The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 158: The direction of the Daede Dynasty

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Fall into the spiritual realm to the depths.

It's no longer just deserted here.

There is an altar here, but it collapsed and was mutilated, and it was in ruins.

Despite this, Zhuang Ming can still imagine the glorious scene of this altar from the corner of the ruins in front of him.

"This was originally the legal domain where the Zulong Emperor Sword was enshrined."

Tianshi Ke said lightly: "After the ancestral dragon is refined into a sword, the true spirit is immortal and difficult to manipulate, so it is suppressed by an altar and refined..."

Zhuang Ming's heart moved slightly, presumably Dongting Dragon Lord had already noticed the clues back then, so the end of the void passage is here.

And Ke Tianshi slowly said: "The battle of the great supernatural powers was set off in the past, and the battle came here later because of the Ancestral Dragon Emperor sword here... Cangtian intends to use this sword completely, but the great supernatural powers blocked it. The First World War has affected hundreds of millions of miles."

Zhuang Ming frowned slightly looking at Broken Sword.

Tianshi Ke continued, saying: "This sword was broken by the joint attack of Dao Zun and Taihua Palace Master, but one of the most important points is the lord of the Southern Territory."

Zhuang Ming said: "The lord of the Southern Territory is the most superb dragon bloodline below the great supernatural powers. Has it affected the Ancestral Dragon?"

Tianshi Ke nodded and said, "If you look at it further, it is not Dao Zun and Palace Master Taihua who cut off this sword, but Ancestral Dragon himself."

As the first divine beast born between heaven and earth, the ancestor of the true dragon family, a great supernatural power respected by the creatures of all realms, the ancestor dragon has the dignity of the ancestor dragon.

Refined as an emperor sword, controlled, and driven by the enemy, for it, perhaps it is more humiliating than falling.

Therefore, under the influence of the lord of the Southern Territory, the choice of Zulong after regaining his intelligence was to use the power of the two great supernatural powers to take the initiative to meet and break the sword, thereby exterminating himself.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuang Ming has the hope of refining the Ancestral Dragon Emperor Sword after the true spirit of the Ancestral Dragon is annihilated.

However, this refining is extremely dangerous.

Even if you take the risk of refining success, you must repair this sword before you can fight the great supernatural powers.

With the power to counter the great supernatural powers, the Dade Dynasty dynasty is truly capable of self-preservation.

Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the Dade Dynasty is now, no matter how strong Zhuang Ming is now, it is only strong outside, in the eyes of the gods and gods, it is extremely powerful, but in the eyes of the great supernatural powers, it is still vulnerable.


Tianhuang, Dongxuan Xianting Lake.

Zhuang Ming's true body is here and enters the Immortal Mansion of Dragon Lord in Dongting, but this time, it is not for the test of Dragon Lord in Dongting, but the secret of ancient times.

"This time, Lord Long should be very sure." Liu He said in a deep voice, "If the incarnation is not sure, the real body should be here to pass the test of Dongting Dragon Lord himself, but this time the real body is coming for Kuimu. The secret in the wolf’s mouth means that...Long Jun believes that the incarnation is enough to pass the test of Dongting Long Jun."

"Lao Liu is getting better." Yue Ting said with a smile, "I knew it a long time ago."

"Then what are you doing here?" Liu Yuexuan slowly said, "It's our business to subdue Dongxuan Xianting Lake. When Long Jun returns, we will be just right. You are not needed here."

"..." Yue Ting's expression froze.

"You are relatively familiar with Dayuan, so you will go to Dayuan with your brother Yueyang and Mr. San." Liu Yuexuan said: "Once Dragon Lord passes the test, you will be able to go with Dayuan. Yuan’s demon gods approached."

"They don't necessarily know how to be convinced." Yue Yang said in a deep voice, "Although it was tested by Dongxuan Xianting Lake earlier, once passed, the desolate demon clan will submit to my great virtue sacred dynasty, but the monsters are cunning and may not be trustworthy. Maybe it’s going to be rebellious, other than that... when the test of Dongxuan Xianting Lake was set, the monsters of the Great Abyss were not monolithic, but there were many controversies, otherwise the Great Abyss would not be sealed."

"Not bad." Liu Yuexuan said: "They may just borrow the hand of me to contain the Taoist palace, and even want to borrow a knife to kill people, but we didn't expect that we would easily take over Dongxuan Xianting Lake, and then Longjun Zhuangming will truly become Dongting. Long Jun, it may not be what they really want to see. The previous promise and temporary reversal are not unexpected, so I want you to go together."

"What do you mean?" Yue Yang asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Take the opportunity to explore the terrain of the Great Abyss." Liu Yuexuan said: "If the Great Yuan refuses to accept, I will lead the Dongxuan Xianting Lake monster army to suppress them! At present, I have obtained the leader of the Dragon King and secretly tuned the army of the Great De Saint Dynasty. They came in batches, lurking in secret, and then mixed into the Dongxuan Fairy Lake Army. Before Dao Palace could react, suppress the Great Abyss... After the suppression, the Tibetan Army can be in the Great Abyss."

"After suppressing the Great Yuan, will the next step be to kill King Qi, destroy the Taoist palace, and rule the wilderness?" Yue Ting said excitedly.

"It's not the time yet." Liu Yuexuan said in a deep voice, "We still have to wait for Zhuang Ming to return before we can make a decision. However, from the current situation, it is not good to attack Tianhuang. It is better to fight Tiannan Realm..."

"The Great Chu Dynasty?" Liu He asked immediately after being clear.

"Not bad." Liu Yuexuan said: "The status of King Qi is too high and he only enjoys the power of the Taoist palace. However, the sky is full of chaos. He does not want to suppress it as soon as possible. He only wants to restore his cultivation base in the future and his status will reach its peak again. It is necessary to surrender his heavenly blood. In the short term, Dao Palace is just guarding the famine and entangled with the demon races everywhere. It is not a concern. But the Chu Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger. The Emperor Chu is in the southern realm and has not received the great virtue. The obstacles of the holy dynasty are getting stronger and stronger..."

"But Long Jun said Behind the Da Chu Dynasty, there is a deeper existence." Yue Yang said like this.

"It's too late." Liu Yuexuan said: "Just now, the secret of heaven was chaotic. I used the Dayan to calculate the sutras. I learned of the changes in the world. It is very likely that the great supernatural powers appeared early... Now there are only two ways, either sticking to or expanding Stick to it. With today’s Great Virtue Sect, it is still unable to resist the Great Supernatural Powers. Only by expanding its territory can the Great Virtuous Sage Dynasty become stronger, Longjun Zhuangming can become stronger, and we can work together to resist the Great Supernatural Powers. Territory, the best direction to attack at present is the Great Chu Dynasty."

"It's important, just in case..." Liu He hesitated a little.

"Be prepared for all matters related to the subjugation of the Great Abyss Demon Race, and other major issues will be discussed later." Liu Yuexuan said: "As for the attack on the Dao Palace or the Dade Dynasty, it is a battle involving the foundation of the country, and even the great virtue. The rise and fall of the sacred dynasty, only Zhuang Ming, as the Great Dragon Lord, is qualified to decide this matter."

"So..." Yue Yang said, "It's up to us to go to Dayuan to explore."

"The eternal princess also planted seeds in the Great Abyss." Liu Yuexuan said: "Yue Ting knows one of them, and it is considered an internal response. Now in the Great Abyss Demon Race, her status is not low and can help you wait for things to happen. "

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