The Great Conqueror

Chapter 191: Crossfire

Since Tambulon decided to move each other, naturally he was doing a full set of dramas. Like the Apollo team, they are smarter. Because they are archers, they will find an open space instead of in the jungle. This is a shadow hunting paradise.

Four beauties came to the door, and it was not his style not to eat.

"Ready to fight!"

Zou Liang didn't plan to evade at all. Sixteen fierce wolves roared over. If it was an excellent hunting shadow cultivated by the Shadow Hunting Association, it would not only assassinate, deeper stealth, hide the breath, and set traps. This is hunting. The learning of shadows can only be learned at a price.

Sixteen fierce wolves were provoked to kill, but could not find their opponents, and naturally attacked in the direction of the breath they could feel.

The fierce wolf is purely physical, but the agility speed is very good. They are good at hunting in groups. Everyone has tried several times and is full of confidence. Zou Liang stays in place. Gina and Randy immediately go up the tree to occupy the commanding heights. Trice vacated, and Ernest, Kurt, and Barmer were in a triangle.

Zou Liang took Emma, ​​Avril, and Lu Yao in the middle. Emma actually has a battle force, good strength, but unfortunately, she can practice her strengths. Actually, she can make good achievements in the Sixth and Seventh. Zou Liang has no plans to let her Take a risk, not to mention that these violent wolves are the prologue, and the Lord is only behind.

"Avril, don't take your shot, I will let you attack in a while, I will go all out!"

"Yes, Captain."

Avril's crossbow has been wound, waiting quietly.

"Attention, get rid of the rage wolves as soon as possible, and the guests have arrived."

The people on the tree and the ground nodded, and there was something in her heart. Gina, who was a shadow hunter, felt it, but she had not found any trace of her opponent, indicating that her opponent was not weak and was very careful.

The battle started instantly, and Zou Liang looked like a foolish idiot, hiding with three beauties behind. Of course, the fighting strength is still good.

The war wolves rushed to the ground crazy soldiers, Patrice's bow and arrow quickly shot at the head wolf, the focus was not on killing, but on slowing their momentum.

Team battles pay attention to coordination, but Patrice's archery is really good, and he can still shoot very fast in the air.

On the face of the four mad wolves, Ernest rushed up with a shield and rushed up. Wearing a newly-built white armor made him more confident. The defense, plus the shield, "adds four points of defense over general full data, and Ernest is already good at defense, and his performance is also excellent.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The fierce wolf was hindered, and Ernest was also slipped out. At the same time, Gina and Randy shot in the air. From the sky, the dagger brought the cold light directly to the fierce wolf's neck. It is basic to have a good hunting image and make vital attacks anytime and anywhere.

The violent collision that Ernest got, severely hindered the violent wolf, and created a chance for the hunting movie to hit. Kurt and others complicatedly entangled other violent wolves. The first wave was caught, and Emma also Join the battle.

"Boss, it's almost time to shoot. The strength of these guys is still good."

"Muta, you are in charge of the archer in the air. I'll deal with that Randy. Gina will hand it over to Handong. Don't mess with the beauties. Others originally planned to kill!"

The vicious wolf hasn't been solved yet, the attack of the shadow killing team has arrived, and the actual grasp is quite in place. Although it takes a bit more time to consume some physical strength, the master's battle is the actual one. Tambloon is very sensitive to the sense of death.

"Five sisters, shoot!"

As soon as the other side's breath moved, Zou Liang shouted immediately, and Ai Weier's eyes appeared as bright as the moonlight, a speed boat figure appeared in the realization, a white super-killer crossbow shot.

A swift arrow shot out. This arrow is ready to kill, and it must kill the morale of the enemy. The first assault target is Patrice in the air. The pursuit from the tree to the air is basically at The average archer's range is out of range, but he has just reached out, and the target in the air has penetrated his throat quickly before he can respond.

Vital blow!

A scream, accompanied by a blood arrow soaring into the sky, made all the action hunting shadows stunned, the violent wolf smelled the **** smell and immediately rushed to the landing hunting shadow.


Gina and Randy also exhibited their true strengths at the same time. The plum dart whistled and shot directly at the enemy. Such a strange weapon really frightened the two oncoming hunters, but the flexibility of hunting still couldn't be spared. He flickered away and sneered to kill Gina and Randy.

Tambulon felt a little bad. As the captain, he shot every time last. The hunting instinct made him very upset, an unexpected archer ...

The crossbow has been circulating for some time, but few people have seen it. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Although this archer is special, Avril's appearance is still very easy to confuse opponents. When looking at the **** beauty, Tambulon is also The arrow had to be fired on the string, killing the priest who was in the middle of the command first.

