The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 138: I hate less when the book is used

Outside Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

The gods of the Taoist Palace, under the orders of the high palace envoy, began to surround the entire Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

And the high palace envoy is here to receive the magic power of the twelve immortals, improve himself, and attack the formation.

But no one expected that he was thinking about cutting himself.

"Your mana lies in me, and I cut myself."

"It's a big deal, you are seriously injured, and you are going to suffer a backlash for the time being, and basically become waste, let me kill."

"I still have a lot of medicines made by Ambergris, which can be called the holy medicine for healing, and the recovery will not be slow."

"Even if there are other fairy gods from all directions, I can easily escape."

Tang Tianying read like this, took the jade bottle, shook it, and muttered: "Next time I'll change the dragon blood pill...Eating this ambergris pill, I always feel that Thirteen is spitting in my mouth."


The wild west.

A ray of light headed towards the west.

About half an hour passed, and another ray of light passed toward the west.

"It's so **** fast."

The light behind, full of golden light, under closer inspection, it was actually a golden toad, but it was covered with a layer of scale armor, which was a dragon scale thin armor of the immortal family rank.

It held a magic sword on its left forelimb, which was a dragon tooth sword.

It is one of the guardian beasts of the Dade Dynasty, Jin Chan Guoshi.

Not long ago, Zhuang Ming had rectified its name, granted it the status of national teacher, and granted it the official seal.

Now this servant can be regarded as an official of the Dade Dynasty. In addition, it also bathed in the Dragon Blood Sacred Pool, possessed the blood of the dragon family, and called it Dragon Toad.

It’s just that it was cultivated in the early years to create the Ding Dao Guo, and now it’s bathing in the Dragon Blood Sacred Pool, only changing its own blood and physique, without affecting Dao Guo. To be honest, it is not a dragon guard and will not be affected by Zhuang Ming too much. Impact.

It is precisely knowing this and will not be subject to Zhuang Ming, and only then took the initiative to bathe in the Sacred Pool of Dragon Blood.

Today, Zhuang Ming sent a message to it through this national teacher's seal.

Capture Kui Mulang in exchange for a fourth-grade meritorious service.

This feat in the Dade Dynasty has many great uses, not only in exchange for official positions, but also in exchange for pills, magic weapons, secret techniques, and land deeds within the Cangyun Cave, Fuze younger generation.

"This guy can really run."

Jin Chan felt helpless, and if he pursued and killed him, the Nakui Wood Wolf would escape from the desolate territory and hide in the Western Regions.

Jin Chan didn't know what the situation was in the Western Regions now.

But it is more clear that the Western White Tiger and Seven Sleepers were originally located in the West. This Kui Timber Wolf returned to the Western Regions, and received the starlight from the sky, his ability would inevitably improve, and it was several times stronger than in Tianhuang and Dongzhou.

If it escaped to the Western Regions, Master Jin Chan asked himself, it would be difficult to beat the opponent.

"If this continues, at most one day, it will be able to escape back to the Western Regions."

"You have to think of a way to stop it, beat it up first, and then talk about other things."

"The Nantian God General Mansion back then had infinite secrets. How could this demon **** not be upset and had to sleep at the door of the library instead of studying the Fa?"

Jin Chan cursed, quite a feeling of sadness when some books were used.



Falling into the spiritual realm.

Zhuang Ming noticed that the traces of fighting techniques around here became more and more obvious.

And the breath left behind became stronger and stronger.

In other words, he was getting closer and closer to the two sides of the fight.

"Long Jun..." Chu You obviously also knew about this, and said aloud, "Do you want to go around?"

"Don't go around." Zhuang Ming said: "When I entered the Spirit Falling Realm earlier, I set up an array to monitor the boundary between the Spirit Falling Realm and the Stargazing Realm. At least three groups of people have already set foot after us. Falling into the spirit realm, if it is delayed any longer, they will also catch up."

"Formation?" Chu Youdun was surprised, he followed Zhuang Ming, and he didn't know when Zhuang Ming deployed the formation.

"It's the formation."

Zhuang Ming said calmly, he got the inheritance of Dongting Dragon Lord, including the accomplishments of Dao Palace Formation. This time in the secret realm of the sixth palace of Jiugong Mountain, he also obtained various classics left by Ke Tianshi, which involved In the ancient times, the secrets of the top forces of various parties, including the various pulse formations, he glanced through it. Although he was not proficient, it was a beginner, and it was not difficult for him to use mana to form an array.

As for concealing this old man named Chu You, it was not difficult for Zhuang Ming.


Fall into the depths of the spiritual realm.

Zhuang Ming got deeper and deeper.

He is about to return to where he first set foot in this world.

There is the place where the void passage built by Dongting Dragon Lord leads.

If Zhuang Ming wants to return to Tianhuang, he also has to pass through here.

In the future, if he wants to return to the Northern Territory, he will also need to pass through here.

It's just that the void passage built by Dragon Lord Dongting has gone through 60,000 years, and now the Northern Territory is isolated from the outside world, it still needs the formation of Dao Palace to barely get through.

The immortal gods of all sides, there is no formation of Dao Palace, even if they get here, they find clues in the void, they cannot enter the void passage and leave the northern region.

And here, the invisible power has become so strong that Zhuang Ming feels heart palpitations.

"Weird things..."

Zhuang Ming secretly felt surprised When he first arrived here, he felt his heart palpitations, but he didn't notice the so-called power.

Thinking about it now, this so-called invisible power, in fact, shouldn't be talking about power.

Just like him, it is extremely strong and obvious to release Longwei and suppress all directions.

But the power here is quite weird, a bit fierce, a bit throbbing, but there is no sign of activity.

It's not like the power of the fairy family displayed by a certain powerful fairy god.

But where does this power come from?

He thought so, and stopped.

He looked towards the sky and said nothing.

This location is the void passage built by Dragon Lord Dongting, and the location pointed to is where he came out, and even where he went back.

"Long Jun?" Chu You looked up and found nothing, and couldn't help but wonder.

"This is not the most powerful place." Zhuang Ming said.

"Indeed." Although Chu You has immortal treasures to resist the coercion, he can also feel the strength of the external pressure. He pointed forward and said: "You must continue to move forward."

"Yeah." At first, Zhuang Ming only felt heart palpitations everywhere. This place made him feel uncomfortable. Under an ignorant situation, he did not dare to rush to a place where the pressure was heavier. He chose to go in a direction where the coercion became more and more shallow, thus entering the spirit world and leaving the falling spirit realm.

At this moment, what Zhuang Ming thought was, why is the void passage built by Dongting Dragon Lord located here?

The location of the Void Channel is not the center of the Falling Spirit Realm, and it is not the most powerful place.

There should be a connection between the two, but if there is a connection, according to Zhuang Ming's current calculation, this place should be the most powerful place in the Spirit Realm.

But this is not the case.

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