The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 152: Conspiring to seize the Dade Dynasty!

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One after another clues are connected in series.

The fog became clear again and again.

In Zhuang Ming's mind, the source of that year's catastrophe gradually emerged.

For some reason, the ancestral dragon, as a great supernatural power, was harmed by the holy king, and now it is trapped by the heavens. Unknowingly, this ancestral dragon has been trapped before other great supernatural powers know it. The sky will not be seen for a hundred thousand years.

But later, the other great magicians still noticed clues.

The palace lord of Taihua, who has always been calm, and the **** of the palace, both feel the sadness of the rabbit and the fox, and they are in danger.

Palace Master Taihua remained silent.

Dao Zun moved the thought of killing the sky.

Dao Zun is looking for the Holy King.

And the holy king is loyal to the sky, and his heart is unchanged.

When Cangtian learned of this, he ordered the Holy King Xu to commit a snake, pretend to join forces, and deceive Dao Zun to take action, intending to kill Dao Zun.

Palace Master Taihua didn't know where he came from. He knew that the Holy King was involved in the killing of the ancestral dragon. He believed that the Holy King was not credible and that Dao Zun was about to suffer this calamity.

It is precisely because of this that the Western White Tiger and Seven Suspensions were ordered to report this to the Dragon Lord of Dongting and the lord of the Southern Territory, so that the two most powerful dragons can draw the breath of the ancestor dragon and try to fight between the great supernatural powers. , Let Zulong out of trouble.

"The various schemes among the great supernatural powers ultimately fell on the heavens and the world."

"No matter how powerful the immortal gods are, they have become like ants and dust. They have been affected by the battles of the great supernatural powers. They have fallen and proclaimed themselves."

"It turns out that all this... is it so?"

Zhuang Ming murmured, and there were some complicated thoughts in his eyes.

He finally understood what the so-called holy king meant to harm Dao Zun.

He also roughly understood that Zuo Yuan Di Master was only a true immortal, how to detect the conspiracy of the two great supernatural powers and escape Cannian.

This is what the Holy King did. It exposes the Earth Master Zuo Yuan who is hiding in the Dao Palace and gains the trust of Dao Venerable... Let the Earth Master Zuo Yuan send the information back to see how many secretly acting in the Heavenly Master Mansion, you can uncover the Dao. The chess pieces that the deity beat into the Tianshi's mansion, clean up the chess pieces of Taoism.

"I thought that the lord of the Southern Territory had rebelled against the Holy Palace because he was more loyal to the heavens, determined that the Holy King was rebellious, and defended the heavens."

"Now it seems that it is the lord of the Southern Territory, who knows that the Holy King will attack the ancestral dragon, thus going crazy and destroying the Holy Palace."

"Finally clarified the camp of the ancient times."

Zhuang Ming sighed in his heart. I don't know how many immortals had fallen back then. He died for unknown reasons, and he was lost in confusion.

Until now, all parties are fighting against each other and the truth is not known.

For example, the remaining disciples of the Holy Palace and the native gods who are loyal to the heavens are still fighting, each in the name of invading this realm and guarding this realm.

But they didn't know that in ancient times, the holy king was also loyal to heaven.

Even the eternal princess still doesn't know what kind of attitude the great supernatural powers of ancient times hold.

Zhuang Ming looked at the book in his hand, and suddenly another thought came up in his mind.

Everything he knew in the past was overthrown.

What Zuo Yuan Master knew was the plan of the Holy King.

What the Western White Tiger Qisu knows is only a small part.

So Dongting Dragon Lord, can he really know the whole situation?

Can you really believe what is recorded in this book?

Wouldn't Dongting Dragon Lord be deceived?

Zhuang Ming thought this way, suddenly feeling a little tired.


Dade Dynasty.

In the capital.

The eternal princess saw a mark from the things that came into the palace.

This mark is not a dharma seal, without any magic power, like a child's scribble, messy and out of shape.

But she saw a little difference.

This mark is quite familiar.

This mark is very similar to the mark of the Palace of Heavenly Kings, but the mark of the Palace of Heavenly Kings is sharp and powerful, and this mark appears to be messy and has no rules and no magic power.

At first glance, it doesn't feel strange.


The Eternal Princess took a deep breath, she didn't think it was a coincidence.

So after nightfall, she left the palace.

With her ability, there are not many guards who can detect her, and even if her whereabouts are exposed, no one dares to stop her in her identity.

Now Zhuang Ming has temporarily handed over the entire Dade sacred dynasty to her hands. She has the greatest authority, and it is common for her to enter and exit the palace freely.

It's just that she is still a little more cautious and has not revealed her whereabouts.

This night, the moon and stars are scarce.

"Come out." The figure of the eternal princess looked very illusory under the moonlight.

"The princess is really careful and intelligent, and the old slave is still quite worried. The imprint is not effective, and it is deliberately messy, so that the princess can't recognize it." An old man walked out of the alley and bowed to salute.

"Yuan Dianshi, you are still alive." The expression in the eyes of the eternal princess seemed rather complicated.

