The Great Conqueror

Chapter 141: Moan in fate


Patrice's concentrated sword that could not be sent between arrows, Zou Liangmeng's protection, suddenly caught the foot of the rock and caught Emma's leg, but he lost the place of leverage, four people suddenly fell towards the hole, Emma wanted to grab Something, Ai Weier hugged her waist, unable to exert force.

Uh ...

Along with the girls screaming, the four rolled down the cave, and Randy, who was the fastest, also found it empty.

Beside the rock not far away, a man shrouded in a black robe covered his body silently, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, just disappearing in the blink of an eye, like never before.

The things explained above must be completed. I thought this was enough to kill these boys. Whoever thought that their fighting power was unexpectedly strong, if he was afraid, he would also take a shot, but halfway through the daughter of a consul, everything changed. It was perfect, without traces.

Under the cave, everyone fell at a high speed. Although Zou Liang's heart was fierce, he couldn't control that much. The stone wall was surrounded by vines. Zou Liang's hands suddenly grabbed, but the weight was too large, and the hands were not ordinary hot.

It only took a while for the dead to fall and smash heavily, but it wasn't the ground. The vines in the middle slowed down the speed and finally fell on some soft things.

His bones suddenly swayed. At the crisis, Zou Liang went all out. The fainting lasted only about two seconds. Their sudden drop obviously also startled the monsters around them. Fate to the West.

These monsters Zou Liang recognized at a glance. They were n beasts, ... dense beasts of n beasts.

I did it and fell into the n nest.

Zou Liang said nothing, picked up Emma's sword and swept the Qianjun to block the n beasts around. When Zou Liang fell down, these things were working, which could make classmate Zou sick.

Life and death are at stake, but the real killings are used, and Emma's sword is definitely a man in a powerful position.

However, there are so many beasts here. Although Zou Liang swings a circle, but a cloud of red mist sprays, Zou Liang screams and adds his own deterrent skills. Sure enough, the beasts rushing over to scare a few meters away. This deterrent is especially useful for this low-level monster.

But Zou Liang is not worried about this. There must be terrible monsters in places like SLR. You must leave this ghost place before this old monster comes out. Fortunately, this place is much better than the ichthyosaur area. This hole can definitely climb up. The level of the second floor is not as high as the ichthyosaur field.

The three women also awakened, Emma's face was blank, as if stupid, apparently desperate for falling into the second floor, no one can get out of the second floor or go out, Silverlight Warrior can't.

The first thing Avril woke up was to shoot with a crossbow and shoot casually. How can the arrows fall into the beast pile to kill a few.

"Five sisters, take Lu Yao first, hurry up"

Zou Liang turned and shouted, his deterrent ability was only a little, and the sustained effect was very poor. The most hateful thing was that he had hit the **** red mist, and he was all over his body, so he didn't dare look back.

"I fight with you, you can't do it alone."

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, take Lu Yao."

"You've hit the red mist of the beast, ..." Lu Yao apparently noticed Zou Liang's strangeness.

Damn, the woman talks so much nonsense, he has to fight against the n beast, but also to suppress his own. This is his mother ’s uncomfortable, grandma's Bill, brother is lustful, but it is not

Zou Liang shouted in his heart, but the sword was even hesitant. Emma leaned against the wall and murmured, "Fast sword, fast."

"Five sisters, go up first, I'll be here later, don't hold back, hurry up"

Zou Liang wanted to make her voice look normal, but her body's dryness had become hoarse, and Ai Weier pushed Lu Yao up as soon as she gritted her teeth, grabbing the vine and climbing up.

"Brother, come here soon."

A piece of acid swept through, Zou Liangdong hid in Tibet. He had to contain these n beasts, and he had to fight for enough time for Avril and Lu Yao to climb up.

"You get out, get out."

Zou Liang wanted to suppress it with the Warsong, but found that his body was dry and hot, the beast spirit was completely out of control, and the Warsong could not be released at all. The only thing he could do was kill.

Emma seemed to react at this time. She still had a chance to survive. She grabbed a vine and wanted to climb up, but a piece of acid swept away, the vine melted, and Emma fell off her hips, and a group of monsters looked at it with staring eyes. She, Emma screamed and waved her shield trying to sweep away these disgusting guys.

Not to mention her shrill screaming, but Zou Liang, who was almost unconscious, was awake a bit. During the fight, Zou Liang inhaled a lot of red mist, and this **** place had no place to hide. He had to hold here to get Avril and them to climb up.

"Go away, get away, you disgusting things," Emma yelled and slammed with her shield.

