The Great Conqueror

Chapter 153: Gina's plan

The tea was set aside, and Zou Liang didn't even look at it ... Why, do you want the owner to do it by himself ...? "

Emma was a little overwhelmed to pick up the cup. Classmate Zou Liang wanted to be patient, but this man's patience was not very good, especially when he looked at the beautifully furnished bed.

She picked up Emma and undressed her rudely. "However, she couldn't solve it. The nobleman's clothes were troublesome. Grandma Bill.

"Don't" Don't see someone in a while * ... "

The thorn * ..., the clothes have been torn by Zou Liang rough, in fact, Zou Liang can not control, the two met as if they did not know if it was the influence left by the beastmaster.

When Zou Liang was going to bring a gun into the room, the maid outside the door knocked.

"Miss, let you pass * ..."

Both of them were shocked, and there was a little bit of resentment in their hearts, especially Ms. Zou. This was called uncomfortable.

"You just say I'm a bit uncomfortable" take a break * ... "

"Yes, miss."

Emma gave a charming glance at Zou Liang, "Master, are you satisfied with my answer * ......"

"Satisfied, that's quite a satisfaction!"

The red yarn was put down, and Zou Liang enjoyed Emma's wholehearted flattery in this place that has never been violated. The true son Jie Emma only knew that although the girl was spoiled and had a bad temper, she had no heart or anything "I'm outside" and now Zou Liangzhi is obedient. "It's really the best female slave candidate."

Zou Liang hid behind and enjoyed Emma's service. "Outside is staggered." Gina found an excuse to come to Huātong, but found no trace of the two, a little strange in her heart.

She kept watching, the two haven't been out since they entered. "Where have they been?"

Gina walked quietly towards the backyard. Obviously, this leopard beauty has a very good tracking skill.

Frankly, she thinks that Arthur's talent is too humiliating in the temple. Any glorious priest is a vanity. His ability should not be wasted in the temple to spend time, but there should be more room for development, an unlimited space. .

She needs to convince her father with some evidence, and then apply upwards, and the two together will definitely create more miracles.

Unconsciously, Gina came to Emma's room, and the traces were broken from here.

"Miss Gina, is there anything wrong with you?"

At the door, a maid stopped Gina.

"I'm sorry" I was resting in the huā garden. "But I got lost while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Is this here?"

"Ms. Gina, this is our lady's place. I'll take you back to the front hall * ..." the maid said respectfully.

"Oh, Miss Emma," just right, and I want to visit her too. "Ji Na said hi." This ... Miss is not very comfortable, not disturbing. "

"Ah," is Emma unwell, and I want to greet you more, can you help me? "

The waitress hesitated, but felt that such a noble guest was not good enough to nod, and nodded, "Miss Gina, please wait a moment." I'll ask. "

In the room, Zou Liang was at the critical moment in Wushan, and the maid's voice sounded again. When hearing the news of Ji Na's visit, thinking of Ji Na's terrible beautiful legs, Ms. Zou immediately leaked *.

Emma almost screamed out. Fortunately, Ms. Zou had already practiced. The eye-sick hand was choking the moan in the cradle. "But it still came out a little, but it was already out of shape.

"Tell her" I'm not feeling well, let's talk tomorrow * ... "

At this time, Emma's consciousness was blurred, and she still had trouble with Jina, and the woman was really annoying. She did not stay, and went to Jerusalem to fight against her.

"Classmate Emma, ​​are you okay?" Gina has walked to the door.

Suddenly the two people in the room began to breathe tightly, and this day's "if Gina came in, but ...

"Classmate Gina, I'm fine. I just want to take a nap and rest."

"Oh, so, ... then I won't bother * ..."

Hearing here, the two could not help but give a sigh of relief, Zou Liang also has a headache, this demon girl is always contrived, and the trouble continues.

"By the way, have you met Priest Arthur, I have something to do with him?" Gina asked.

"Is Arthur the Priest?" I haven't seen it. "

There should be a sound outside the door, "Footsteps are gone, and the two on the bed were relieved." Emma was also nervous and wanted to die. If it was exposed, her father would not be killed.

Gina left with a playful smile on her face. "Priest Arthur, it seems you are not ordinary and dishonest!"

Unconsciously, Ms. Zou thought that she had been confused, and cleaned up her clothes. “Let Emma the little slave continue to pretend to be sick, but she sneaked away from the window.

Stealing incense and stealing jade is probably the feeling. "Student left as quickly as a spirit cat, this action is much lighter than Liying.

Zou Liang did n’t go back to the banquet at all, and went directly to the temple. Anyway, he was already infamous, so he would just cooperate with it. Besides, the banquet was a manifestation of the city hall. If it's gold, if Sarah knew that Zou Liang had stolen his baby girl, I'm afraid the city guards would besieged him with a roar of lions.

