The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 143: The place where Ancestral Dragon fell!

Qing Wang's command came because of Ke Tianshi.

Nowadays, many celestial gods have come to fall into the spiritual realm. Isn't it because the news has been leaked, and all parties have entered here to explore and disputes?

Zhuang Ming's eyes condensed slightly, and his eyes were full of solemnity when he looked at the fairy.

"I came here because of the movement in the Falling Spirit Realm."

The female fairy said: "Not long ago, there was movement in the Spiritual Falling Realm. Not only we know, but the fairy gods around the various parties are vaguely aware... At that time, it seemed that someone had crossed the Spiritual Falling realm and turbulence the terrain. ."

Zhuang Ming was stunned and asked about the next time.

After the fairy answered, Zhuang Ming was shocked to realize that that day was the day when he came to the Northern Territory Heaven Realm through the void passage from the Tianhuang Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

Is it because he came through the void channel?

Or was it because of the movement caused by him stepping out of the Falling Spirit Realm?

"There is some movement here, and logically speaking, it is not a wizard."

"It's not surprising to change it elsewhere, but this place is different." The fairy said: "This place was a secret place in the heaven back then, guarded by an army of 800,000 gods and demons, and the lowest level of cultivation is comparable to true. Xuan Jiuyin, with the commander of the immortal **** cultivation base, has more than a thousand people, and the leader is even the Da Luo Jinxian level...Later, the great war broke out and the great supernatural powers fought here. The army was destroyed, but it also cut down a great supernatural power. Falling here, becoming the first great supernatural power to fall in the history of the heavens and the world!"

"The first great supernatural power in the heavens and all realms?" Zhuang Ming was shocked, and asked hurriedly: "The **** who fell here back then was a great supernatural power?"

"Exactly." said the fairy: "For hundreds of millions of years, all heavens and gods have believed that the great supernatural powers are immortal, living with the heavens and the earth, in harmony with the avenue, with the sun and the moon, and the law does not invade. There is no longer a danger of falling...but in that battle, great magical powers began to fall."

"Is it Saint King?" Zhuang Ming asked.

"No." The fairy shook her head slightly, and said: "The Holy King fell on the Dao Realm. After his fall, everything that remains will be wiped out by the heavens and the earth, and will no longer remain, but the great supernatural power here does not seem to exist. Completely wiped out, so all parties are afraid that this great supernatural power will recover and come to investigate."

"Who is this great supernatural power?" Zhuang Ming asked aloud.

"No one knows that all the fairy gods in this realm were completely wiped out." The female fairy said: "However, there are only a handful of heavens and all worlds, great magical powers, and they traverse the long river of years and will never survive. Mie, the prestige spread throughout the world, except for the Saint King, only those few."

"Tianhuang Dao Zun? Western Region Taihua Palace Master? The **** of the Southern Heaven Realm? Yuanjun, the first Immortal King Hall of the Heavenly King Palace?" Zhuang Ming whispered: "Who is it?"

"I don't know." The fairy shook her head and said: "No matter which one it is, it must be enough to completely affect the existence of the current world pattern. Maybe the Tianshi Ke in your mouth is to find this great The remnants of supernatural powers seek the opportunity to break the heavenly gate."

"..." Zhuang Ming groaned.

"You..." At this moment, the old man named Chu You suddenly said, "Is one missing one?"

"Huh?" Zhuang Ming and the fairy both turned their heads and looked over, revealing a look of searching.

"There is still another one of the ancient great magical powers." Chu Youzheng said, "It's just this one, who has disappeared in the heavens and worlds, and has many tens of thousands of years..."

"The ancestor of the dragon?" The fairy exclaimed.


Zhuang Ming pondered.


Tianhuang, the end of the west.

The land is barren.

The battle between the two monsters finally came to an end.

"If you travel a thousand miles further west and enter the scope of the Western Regions, the power of the stars will help you, and you will not be inferior to you."

What made the sound was a wolf demon, standing upright like a human, but with a face like a wolf head, full of hair, and black black armor attached to it. It was the only Kuimu wolf left in the seven lodges of the Western White Tiger.

In front of it, there was a golden toad, covered with thin armor, releasing Longwei, holding a divine sword in his mouth, extremely sharp.

The thin armor protects itself, and the divine sword is used to attack.

The two treasures obtained from the Dade Dynasty, one defensive and one offensive, plus the use of the golden toad itself, have increased their skills more than many times.

"Unfortunately you failed to escape into the Western Regions."

Jin Chan said aloud, mockingly said: "Back then you were considered a strong person, better than me, but now you are really a bit of a waste...Even if you escape into the Western Regions, you may not be able to win."

Kui Mulang said in a deep voice, "Then go to the Western Regions to fight again!"

Jin Chan's eyes changed slightly, and with a tone of looking at a fool, he sighed: "Do you think I'm stupid? I can capture you easily, and let you go to the Western Regions to increase your skills?"

Kui Mulang gritted his teeth and said, "Dead Toad, what on earth do you want to do?"

Jin Chan slowly said, "Don't worry, I don’t want your life. It’s just that Longjun Zhuang Ming, the sacred dynasty of the Great Virtue, has issued a wanted document. I can capture you alive in exchange for meritorious deeds. And he doesn’t want your life, but just asks you something. If you cooperate with things, I can still intercede with you and make you a half-ranked official."

Kui Mulang's eyes were deep, and he said sternly: "What does he want to ask?"

Jin Chan said: "Why did you cross the Heavenly Desolation from the Western Region Taihua and appeared in East Continent? You intercepted the lord of the Southern Territory. What did you talk about with it, the Primordial Azure Dragon? The Holy Palace? After the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, why did you secretly promote the construction of the Da Chu Dynasty? How many connections do you have between the Eastern Star Officer and you?"

Kui Mulang fell silent, as if thinking about something.

Jin Chan continued to inquire, and then said: "You flee to death. Among the seven western white tigers, you are the only one left. You got rid of the six Taoist friends because of what you discovered? If you guessed it well, from the Da Chu Dynasty Established, the fallen emperor, is placed on the first level, you are the second level behind him, and the official Dong Douxing is the third level deeper... But Zhuang Ming believes that these three levels are blindfolds, and there are immortals behind them. God, hidden in the Great Chu Dynasty."

Kui Mulang raised his head and said, "You can let this seat leave?"

Jin Chan said: "Protect you from death, but you can't leave, and you have to follow me back to the Dade sacred dynasty, but I have swears by my own reputation and swear by the integrity of the Dade sacred to save your life!"

Kui Mulang seemed to think about the pros and cons again, with a vague idea of ​​unwillingness to compromise and desperately running for his life.

Jin Chan said again: "I am an honest toad. If not, I just told you to leave and lied to you. Now I will tell you the truth. To be honest, you should know Laozi's sincerity!"

Kui Mulang seemed to think there was some truth to it. If the Jin Chan agreed to let him go, he really had to suspect that Jin Chan was just lying to himself.

Jin Chan said slowly: "You flee to death, are you afraid of the one behind? You know the one behind, put you on the second floor, and the official Dong Douxing on the third floor. Your identity is used as a blindfold, and your life is used as a cover, so in order to protect yourself, you thought about it?"

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