The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 132: The old man would rather die than yield!

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Originally, Zhuang Ming just left someone who could manage Jieshi City, and taught sentient beings, enforced the law, and later turned this place into the territory of the Great Virtuous Kingdom.

At the time, Jieshi City Lord was the most suitable. There was no need for him to search for candidates, nor for him to cultivate new people.

But now, since City Lord Jieshi betrayed him without hesitation, there is no need to stay.

Even if he stays, if there is a suitable replacement in the future, Jieshi City Lord will be killed and replaced, Zhuang Ming will not hesitate.

City Lord Jieshi is not a stupid, and he definitely knows that after a rebellion, he will never trust him anymore, and will only use it to liquidate.

Such a person, knowing that he will end up in the future, will not be truly committed to doing things, let alone pushing his orders, but will only follow the yin and commit chaos in secret, and seek a way out of control.

Since this is the case, Zhuang Ming is no longer a pity, he simply beheaded it, and sealed the Dao Jindan with the nine seals of the true mystery into the confinement forbidden technique, so that he can return to the Dade sacred dynasty in the future for the real body to devour and refine. .

As for the four fairy gods, he did not destroy them, but stayed.


These four immortals have high self-esteem, but unexpectedly they were easily defeated.

What they couldn't believe was that this seemingly young fairy was actually a real dragon.

The outside world is unable to perceive the truth of the inner world due to detention.

But they were facing this real dragon head-on in the detention technique.

"The ancient mythical beasts have not yet gone extinct."

"It's no wonder that you are so powerful. The bloodline of the Dragon Race is not subject to the checks and balances of Tianmen Dao. I am waiting to stay at the Cauldron Casting level, but you are beyond this level."

"This time we are planted. I hate the restrictions of the world. If not, I will not be inferior to your heavenly dragon in the heyday."

The four immortals, the other three, all have unwillingness in their eyes, but the middle-aged scholar has a complex expression, but there is no unwillingness.

"I'm planted this time, I'm not as good at it, no wonder."

The middle-aged scholar sighed: "Your cultivation base is just forging a tripod. Now you don't think you are among the world, even if the real immortal can only be equal to you, but you have a high self-esteem? Perhaps the most powerful being among the heavens and all realms..."

The three fairy gods all fell silent.

Now the four of them, who are above the world, have become prisoners of the ranks, and the change of identity in the blink of an eye makes them feel sad.


Zhuang Ming was not in a hurry to interrogate these four gods. After beheading the Lord of Jieshi City, he found a few people in Jieshi City who had real power, and ordered them to work together to govern Jieshi City and teach sentient beings. If there is any violation, Jieshi City Lord is the end.

Although City Lord Jieshi, as the master of a city, decides on major issues.

But in fact, he only decided on major issues, and it was these people who actually handled the matter.

Now Zhuang Ming personally took the place of Jieshi City Lord, and personally ordered, there will not be too much disturbance.

To be honest, it was Zhuang Ming himself who had convinced them.

In these days, although the Lord of Jieshi City changed midway, he initially rendered his image as Dragon Lord according to Zhuang Ming’s ideas, and made the residents of Jieshi City panicked and frightened him. This dragon king was regarded as a backing, as the optimistic pillar of Jieshi City.

"The others, after I took the four gods, left Jieshi City on their own."

"It saves me a shot, it's also considered interesting."

"So, it's important to interrogate the four of them."


In the City Lord's Mansion.

The detention technique imprisoned the four immortals.

When Zhuang Ming arrived, these four immortal gods moved.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

In this way, the middle-aged scholar said, "What is your intention if you don't punish me, but imprison me?"

He looked at the young man before him.

Appearance is about twenty, with fair skin, handsome appearance, between the eyebrows, indifferent, slightly majestic.

But in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the real dragon he had seen before.

Longzhen Jiuxiao!

Dragon horns, scales, minions, bristles!

Dark and deep eyes!

The momentum is like Tianwei!

"Just ask a few words, as long as you are satisfied, you can save your lives and let you go on your own. If you are not satisfied, you will die."

"Vision!" Suddenly a fairy **** shouted angrily and said: "I would rather die than surrender!"

"Then I will send you to death!"

In this way, Zhuang Ming stretched out his hand and pressed it, and his hand turned into a dragon's claw, and he plunged into the restraint technique. He cast this statue into a tripod immortal god, grabbed it, and the dragon claw immediately pulled out a Taoist fruit. The rhyme of the middle road is unpredictable.

And Zhuang Mingdang even collected this Taoist fruit.

Don't wait for the fairy **** to show fear, don't wait for the fairy **** to feel regret, don't wait for the fairy **** to have any preparations, let the other party fall.

In an instant, the remaining three immortals, including the middle-aged scholar, all felt chills rising.

If you don't agree, you will be killed!

Dignified immortals, otherworldly existences, are regarded as grass and mustards, and are destroyed at will!

"It is your turn."

Zhuang Ming turned his head and looked at another fairy god.

He has a cold tone and few words, showing a simple, straightforward gesture.

These immortals didn't know him, so they didn't know what kind of disposition he was.

So Zhuang Ming can make himself appear crisp, cold and cruel.

This has obviously become a faster method of interrogation.

You die if you don't answer!

Anyway, casting Ding Dao fruit is of great use to Zhuang Ming. If they are unwilling to answer, let them cultivate for many years and become their own nourishment. If you kill one more, only the last two are left... Zhuang Ming might consider it. , Change the method, think the best.

And when Zhuang Ming was about to speak.

"What do you want to ask?"

The middle-aged scholar suddenly said, "If you can answer, you can answer, if you can't answer, you will kill us, and you can't answer."

His remarks silenced the other two gods who had originally angered him.

"What are you doing here?"

"..." The middle-aged scholar fell into silence.

"Who ordered you to come here?" Zhuang Ming said again.

"..." The middle-aged scholar raised his head and frowned again: "How do you know that I am here by orders, not here on my own?"

"The Blue King asked you to come?" Zhuang Ming didn't answer, but just asked like you know the existence of His Highness? "Another fairy exclaimed, "Since you know that your Highness exists, why don't you let me wait?" "

"..." Zhuang Ming turned around and looked at the old man with a sixtieth look, admiringly said: "He is a wise man, tell me again, Qing Wang ordered you to wait here, is it to fall into the spiritual realm?"

"Do you know Falling Spirit Realm?" This old fairy god, his complexion changed.

"What are you doing in Falling Spirit Realm?" Zhuang Ming said.

"We..." This old fairy gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Chu You, do you dare to betray His Royal Highness King Qing?" The middle-aged scholar said with a cold face and gritted his teeth.

"Fellow Taoist rest assured, the old man would rather die than tell him clearly that I am waiting here to fall into the spirit realm to find the trace of Tianshi Ke in the Tianshi Mansion!"

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