The Great Conqueror

Chapter 135: Just privileged

"Who said you had no chest or brain?" Emma was so angry that no one dared to talk to her like this since she was born.

"You are so stupid, do you have to ask others if you have one." Arthur shrugged in disapproval.

Emma was speechless, and the four-year life of the Rhine people couldn't bear it, and her face sank. "Arthur, it's best to leave some room for speech, be careful not to end it."

"With each other, someone wants to hit my left face, and I'm going to find teeth all over the floor. Our Bill family is relatively straightforward, not so flamboyant, smile and smile."

Zou Liang didn't plan to give them face. Mom gave a prank and came to the door to find something. If you still tolerate it, it's a brain damage. For the fault, they must be flattened so much that they don't even know her mother. They detoured when they saw him

The Rhine people were lingering for a while. They heard a lot of "deeds" from Emma, ​​and they were already suffocating to teach each other. There was a trainee priest. Whatever it was, it was nothing. But now I see The situation is a little bit wrong.

"Why is Miss Emma angry with this kind of person? If you have a distinguished status, let them forget." A few lower-level persuaders persuaded that if they couldn't afford it, they could only give up.

"Oh, who is so bold, would it be that my daughter of the dignified sergeant is very low?" Gina was unwilling, saying that, the city of sedia would be a little bit bigger than Jerusalem.

A few dumbfounders shut up immediately, and they forgot that there was indeed a nobleman in the same team, regardless of whether Arthur ’s High Priest disciple, Kote, and others were single-ranked. Gina is the daughter of a true sacred Archon, and she is also an old nobleman. She has a noble surname "Lamb", but her ancestors have participated in jihad. How can you compare?

Zou Liang had a complete victory here. Seeing that the other party had lost their tempers, they were too lazy. They instructed the driver to come up with a whip, and the carriage ran forward. The victory and defeat were divided. If it continues, it will become a dog biting the dog. style of.

As for offending, Zou Liang didn't think about it either. The other side made it clear that it was targeted and would not change because of your attitude, but in the battle, he really had to guard against these guys, especially which Snake archer. For those who rely on the triangular face, Zou Liang wants to fight subconsciously.

This was a fairly straightforward victory. Everyone was in a good mood, especially when Jina's key moments made her think of her as a comrade-in-arms. In fact, the opponent's provocation had nothing to do with her, nor was it directed at her. She was able to beat her, and at the crucial moment, she was really good.

In fact, Gina is the same as Emma, ​​who is not afraid of the world, but Gina does not go to provoke others, and there is not so much Miss Emma's fault, always thinking that the world is turning around her.

It ’s no wonder that Emma ’s mood is high again today, because the engraving division has created a new engraving method, and her father is in a good mood. The strength of the engraving division can counter the temple, and he can find opportunities to turn things around. Of course, she also has to help. In this battle, she must let these guys remember who is the Princess of Jerusalem and who has the final say. This must not be the end of the matter.

Thinking of the humiliation she suffered, Emma wouldn't punch it out. Whoever said she was breastless, it was impossible for her to be brave ...

Despicable, sinister, shameless and other terms are explained here behind Arthur.

After this toss, the two sides did not meet, until they reached their destination, 50 kilometers outside the night road Moss City, a distance from the city, but too many monsters will channel to the ground and hurt the surroundings. In the villages and towns of the country, as the adventurers have explored, the level of monsters is very low. According to various judgments, there is no need for the city guards or beast **** knights to fight, and it is more suitable for large-scale raids by the War College.

Of course, the Adventurer's Guild will provide corresponding cooperation. This is the significance of the existence of the Adventurer's Guild. They have to do all sorts of things.

Temporary supply points have been established. It has to be said that the ability of the Adventurer's Guild is really strong. Maybe it is not as good as the eyes of the high society. But for the ordinary orcs, its low threshold and convenient service are better than those of professional guilds. Big Master is much more practical.

If you want to get a status and climb up, you have to please the professional guild, but if you are to survive, the most important thing is the adventurer guild.

The college has nearly one hundred teams, and more than 800 people have gathered. The War College is crowded, and it can be regarded as a kind of war reserve in the Mengjia Empire. In the empire, there are not many regular troops, and the city has the city guards in power Commanded by the commander, the temple has knights, but the number is limited, and the law and order problem is easy to solve. However, if there is a small-scale battle with these regular troops, it will be solved. If there is a large-scale war, the pope will issue a war mobilization order. Most people are soldiers. Most of them have attended at least the first year of the War College, which means that they have at least general combat literacy. Even untrained soldiers can use a few rough weapons to play a considerable combat effectiveness.

Therefore, the Empire will not spend money to support a large number of troops, nor can it afford it. The role of the War Academy is very important, and it can maintain the empire's fighting level to a certain extent.