The two hunting shadows easily avoided the plum blossom darts, and they looked down at the two targets of Ding Ding and took them down with certainty. The two sides of the door, Sichan, faced each other, but there was mercy in the eyes of Gina and Randy.

噌 ……, 噌 …….

The neck of a hunting shadow was opened directly. Before his death, he had an incredible face. Ji Na took the plum dart and rushed to the next opponent. Randy was worse. The plum dart didn't hit the point. Randy had toss for a while before he killed his opponent.

Just a moment later, there were three deaths on the shadow killing side, completely beyond Tamblon's expectations, alas ...

The precise shooting of the crossbow in Avril's hand was aimed at hunting shadows blocked by Kurt and others. The sharpness of the crossbow played the most in this battle. It can be said that in close combat, Avril was vulnerable, but this sniper Below, even hunting shadows are hard to resist.

Zou Liang squinted and felt the living killing. It was strange that there was no reaction in his heart. This was the essence of the orc.

Tambulon took the shot, and he knew that if he did n’t, his squad would be wiped out. How could he never have thought that the seemingly praying Shockwave squad could hide two hunting shadows with special weapons, and one legendary Crossbow Archer!


Avril's first attack failed. Even if the previous attack could not hit the key, the target would be painted, but the hunting shadow flashed past.

Tambulon's heart was full of anger, and at this moment it was replaced with infinite killing. Even if he was left, he could kill all these guys, but the first thing to be solved was this terrible crossbow shooter!

Ernest rushed first, but Tamblon's figure disappeared on him, and Ernest was hit with a knife on his arm. If Tamblon had no regard for speed, this knife would be Euro. Niester's death.

Randy was closest to this side, a dive, trying to stop Tambulon, Gina in the distance wanted to stop, but it was too late, Tambulon's eyes were full of shadows, Randy's knife had come, but Tambourn Takashi's knife had pierced his chest.

Randy can see that the other person's eyes are disdainful!


Randy instinctively used the small round shield, the dagger slid on the edge of the small round shield, opened a hole in Randy's abdomen, and disappeared as soon as his body shape.

Randy was cold and sweaty, and he could only stare at Tambulon and kill Avril like a jumping ghost.

When the five arrows shot in the air, it was Patrice, who got rid of the attack and immediately launched the attack, but Tambulon on the ground seemed to have eyes on top of his head and quickly flashed.

The real strength of the first hunting shadow of the Shen Yaoxing Provincial War College lies in this. This is also the essence of the hunting shadow profession, from which the army will take the first rank of the enemy.

This is Lieying.

Others' eyes saw and thoughts reflected, but the body couldn't keep up, and Avril had no time to shoot the second arrow.


Tambulon's eyes radiated a hot light, such a beautiful woman, such a powerful archer, is simply the long-awaited prey hunting, harvesting the life of the strong!

Tambulon trusts his knife very much, and his body is beyond anyone's reach. At least the younger generation can't reach it. But one arm stretched out in the oblique stab, Tambulon wanted to react, but found that When his thoughts gave instructions to the body, the arm had already grasped his neck.

Tambulon was very small, and this arm had already lifted him, and Tambulon killed him with a dagger, but the arm holding his lifeline was strong, and the knife in his hand was immediately softened.

Zou Liang is holding the living life, the life of the enemy, this is not the animal spirit world.

Tambulon's eyes touched Zou Liang's eyes. Tambulon couldn't believe it. It was…, the priest…, the apprentice priest who broke the pace of his suicide!

Tambulon's face turned red, and he suddenly saw a wicked smile in the other's eyes.


Dark energy poured in, Tambulon's life went with the wind, Zou Liang put down his hand, he could not deny. The bones may really be saturated with the nature of the orcs.

The other two hunters who were still alive were stunned. They both thought that Tambloon's shot was definitely unstoppable. Who thought that he would be killed by the most humble priest when he shot.

"People don't offend me ~ ~ I don't offend, if anyone offends me, I will offend, kill!"

There was a gleam of cold light in Zou Liang's eyes. Ji Na had appeared behind Li Ying, the cold light flashed, and a red mark appeared on her neck.

Gina licked her dagger, which was so interesting. In this team, except for Arthur, she was counted. Gina had developed infinite curiosity about Arthur. As an orc, she was right There was a little hesitation in killing the enemy, and killing was killing. It was fun to use a set of rhetoric to strengthen yourself.

"One less person." Patrice fell from above.

Zou Liang frowned, leaving alive was not a good thing, but there were really only nine people in his perception.


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