Ai Weier and Lu Yao clenched their teeth and climbed up. The two women couldn't say a word. Both lips had bitten blood. Lu Yao's tears couldn't help but stay.

"Don't cry, we must go out alive, brother will be fine, some little monsters will not stump him"

Ai Weier said, but she did not believe it, she knew the strength of Arthur, but anyone would lose their mind if they were in the mist. If it was just a little bit okay, but so many beasts spit out together ...

She knew that Arthur didn't dare to turn around, and she couldn't control it anymore. Lu Yao, a pharmacist, knew this better. She always thought that although Arthur was excellent, this person was too lascivious, too unscrupulous. I like to tease beautiful girls, and I also like to stare at her chest.

As a pharmacist, she knew very well that the beast and the mist were so powerful that she would go mad at once. If you put up with it, it would be the pain of a blood vessel explosion.

There can also be roars like Zou Liang from the cave, kill, kill, kill

Zou Liang didn't know how much he had been hacked, and Hongwu didn't know how much he inhaled. He didn't care about it anymore. This thing was almost like crazy, so that Zou Liang's combat power was fully exerted. The carcass of a beast.

I don't know how long, the beast actually retreated, and Zou Liang was still waving wildly, but he could only pierce the air.

Emma was stunned, staring at the red eyes, Zou Liang in dilapidated condition.

"What do you want to do"

If she didn't say anything, it was okay. At this birth, Zou Liang felt shocked, transpired, and completely out of control, and the source of that voice was the only place to vent.

With a low roar, Zou Liang rushed past like a beast, and Emma's rude shield blasted over. At this time, Zou Liang did not have the slightest reservation, blasted out with a punch, and opened the shield straight. .

Emma couldn't understand that this terrible thing had already been embraced by Zou Liang. The strong masculinity was mixed with blood and transpiration, and Emma herself absorbed a little, but because Zou Liang was at the front, she could barely control it. She wanted to struggle to kill the man she hated the most, but she couldn't break the arm like the hoop.


Her lower body was torn, her body was tightly hugged against the wall, her legs swayed desperately, but at this time screaming, struggling, and yelling were useless. Zou Liang was a beast at this time, even if he had reason , And she would never be polite, all of which she asked for.

"No, no, no ..."

With Emma's crying, Zou Liang has not hesitated to step in. The Bill family was relatively large. Zou Liang inhaled more than n fog, which was even more amazing at this time. Emma was unprepared and looked like she was tearing. same.

It was not only her precious chastity and her dream of marrying the royal family, but also the heartbreaking pain.

But Zou Liang ’s pain was alleviated. The warmness and humidity wrapped him, and he was extremely comfortable. This made Zou Liang ’s endless occupant, and at the beginning, Emma continued to struggle and torture, but soon it was already There was no strength at all. I do n’t know when the n-beast had appeared silently, but it did n’t attack, and the n-beast also started to do it *, and the whole cave was filled with a thick desert breath.

When Zou Liang woke up, he found that he was in an empty crypt with glittering stalactites on it and all beasts around it, which made him go all out, but ... he was still alive and he was still in peace. thing……

Emma was beside her, her whole body shrank, hugging herself, her eyes staring at him silently. Zou Liang also had a trace of guilt in her heart, but it was an instant, and the evil of heaven could not be lived.

In the center of the n beast, there is always a huge n beast. As a soul sacrifice, Zou Liang can feel the huge beast spirit, which is indeed much worse than the fish dragon lord, but it is more than enough to deal with him.

The most disgusting thing is that this monster is still hermaphrodite. At this time, it is doing that kind of thing. The other little n beasts rolled up in twos and threes, and the beast's body exudes a faint red light.

Fuck, the group is happy, it is indeed a beast.

Zou Liang didn't dare to rush, and the red mist pervaded the entire crypt. Zou Liang didn't **** big turtles. As long as she breathed, she must inhale the smoke. Emma is obviously the same. She is extremely confused now ~ ~ Frightened, angry, afraid of everything, but as the red mist, the body began to tide.

I have to say that at this time, Emma had a tide-like visual impact on Zou Liang. Her armor had faded, her clothes were shabby, her slender tremors were trembling, her cheeky face was red, and her long golden hair was dripping with sweat.

Zou Liang growled and walked over. At this time, he still had some resistance in his heart. These n beasts did not seem to be hostile to the two, especially when Zou Liang suppressed Emma, ​​the n beasts around seemed to be happy. .

Emma bit her lip and did not let herself groan. Zou Liang entered her body smoothly. There was nothing unnatural. Zou Liang may have no consciousness, but she was violated for a long time, comatose again and again, her body was right Zou Liang no longer had any resistance. When the other party touched her, her body even became hot.


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