 years of experience, are not enough for them to grow to the point of being comparable to immortals.

"He has avoided us, so he is not afraid that the Da Chu Dynasty will attack him?"

Chen Feiyun frowned and said: "He is sure that we are going to capture him, so he won't let him fall into the hands of the Da Chu Dynasty, and won't reveal his whereabouts?"

Zhuang Ming nodded and said: "He thinks about this, and even if it is really exposed, it is better to be chased by the Da Chu Dynasty than by my Dade Dynasty."

Chen Feiyun heard the words and nodded and said: "That is true. I am a great virtue dynasty. The strong come out in large numbers. There are not a few people who can win him. In the Great Chu Dynasty, even if there is an official Inca body, But there are still no more than ten people who can beat him."

Having said this, Chen Feiyun hesitated a little, and said: "If this is the case, King Cang fled to the Great Chu Dynasty, wouldn't it be impossible to capture him back?"

Zhuang Ming suddenly laughed and said, "You seem to have forgotten someone?"

Chen Feiyun was startled, and immediately said, "Mr. Three?"

Mr. Three, Tang Tianying.

He has an exclusive secret method of his own creation.

This method can transform sentient beings, men and women, old and young, with only one thought.

The Da Chu Dynasty can monitor the powerful people of the Dade Dynasty, but Tang Tianying alone is the only one who has endless changes and is elusive.

This secret technique has been designated as a forbidden technique, and currently only Tang Tianying himself and Longjun Zhuang Ming can learn it.

Only after the practice of this law, there are endless changes. If this technique is spread out and someone violates the law and the prohibition, it is really difficult to arrest and bring it to justice.

"In the early hours of this morning, after receiving a call from you, he personally went to the direction of the Da Chu Dynasty."

Zhuang Ming said: "Our spy in the Da Chu Dynasty will give him the exact information. You go to find a higher teacher and discuss with him how to respond to Mr. San. Besides...after the capture of King Cang, how should you ask him? He was once a high-level person in the Great Chu Dynasty and a taller figure among contemporary practitioners. The character and the city are quite different from those who practice in seclusion all the year round."

Chen Feiyun answered with a solemn expression.

This time, he went to the sea area of ​​the sky mist to capture King Cang. Although it was not his fault, King Cang fled. He still neglected his duty and failed to complete the instructions of Lord Long.

In his heart, there was also a depression.

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