The Great Adventure

Chapter 17 - Seventeen

Two weeks have passed since the group arrived on the island of trente.

In a hangar Ike, Grandpa Quid, Dani, Macquia, Maquia's brother and the warrior of the country of wa were gather talking about the situation.

Right after landing on trente, they learn about the tensions between the great powers of the island, as war was already on everybody minds even before what happened on the island of bloom and with the influx od refugees coming come the island of bloom, the tensions have reached an all time high as the refugees were put into camps.

As they arrived, they brought the captured pirates and the ninja captain to the authority of Trente but received a great surprise as the law enforcers told them to take care of the problem themselves as they had no time, no strength and certainly no place in jail as criminals and other groups have been using this time of insecurity and chaos to commit all kind of crimes, creating so much disorder on top of the chaos that the law enforcement powers had to prioritize cases.

Seeing this situation greatly shook the group as they realized that chaos could just appear where people thought it was impossible, first on the island of blooms and now on the island of Trente. Thinking about this grandpa quid could not help but say, " is chaos spreading on the vercors asura sea and the world as a whole, are we living an era of great change ! "

Being smaller than the island of blooms, the island of trente could be considered a city state, as the only city there is trente. After three days in the camp, the refuges coming from the island of blooms because of their poor living conditions started to confront the law enforcement, some riot here and there could be seen on Trente.

Seeing this situation Ike and his group started thinking about their next course of action, the ninja started opening his mouth and soon explanation was made, his name was Ryu, Ryu having been chased out of the country of " Wa " became a pirate to raise fund quickly hoping to raise enough capital to raise a stronger force to find justice when going back to Wa, he attacked ships but never hurting the passengers and only taking the money.

" I will help you go back to wa, but you will have to become our follower, this is an act of faith and you will have to believe in us and us will need to trust you, this sort of relation will need time, do you want to try. "

Having created a force that grew with each passing day, with the refugees joining them, during this passed two weeks, Ike revealed to grandpa Quid, Dani and some other that he found fruits in the temple of divinity and gained some bloodline abilities by eating them.

As a result Grandpa Quid could not sleep for three days straigth as he tought of how much money the fruit could have brought to his pockets.

Having finish their discussion they agreed that they will wait and see what the big players are doing before acting themselves. Everyone left and went to do their own thing, Dani went training, Grandpa quid as the one managing the money of the new organization went back to work, Maquia and her brother started talking and Ike left to do his own training, in a room of 20 meters by 20 meters, Ike entered and started his training, taking out the meta energy stone, that he divided between members of the group, while still keeping a great number and aborbing the energy within, having finish absorbing the energy in the meta stone, Ike felt he could not absorb any more meta energy as he was already full and will need to digest it and started training his new abilities.

" I am the master of space, time is under my feet and I see the truth, don't get a big head Ike, but I know I can do this, uuuhhmmm "

Next Ike disappeared and reappeared 15 meters away, like this he disappeared and reappeared for 5 minutes before stopping. Taking a ball in his right hand throwing it into the air as the ball started falling toward the ground a bubble made of time méta energy appeared around the ball, the ball was falling but with a speed so slow that it was abnormal before Ike took it and the bubble disappeared, Ike repeated the action again and again.

Ike could now move in space in a radius of 15 meters range and slow down objets and many other thing in a 3 meters radius.

Ike stopped and sat in the lotus position on the ground, resting and thinking before a smile appeared on his lips.

" I am strong enough to defend myself and others ".

" I can feel it, these abilities of mine can become even stronger, lets build a city and a garden and why not a country " .

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