The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 127: The secret of Kui Mulang's body

Dong Dou Xing Guan is destined to be the enemy.

Should the West White Tiger be an ally?

In other words, when Zhuang Ming joined forces with Emperor Chu to slaughter the seven gods, did he kill his side by mistake?


It was Zhuang Ming, and he couldn't help but fell into thinking about this news. After a while, he listened to him: "When I was fighting with them, they didn't prove their identity, and they didn't look like their allies should be. "

King Cang said indifferently: "They went from the Taihua Palace in the Western Regions to the Eastern Continent after crossing the sky. Do you know where they went first?"

Zhuang Ming didn't respond, just looking at the prisoner under the stage, who was tricking the mystery, his expression was calm and he said nothing.

King Cang sighed, re-realized his situation at the moment, and immediately said: "They are on the way, intercepting the lord of the Southern Territory."

Zhuang Mingyu frowned tightly and said, "When?"

The Cang King said again: "The Holy King has fallen, the spirit gathering bell rang, and the group of demons are in chaos... All the fairy gods under the Holy Palace will return to the Holy Palace and be on the way to the Southern Territory Lord to return to the Holy Palace."

Zhuang Ming pondered: "They can't stop it."

King Cang said, "But they persuaded."

In Zhuang Ming's eyes, a look of surprise suddenly appeared.

King Cang continued: "Not only did they persuade them, they also instigated a rebellion."

Zhuang Ming thought of the scene in the spirit king's remnant mind, and connected with the scene in his own inheritance.

The lord of the Southern Territory, originally went to defend the holy palace, but in the end destroyed the holy palace.

The scene in the bloodline inheritance is not false, and the lord of the Southern Territory has the determination to protect the holy palace.

But the spirit king has fallen, and Can Nian is not false. It is indeed the lord of the Southern Territory who destroyed the holy palace.

Originally, Zhuang Ming had doubted whether the lord of the Southern Territory was manipulated by secret arts, but even if it was a great supernatural power, it could punish the existence of the Southern Territory's level, but it could not be easily manipulated.

In this way, the fundamental source of the Southern Territory Lord's betrayal of the Holy Palace lies in the White Tiger and Seven Sleepers in the West?

"The White Tiger of the West has seven places, ordered by the Taihua Palace, crossed the sky and came to the East Continent. The secrets of the ancient times instigated the lord of the Southern Territory, and the lord of the Southern Territory sent them somewhere in the Eastern Continent to avoid the disaster. ."

King Cang said: "In other words, in ancient times, they and the lord of the Southern Territory were in the same camp, and you are the son of Nanling, and you should belong to the same camp with them."

Zhuang Ming asked: "What's the secret?"

King Cang shook his head and said, "This king doesn't know this anymore."

Zhuang Ming didn't ask any more questions, just thinking about the scene when the seven gods were killed.

If they are really in the same camp, why didn't they mention the old things before they went to war?

When the Cang King saw him thinking, he probably understood a little, and immediately said: "After all, you are only a junior dragon. Although you have an invincible posture, you have not yet incarcated into the heavenly dragons. They are the righteous gods of the heavens. They are proud and proud. You who are not incarnate as a Tianlong probably disdain to explain, just want to beat you, but you are helpless. As for being beheaded by you, I am afraid there is still weird...

Zhuang Ming said lightly: "Where do you find it weird?"

King Cang said: "According to that person, among the seven western white tigers, it seems that they are not monolithic, but you slaughtered them and escaped a Kuimu wolf alone. This is weird...this is what he said. "

After a pause, King Cang said again: "However, it is said that when they crossed the sky, Kui Wood Wolf had lost track in the seven places. For a long time, he was the last to come to Dongzhou."

Zhuang Ming looked as usual, tilted his head and looked aside.

Next to him is Chen Feiyun, the left envoy of the inspection department.

"Kui Mulang's trace has not been discovered so far. He has probably left Dongzhou."

Chen Feiyun said: "The higher division of the Supervision Department did not find any trace of Kui Wood Wolf. As for the Southern Heaven Realm... our people have not noticed any clues either."

King Cang suddenly said: "At the beginning, he cultivated to the summit of the Ding Ding and killed Jusheng Mountain. He was once cut back by Wen Li with a sword. At that time, he fled to the sea of ​​sky mist and met the fairy **** behind this king. one side."

Zhuang Ming looked over and said, "What did they talk about?"

King Cang shook his head slightly.

Zhuang Ming said again: "Where did he go?"

King Cang said: "He went west, I don’t know if he stayed on an island in Dongzhou, detoured elsewhere, or went straight to Tianhuang... From that direction, he should have gone to Tianhuang, and it is very likely to return The Western Heaven Realm back then."

Zhuang Ming nodded slightly and said, "What else can I say?"

King Cang shook his head slightly, and said, "What you want to know, what I can answer, has already been answered."

Zhuang Ming said calmly: "Where should you go now?"

King Cang smiled bitterly: "I want to ask Lord Long, what should I do with me?"

Zhuang Ming said flatly: "Speaking of which, there is a little friendship between you and me, and there is no deep hatred between you and me. It is OK for me to let you go, but after this matter, if you say that you have no resentment, I don't believe it.

King Cang sighed and said, "This king can swear that he will never retaliate against your great virtues."

Zhuang Ming said: "But I am not satisfied yet."

King Cang was silent.

Zhuang Ming continued: "If you have already made a tripod, you will never be released Even if you do not kill you, you will still be imprisoned for thousands of years, but you have not yet cast a tripod, it is still true. Xuan Jiuyin."

The Cang King suddenly became clear and whispered: "You want this king to be controlled by you?"

Zhuang Ming said aloud: "Let go happy god, I personally plant Taoism, subject to the Dade sacred dynasty, so you can be at ease... If you agree, I will send you into the Dragon Blood Sacred Pool today for baptism, Your official seal grants you the Eastern Yuan Realm of Heaven and Royal Blessing, so that you can return to your homeland and take control of it again.

King Cang fell into silence, and now he, under the guidance of the immortal gods, has an orthodox inheritance, and he also knows what Zhuang Ming's move means.

If he is bathed in the sacred pool of dragon blood, that is to say, he will have the blood of the dragon clan.

Unless he abandons this body, otherwise, at the step of casting a tripod, the spirit, energy and spirit are united, the golden core of the great road, and the nine seals of the true and mysterious, all of which have made great achievements. Can't get rid of the identity of Dragon Guard, can't get rid of the blood of the dragon clan, can't get rid of the heavenly dragon of Zhuang Ming's blood source.

"There is no other way?" King Cang sighed.

"This is the only method," Zhuang Ming said.

"How about this king?" King Cang whispered.

"It's okay."

Zhuang Ming said: "When will you think about it, you will tell the prison guards that they will report to the Supervision Department."

King Cang became more and more helpless in his heart. He could hear the implication, that is to say... when to consider it, when to allow release from prison, and if it does not consider well, he will stay here forever.

Zhuang Ming stood with his hands behind, turned and left.

Cang Wang quietly looked at his back, and stayed silent for a long time.

"If you agree, with your accumulation of cultivation, you may be able to reach the sky in one step in the Sacred Pool of Dragon Blood, make great achievements, and have a dragon-guard physique."

When Chen Feiyun left such a sentence, Fang followed Zhuang Ming and hurried away.

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