The Grandson Of The Reborn Chaebol Family Became The World's Richest Man

Chapter 68 With The Help Of The Sister-In-Law's Family, The Little Bully Is Popular All Over Th

"Dao Jun, come here first!"

While Chen Daojun was talking to Mao Xianmin, he heard Chen Yangzhe call him.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?"

Chen Daojun walked up to Chen Yangzhe and nodded to Chairman Mao who was beside him.

"Haha, good grandson..." Chen Yangzhe looked at Chen Daojun lovingly, and said with a smile: "Your Uncle Mao wants to chat with you..."

As he said that, he said meaningfully: "Tell Uncle Mao about your business, he is the president of Xiancheng Daily, maybe he can help you!"

This little grandson was his pride, so he unabashedly pushed him in front of Chairman Mao.

From Chen Yangzhe's point of view, Chen Daojun is clear and well-organized, and he has always spoken well, and he will never embarrass him as a grandfather.

Seeing the doting look on Chen Yangzhe's face, Chairman Mao felt even happier, and asked with a smile, "Daojun, I heard from your grandfather that you are researching game consoles recently?"

He was very curious, how capable is this little grandson whom President Chen dotes on to the extreme?

President Zai had already heard about his involvement in the toy factory before.

177 Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to visit Chen Yangzhe.

"Yes, Uncle Mao!" Chen Daojun nodded and said to him, "To be precise, it should be a learning machine..."

As he said that, he explained: "Computers are not popular yet, and many students from ordinary families have no chance to touch computers. Therefore, I researched a simple computer and connected it to a TV with a computer keyboard, which can also achieve The learning effect of computers!"

"Oh? There is such an idea?"

Hearing Chen Daojun's thoughts, Chairman Min suddenly regained his spirits.

I have to say that for media workers like them, Chen Daojun's idea made him feel extremely interested.

Computers are required in several of the departments announced in their club, but many new employees are not familiar with computers.

If Chen Daojun's learning machine can go on the market, it will be of great help to them.

At least it can play a big role in practicing typing and vocabulary.

Thinking of this, President Zai asked curiously: " far has this learning machine been developed?"

He just thinks that Chen (bbcj) Daojun's idea is very good, but he doesn't hold much hope.

After all, the one standing in front of him is only President Chen's youngest grandson. Even if he has some advanced ideas, it is difficult to realize them.

After all, for young people, there are often more ideas than difficulties.

They can be unconstrained, but the technical problems in reality often stump them.

How difficult is it to replace a computer with a TV?

Of course, for Chairman Mao, it is already admirable for this child to have such a bold idea.

Seeing Chairman Mao's complex eyes, Chen Daojun could not know what he was thinking.

He smiled, stepped forward and said: "Uncle Mao, my learning machine has been successfully developed, and the first batch of samples have been mass-produced, and they are waiting for a large-scale launch!


Hearing Chen Daojun's words, the president and Chen Yang were all stunned.

They both looked at each other, eyes filled with disbelief.

Who would have thought that the youngest grandson of the Shunyang family in front of him could actually develop such advanced electronic products?

The most important thing is that his creativity is worth a thousand dollars, and it just hit everyone's desire to buy.

Only relying on a TV can realize the freedom of learning computers, such a way of saving money, which parent would not want to try it?

Some novice employees who are about to learn how to use computers will even flock to it.

"President Chen, your little grandson is such a genius!"

Chairman Mao looked at Chen Yangzhe, his eyes full of envy.

He was thankful that President Chen had chosen this little grandson for Xianmin.

If it was the stunned grandson just now, then their Mao family would be in a big loss.

Judging from the performance of this little grandson, his achievements will go far beyond that.

Such a performance at such a young age, when he grows up, what's the point?

Thinking of this, he quickly turned his head and said to Chen Daojun: "Daojun, you are in the early stage of your career development, if you need help, just ask Uncle Mao......"

As he said that, he said modestly: "Although Uncle Mao's ability is not as good as President Chen's, he can still help you in certain aspects!"

"Thank you, Uncle Mao!" Chen Daojun smiled modestly and politely, and said to him: "The Xiancheng Daily helped us report the private jet incident two days ago, and it has already helped us a lot..."

"Hahaha, you kid..." Chairman Mao laughed out loud at him: "It's not us helping you, it's you helping us!"

He explained happily: "Do you know how many newspaper subscriptions this blockbuster news has increased for us?"

In the matter of private jets, they have achieved each other.

Xiancheng Daily added popularity to Chen Daojun and Shun Yang.

The heavy news of Chen Daojun has increased the number of subscriptions to Xiancheng Daily.

"How about this..." Chairman Mao sat there in contemplation for a while, then raised his head and said, "Daojun, how about I order a thousand learning machines from you?"

"One thousand?" Chen Daojun frowned: "Uncle Mao, why do you need so many learning machines?"

"Oh, you don't know..." Chairman Mao gave a wry smile, waved his hands and said, "Hasn't our newspaper office started to introduce computers to type? Many employees are too clumsy and have never learned how to type. Dozens of computers, there is no time for them to practice!"

"So that's it!" Chen Daojun heard the words, thought for a while, and said, "How about this? Anyway, the company has already released a batch of samples, and I will send them to the newspaper office tomorrow, so that the employees can have a pre-sales experience. How about it?"

"Pre-sales experience?" Chairman Mao laughed excitedly when he heard the words: "Okay! This is a good way. If they experience it well, I will ask them to write an experience report, which can be published on Xiancheng Daily technology magazines and newspapers!"

In addition to the current affairs daily, Xiancheng Daily's other publications are also selling very well.

If it is true as President Mao said, if you send a trial report to Chen Daojun's learning machine, it will make this Xiaobawang learning machine popular before it goes on the market!

The reporters of Xiancheng Daily strongly promoted it, and the degree of publicity can be imagined.

Obviously, this little bully learning machine will soon be pushed to the top and become popular all over the country!.

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