But the more he played with fire, the more excited Zou was.

What is more surprising is that the official Roland did not bother him and did not stop. It is said that there was something passing by Jerusalem. "By the way, look at the old friend and look at his daughter's situation. Expressed affirmation.

Early the next morning, Ji Na came to the door, but people came to engraved the equipment. In order not to affect the performance of Ms. Zou, Ji Na said nothing.

After Zou Liang's perfect creation was completed, “Jina Na ’s classmates admired their plum hu darts and“ looked at Zou Liang with interest ”after staring at Zou Liang. She might be guilty of a guilty conscience. Classmate Na, is it time for us to practice? You can also do morning exercises with us in the future. "

Gina smiled. "Priest Arthur has turned red and has been very moist."

"Where, where" is mainly seeing Gina's beautiful woman every day "I'm in a good mood * ......"

"Oh, isn't it really annoying for me, tangling you every day?" Ji Na asked.

"Where, I'm too late to be happy. If classmate Ji Na does not wear such exposure, I will be even more grateful. I am not strong enough." Zou Liang smiled bitterly. "In fact, he likes this frank girl, but he is The control in this area is indeed worse. Fortunately, there is Emma, ​​otherwise he dare not guarantee that he can do it.

Animal hair is not impossible.

Gina was a stunner. I didn't expect that her ridicule would earn the sincerity of the other party, thinking about her hidden secrets, but Arthur wholeheartedly built equipment for her. "Gina did not know what to say for a moment.

What's wrong with "Gina", did the Roland Chief say you "Put anything bad on me, I have a super ability!"

Zou Liang said confidently.

"Oh? What ability?"

"Bag, no matter whether it's black or white, big or small * ..."

Zina Liang's appearance of aggrieved Gina laughed out loud. This person always does this, and always forgets any troubles with him.

"Ministry priest" Hello guys, let me show you how to use Mei Huā darts. I'm afraid I'm too stupid to lose your face * ... "

"Rest assured, good apprentice" "Learn from the master" Qin Neng can make up! "Zou Liang said with a thick voice.

"Cut" wants to take advantage of me "No way, if you do n’t teach well, you have to teach, otherwise I will bully you" to seduce you and make you make mistakes! "

Gina recklessly said that she found she had fallen in love with seducing each other!

Zou Liang shrugged helplessly, "You will keep me making small mistakes and never make big mistakes." Study hard and keep improving every day. "

Jina held Zou Liang's arm politely, and her body was close. "Let's go, today I'm going to learn how to spin up!"

"Okay, okay, oops, don't stick too tightly" hot! "

"Take off then ..."

The two just entangled and walked towards the training ground. Randy's envy, the same man, how can his life be sorrowful, and he will not be thrown away by his own door, but the big brother has to be busy, life is like that Hua is bright again.

"Randy, don't stand stupid, you learn together." You have a share in this new weapon. "

"New weapon, what is it?" Randy frowned.

Gina took out the special weapon in her hand. "This is the latest design of our great Arthur apprentice priest. "

This weird weapon "everyone has not seen before, and the power is not easy to evaluate, but the attack data has calmed everyone down. You must know that Jina already has equipment full of data!

Seeing the shock of the crowd, Gina couldn't help but be proud, except for the low-key man around him who "created a weapon that was almost a miracle" but so calmly, he obviously had a place in his heart.

"Wow, brother, you can't have the opposite **** and no humanity, I want it, I want it too ..." "Randy immediately jumped to Lao Gao" hugged Zou Liang.

She was held by a beautiful girl, and Zou could not bear it.

"Give me aside" "roll" roll "Grandma Bill! "

"Brother, you can't abandon me" I also want 2-2, you won't come down if you don't promise! Randy hung on Zou Liang like a koala.

"Okay, okay, come down and talk!"

Instantly, Randy jumped down, cleaned his clothes smartly, completely countless other people's eyes, and shook his hair. "Really, it would be better if I promised it early, and it would hurt people in the face of the beauties * ......"

Kurt could not help but vomit next to him, "Fucky, do you dare to be a mother!"

"Second ~ Brother, how are you!"

Randi's Lan Huā pointed a little ~ ~ Korte immediately fell, everyone laughed, only Ernest scratched his head stupidly, "Three brother, what's wrong with your throat, let me go and pour you a glass of water ? "

Randy's proud shape instantly petrified, this Ernest was too disruptive.

As a result, everyone laughed and laughed. "Landy himself is also hilarious. His hot eyes can melt the new equipment. His eyes are hot. Although he doesn't know how to use this thing, he believes that everything that is labeled with Arthur is a god!

In the laughter, Jina also made a decision. In any case, she must keep Arthur, so that she is both brave and undistorted, and must not be a victim of confrontation!

The only way is wide!


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