The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 125: Things are not what they used to be

After all, Zhuang Ming did not take the initiative to torture.

He handed this matter to the three immortals including Zhu Shenjun.

Now that you have subdued them, you should always see how much they have.

Zhu Shenjun is also an old man. He puts his mind on the top, awakening the other fairy gods first, and let them see how their companions undergo interrogation, and he does not shy away from all kinds of tragic situations.

Although the immortal gods have a steady Tao fruit and a stable mind, they can't help but shake their minds for this.

Even if there are two other immortals, Xuan will perform immortal techniques and be punished.


After half a day.

"Find it?"

"To fulfill the mission, He Yuan has already spoken."

"What did you ask?"

"Tianshi Ke is the immortal **** who has been active in the world for the longest time since the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. Moreover, Tianshi Ke is a genius of the heavens. He entered the House of the Heavenly Master at a young age and occupied the position of the Heavenly Master. He is unfathomable. I am willing to proclaim myself until my life is exhausted, which seems to be for a major event." Zhu Shenjun said: "His Royal Highness, I want to know what Ke Tianshi is planning..."

"Then what?" Zhuang Ming said again.

"They found other traces of Tianshi Ke. In another place in the Dao Realm, it seems that Tianshi Ke Tianshi was approaching, and there was a legacy there before he fell." Zhu Shenjun said.

"Leave it before the fall?" Zhuang Ming's heart moved slightly. The Tianshi Ke in this cave mansion was left a long time ago. At that time, the life of Ke Tianshi had reached the end, and it was near the end of his life, but it had not yet arrived. To the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

In this way, after this cave mansion, Tianshi Ke left a legacy in another place?

Can the Can Nian left by this cave mansion be earlier than that?

"Did you ask?"

"Also in the Dao Realm."


"Long Jun..." Zhu Shenjun hesitated.

"Say something straight." Zhuang Ming said lightly.

"His Royal Highness Qing is the immortal king of the Palace of Heavenly Kings. He has the blood of the heavens and is standing side by side with the great supernatural powers." Zhu Shenjun whispered: "It is said that His Royal Highness Qing was also near the threshold of the great supernatural powers. Doesn't it offend him by taking down the Star God sent by him this time?"

"What do you think?"

"Since you have asked what Long Jun wants to know, why not treat them with courtesy and send them away?"

"Do you think this matter can just be left alone?"


"If you offend, you offend."

Zhuang Ming waved his hand, not paying attention.

I wish Shenjun's heart sank, and only one thought emerged in his heart.

The ignorant is fearless!


King Qi in Tianhuang has already offended it, and it doesn’t matter to offend another Qing Wang. What’s more important is that Zhuang Ming has discovered the traces of Tianshi Ke. For him...for this offend Qing Wang, it’s not too bad. No loss.

Since he was in that position, he left a legacy before Tianshi Ke fell.

So did Ke Tianshi fall there?

Is there the chance that Ke Tianshi Cannian said there?

In Ke Tianshi's old age, the last time was to find a chance? Can the body of the Heavenly Dragon of one's own deity be cultivated into the Xuanyuan Purple Mansion, become a great power, and become a great supernatural power?

No matter what, he should always take a look.

In contrast, it was the test of Dongting Dragon Lord, which seemed not very important anymore.



Dade holy dynasty.

Gather the holy mountain.

"Long Jun, King Cang is already in the Sky Prison. He has been tortured and beaten up by the Criminal Ministry. He is already willing to speak, but can you bring him up?"

"No, I met him somehow, and made a few transactions back then. I'd better go and see him in person."

Zhuang Ming got up, looked at Chen Feiyun, and said, "Lead the way."



Very gloomy.

The walls, land, doors and windows, shackles, etc. here all have formation runes, even the immortal gods of the forged tripod series, it is difficult to break.

This is the place where the repeat offenders are held. Liu Yuexuan personally supervises the work, and personally designs the formation pattern and builds the sky cell.

The Cang King was here, unkempt, without the slightest demeanor of the Great Peak True Profound cultivator.

He has shackles on his hands and an iron chain on his neck, which is connected to the wall.

And his body was put on a prison suit.

This prisoner's clothing is very particular, but in fact it is also a magic weapon for prisoners, and its effect is almost the same as that of a sack that entraps ordinary people.

"His Royal Highness Cang King."

Just here, a faint voice sounded.

This voice rang like thunder in the ears of King Cangwang.

This voice is familiar but also familiar, and strange but also strange.

He hasn't seen it for many years, but he still recognizes this voice.

He raised his head and saw two people standing outside the cell.

One is Chen Feiyun, who recently interrogated him.

The other person is the Dragon King Zhuang Ming of the Great De Sheng Dynasty.

In a trance, King Cang seemed to have seen the younger generation back then...At that time, this younger generation had not entered the true mystery, and he was already a strong one in the true mystery, but in terms of ability, he regarded it as an ant, but was afraid of the other party gathering sages. The identity of the disciple of Shan Zhen Chuan.

At that time, he was very energetic, and the other party was still a young man who had entered the world.

However, now, he has become a prisoner of the ranks, and his abilities are all bound, and the other party has integrated Dongzhou, invincible in the world, and is the strong one among the immortals!

"Thank you, Lord Long came to visit in person."

The Cang King laughed at himself and said, "As the Dragon Lord, you would never come to see this king jokes? With the current Dragon, in your eyes, how is this king different from the ants?"

Zhuang Ming nodded slightly and said, "I didn't come to see you joke. You are like an ant with your skills alone, but there are many things I want to know about you."

With that said, Zhuang Ming could not help but see the Cang King in his heart as he looked at this down-and-out man.

The Cang King of that year was full of spirits and threatened himself greatly.

Later, King Cang, trading with himself, secretly rebelled against Da Chu, even at the end of the road and escaped into the sea of ​​sky fog, he was still confident that he could make a comeback.

However, the Cang King today is no longer in the past.

"In fact, you and I had no grievances. After a few trades, I benefited a lot, especially the method of restraining the official seal, which allowed many dragons and guards in my hands to sneak into the Chu Dynasty without being bound by the official seal. I can break free at any time and return to the original. towards."

Zhuang Ming said: "It was a bit of friendship back then, why are you so stubborn?"

Not long ago, King Cang was captured by the third senior brother Tang Tianying and sent to the main hall first.

It was just helpless. Above the hall, King Cang was unwilling to speak, mentioning what Zhuang Ming wanted to know.

Until today, after severe torture, verbal attacks, and various tortures by the Ministry of Justice and Chen Feiyun, this Cang King was willing to speak.

"In the temple that day, if you want to say it, you can save yourself from this suffering." Chen Feiyun said: "Long Jun is nostalgic, if you were blunt that day, you should now be qualified to serve in my great virtue dynasty, and now suffer for nothing, why bother? "

"My king said or not, what to do with you?" King Cang glanced at him, then looked at Zhuang Ming, and said: "I can tell you, but you have to promise me that you will break the Da Chu Dynasty in the future. After slaying Emperor Chu, regarding the royal family, innocent people shall not be slaughtered."

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