The camp will continue to provide all aspects of supplies and medical protection during the battle. Of course, this needs to be consumed. Naturally, you do n’t care if you have more money. You will be ready at home if you have less money.

Young people are full of excitement and omissions in such battles, and this hole is in charge of the Jerusalem War College, which is also the glory of the college. The number and quality of kills will also be recorded as achievements, and they will also be rewarded for applying for professional guilds. condition.

There were long queues at various supply points, and the voices were full of enthusiasm. In Zou Liang's view, this kind of life-and-death battle is just like the spring tour of the previous life for the orcs, but the spring tour has no such excitement.

"Brother, I'll go in line." Ernest said valiantly. Although it was a Bill family, Ernest was very patient.

"No, I will ask someone to ask later." Zou Liang shook his head. He was observing. Combined with the recent understanding of the confidence, this adventurer's guild is completely a sad queen-bred child. A large part of the money earned must be turned over to various forces. , Including professional guilds, simply said that professional guilds are holding their money and then send them to adventurers. Fortunately, he takes the priestly route, otherwise he will not be alive and mad by the guild's grandfather.

Noisy is not far away, and it's amazing to have a group of young orcs stay together if no one is making trouble.

"Get off, why do I have to line up, I have money, can't I buy anything if I have money?"

"Our young master doubles the price, and I won't let you head over. I know that the Adventurers' Guild is dedicated to VIPs. It's really not long-sighted. Big customers like our young master are rare."

A fox stood in an ornate white brocade robe with a proud look, and asked him to line up with these poor ghosts. He would not do it. This person was accompanied by the college battles. It is conceivable, but their home is famous for Jerusalem. The upstarts found a copper mine rich in oil.

Noisy also broke out not far.

"What do you mean, my grandmother's daughter is also waiting here?" Miss Emma hurried again.

The people of the Adventurers 'Guild are already used to dealing with the tempers of these nobles. No matter if you get angry or scold, they still accompany the laugh, but the rules cannot be changed. If everything changes, the Adventurers' Guild will lose its final bottom line.

"Dear Miss Emma, ​​of course, we know your name. Please understand that this is the rule of our Association of Adventurers, and the order maintained by Your Honorable Archon. The privileges of the Association of Adventurers are only open to high-level adventurers. , Several of you are good adventurers, they should know. "

"Emma, ​​forget it, they can't be the masters. Unless the presidential association approves it, the adventurer must be an adventurer above Samsung in order to enjoy the privileges, and according to the level."

Rhein armor warrior Barmer said.

Emma is upset, but Barmer is the strongest among the people. Only one-star adventurer, no one else is starred, so he does not have any privileges. The reason why the governor wants to maintain this order is actually to For their own interests, the Association of Adventurers earns money to feed a lot of people. If there is no rule at all, the money will be small and their interests will be damaged.

But at this moment, he found that the abominable Bill Priest swayed and took a group of people in.

"Come here, I can't do it, how can he do it, how can he bring people in, can it be that you dare countless my father if you are only afraid of the high priest?"

Emma angered, like a little wild cat with open teeth.

Barmer and others saw it, and it was unbearable.

"It seems that the rules of the Adventurers' Guild are also floating. They vary from person to person and look down on Lord Sarah." Guck gritted his teeth against Arthur, of course, he would provoke.

"Give us an explanation. As far as I know, no matter whether the president is special or the Samsung adventurer can only go in by himself." Of course, as a one-star adventurer, Barmer knows the inside story, don't try to fool him.

Emma's people gathered around, as long as this guy could not give a word, it was a beating.

The staff of the Adventurer's Guild is very indifferent, "Dear ladies, please don't worry. You are talking about the priest of Arthur, let alone a temporary camp. Even if you are at the Adventurer's Guild, he will go where he wants to go. Yes, little people like us are not qualified to question. "

Everyone looked at each other, and they did not expect that members of the Association of Adventurers of Hard and Hard did not buy Arthur's face like this.

Arthur's early career for the Adventurers 'Guild has spread throughout the Jerusalem Adventurers' Guild, and even the surrounding cities know about it ~ ~ Arthur is a high-risk adventurer, and he is so protective For the Association of Adventurers who lack love, of course, it is the return of the grace of dripping water, which is the respect from the heart, so that the great priest truly represents the kindness and fairness of the beast god.

Barmer frowned. "You wouldn't want to tell me, is he a four-star adventurer?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, this is not something a little person like me can ask. If you have any complaints, please complain. If you have any questions, please ask."

The staff became tight-lipped again.

Emma really wanted to rush in and pinch this terrible guy, especially when he went in and watched her deliberately, stayed in his chest for a few seconds, and finally shook his head to enter ...


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