"Fortunately, His Royal Highness took shelter and was lucky enough to avoid the catastrophe." The old man laughed and said: "His Royal Highness took a lot of thought for this. In order to save the princess from the catastrophe, it also spent a lot of effort... It should be understood that the lord of the Southern Territory lost his life in order to let its young son avoid the catastrophe. In order to let the demon venerable avoid the calamity, the holy king took the initiative to kill the Taoist priest."

"What do you mean?" The eternal princess changed her eyes and said: "You mean that the Holy King and Dao Zun joined forces to kill the sky. This is false. It is true that the Holy King will kill Dao Zun? At this time, my father is already. I know that before the rise of the Great Tribulation, he sealed the main palace because he knew that the Great Tribulation was about to rise... He was the only fairy king in the Heavenly King Palace. What role did he play back then?"

"Princess, this is not the time to speak." The old man said like this, his tone as usual.

"..." The eternal princess said with a low tone, "Since it's not time to speak, why did you let this palace come out?"

"It's the guardian tree." The old man said with a serious face: "His Royal Highness has already noticed that Zhuang Ming has temporarily left the Dade Dynasty, and now the entire Dade Dynasty has the greatest authority in the hands of His Highness...and the guardian **** Within the shelter of the tree, all are the foundation of the Dade Dynasty."

"What do you mean?" The eternal princess' eyes gradually cold, like frost.

"The princess still doesn't understand?" The old man said with a smile: "The Dade sacred dynasty is already in your hands. Only in your thoughts, the orthodox ruling the Dade sacred dynasty of Dongzhou is even more glorious than the sacred palace of the past. One force was completely put into the hands of the princess..."

"Do you want this palace to seize the Dade Dynasty?" The eternal princess said in a deep voice.

"This is what the Great Highness meant." The old man said: "The existence of this Great Virtue Saint Dynasty originally existed for the Great Highness... In these years, that Zhuang Ming's limelight has been exhausted, and the faint has already approached the power of the Great Divine Ability. , An ancient existence like the Palace Lord of Taihua, has long had the idea of ​​destroying this sacred dynasty. It depends on the great highness to stop it, and the battle has been up until now! If it is not a princess, how about the son of Nanling Can continue to be in charge of this vast dynasty of cultivation? This great virtue sacred dynasty is originally the thing in the bag of the great highness. If not, how can the patron saint tree come to the great sacred dynasty?"

"How do you plan to seize the Dade Dynasty?" The Eternal Princess said coldly.

"The guardian tree is the key," the old man said.

"Blood in this palace?" The eternal princess said suddenly.

"Yes, the guardian deity tree, let the blood confess to the lord." The old man smiled: "The guardian deity tree sent by the majesty was a nominal dowry, and only the princess could open the box...the princess was bleeding at that time , Is the first master."

"..." The eternal princess was silent for a moment before saying: "In the guardian deity tree is the foundation of the Dade Dynasty. As long as this palace controls the guardian deity tree, it will control the foundation of the Dade Dynasty. Zhuang Ming cannot go in and out freely. , Only descendants of the palace who have the blood of the palace can enter and leave freely. However, the palace has the blood of the heavens, and is the biological daughter of the Yuanjun of the Great Hall, so... the Yuanjun of the Great Hall can also come and go freely, and he can also control the great The foundation of the German dynasty."

"Not bad." The old man said: "Just abandon Zhuang Ming, and your Highness will enter it and be overwhelmed by all directions. After that, there will naturally be a way to let the Dade Dynasty return to the Palace of Heaven!"

"It's not so easy to seek the usurpation of the throne." The eternal princess said in a cold tone, "What's more, he is a real dragon, and he is a dragon guard with deep blood."

"Although he is the only true dragon in the ten thousand realms, and the whole dynasty is full of confidant dragon guards, but our Heavenly King Palace now has a lot of staff, enough to replace them!" The old man Shili said: "Now... it's up to the princess."

"You are wrong..." The eternal princess sighed: "There is no blood to recognize the Lord in this palace."

"What?" The old man's face changed suddenly, and he lost his voice: "The princess did not shed blood to recognize the lord?"

"Since it is a dowry, he is the head of the family, so he should take care of it." The eternal princess said flatly: "The descendants of the royal family are not necessarily the blood of the palace, but they must be the blood of Zhuang Ming... if the guardian of the tree I am in control, and only my bloodline descendants can enter and exit. Then the heirs born by Zhuang Ming and other women can't enter it? He is the orthodox of the Dade Dynasty, how can this palace pass?"

"Princess..." The old man gritted his teeth shut up. "The eternal princess said in a cold tone: "It is because you are an old slave in the Palace of Heavenly Kings, let you go today, but you have to tell him that the suffering of the birth mother in the palace was not so easy to end! The relationship between father and daughter has long been cut off. He was in the midst of the calamity and saved my life, but in order to borrow me and use it. Today... When you send the so-called dowry, this palace already knows what you are preparing. ! "

"Princess..." The old man still said.

"Enough!" The eternal princess flicked her sleeves and said: "Since he hasn't fallen in the Falling Spirit Realm, he is considered his good fortune. Don't worry about this great virtue holy dynasty in the future! As for you... Gong does not read love!"


Helpless, the old man paused, finally sighed, and turned away.

The eternal princess quietly looked at his back, the look in her eyes suddenly dimmed.

The Dao is ruthless, the heaven is the Dao, with such blood, after all, is there no family affection in the mundane?

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