The Great Conqueror

Chapter 196: Super Warsong Priest

It wasn't until the soldiers evacuated the danger zone that they retreated at a high speed.

Buenavon was sifted by the light as soon as he landed. Murphy, though not a shadow hunter, had a strong sense of attack, and the rays had begun to dodge before he arrived.

There were two more roars of the Rhine lion to suppress the monster, but the effect was not good. Obviously, the eye demon had adapted, and there was no unexpected effect just now.

It was hard to break in, but now it retreats again, and the eyesight seems to know that the open areas are not good for them, and he doesn't follow up, and the forest is calm again.

The team that had just been full of energy suddenly became silent. Lu Yao released the song of healing battle here, but with her ability, it was the limit to perform twice in a row.

Even so, four people were unable to fight in the team, including Arnold. Despite Beamon, the body suffered too many attacks and was not completely defended.

Murphy's expression was a little dignified, but Buenavin was like a person who was fine.

"Nearly killed the old lady, what are these people doing, where can we break through," said tigress Sammy with a lingering fear.

"There is an evil eye demon in it, that's a good idea. Generally, where there is an evil eye demon, there must be an evil eye demon. With an additional leader, the fighting power of the eye demon must be raised to a higher level."

In the face of such intensive attacks, everyone has no time to show their strength and strength, but the quality is terrible, but sometimes the quantity is more fierce.

With more ants killing elephants, Zou knows this more.

Everyone has already resigned, this is no longer a question of courage, it is simply to die, although the orcs are brave, but not stupid.

Raphael no longer has to think about it, and it's okay to break into it with Beamon's figure.

But obviously neither Murphy nor Buenavin had the intention to give up, but even if they could break through with the power of two people, facing such evil eye devil, just a few people would not be enough.

To deal with high-level monsters such as the evil eye devil, it is necessary to kill it by the number of people.

Everyone looked at each other. In fact, they waited for someone to say a resignation. Somehow they looked at Zou Shencun in unison. Obviously, if the priests asked to retreat, there would be no shame.

Zou had no choice but to stand up, tidy up her clothes, and twisted her expression, "Leave it to me, ten minutes, um, almost."

The orcs were ready to hear the retreat from him.

"Arthur, I'll go with you." Gina said, alone was too dangerous.

"Brother Arthur, if you have a way, I'll go with you," Murphy said.

"No, no, I'll go in and try it alone, if not, run, huh." Zou Liang waved his hand.

"Hey, Arthur, don't pretend to be big, we won't do it, and we won't laugh at you." Although the tigress Sammy looks bad, she isn't bad at all. It's not wise to die to save face.

Stopping others from following, Zou Liang went in.

As a soul engraver, he can hide all the breath of his beast spirit, unless the distance is too close, the eye devil cannot be found at all, and it is difficult if there are many people.

Outside the woods, the shockwave team had a bottom in mind, but they still couldn't help worrying about it. Everyone saw how fierce the light was just now.

As for the other people, they couldn't figure it out. The apprentice of the Red High Priest persuaded him all the way, and suddenly he became brave and went in alone ... Wasn't this a death?

Is it possible that he could recognize his identity and sell his face?

The soldiers waited for Zou Liang to rush out, but five minutes passed, and the woods were still quiet.

Mr. Zou came to the place just now, he could clearly feel the dense eyes, but the eyes could not find him.

This is another ability of the soul engraver to control the beast spirit, except that most soul engravers are not warrior professions, and those in the combat profession do not have the ability of soul engravers.

The light flashed. Zou Liang's scepter, armor, helmet, arm guard, and leggings were the first time Zou Liang was fully armed.

feels good

Mr. Zou cleared his throat, and a blast started.

"The wolf smoke rises from the mountains and the mountains, the mountains look north, the dragon rises, the horse rolls, the hissing sword is as frosty as the heart of the Yellow River,"

Together with the Warsong, the Eye Demon wanted to be put into the boiling pot and became confused. Zou Liang's Warsong also had a deterrent effect, and a wave of surging force * spread out.

With the high-pitched battle song, the eye-mongers went from chaos to madness, and the rays flew into chaos. In the light, Zou Liang felt that he was in the KTV, surrounded by rock electric lights, and the sound was fierce. A wave of war songs blasted out to the scepter.

Outside the forest, obviously feeling a little suffocated by silence, Murphy suspected that the other party wanted to use the war song, but he doubted the power of the war song.

After all, the level of ogre is not low, and there are so many.

Sure enough, after the silence, there was an instant chaos. The sound of the war song came from the depths of the woods. They were still clear and audible here, but they were all old sayings. They could not understand, but they could feel the domineering and power contained in the war song.

Murphy has personal experience, but this time the show is obviously much higher than the last time.

Zou Shen sticks the boldness of singing, the scepter in his hand is radiant, and rays of light pass by from time to time, but Zou Shen stick does not mind, feeling the disappearance of the beast spirits of the eye demon, his mood is even more refreshing.

A wave of battle songs surpassing a wave quickly became Zou Liang's one-man show. The eye devil could not resist the war song, but the evil eye demon could. Although they were also affected, there were still two evil eye demon to resist the song. , Finally found Zou Liang's position in the dark.

Uh ...

The rays are surging, Zou Liang keeps fighting songs, and I also know that the evil eye demon has been found. Holding the scepter towards the evil eye demon, the pressure of the war song is getting stronger and stronger, the evil eye demon is also suppressed, and the ray's crosshair is obviously reduced too much. The light flutters.

"Hey ~~~~~"

With the end of the battle song, Zou Shencun's expression was also quite embarrassing, and he directly broke the evil eye demon's head with a scepter.

Based on his background, the singing of the two attacking battles was also quite comfortable. Basically, this wave of eye-devil was dead and crippled. Zou Liang ordered a cigar, and the noble priest's scepter was like him. I resisted on my shoulder like a stick, and made up for it when I saw no death.

Avril Lavigne and Lu Yao did not allow him to smoke this thing, but after the battle was over, he couldn't help but want to refresh the battlefield and secretly enjoy it for a while.

However, before the Zou Shen stick was pumped, others had already rushed in. After fifteen minutes, people outside couldn't wait, especially the shock wave team, so they killed them together. After all, many people After being treated by Lu Yao, they still understand the truth of grace.

After just entering, he was taken aback. When he saw, Zou Liang turned the hem of the priest's robe to his waist without any image, holding his cigar in one hand and using a scepter as a hammer in his other hand, all looked silly.

Classmate Zou was struggling to knock on the lucky eyes that were still alive, just like hitting a balloon before, knocking on a smoke ring, really happy.

Suddenly I found a lot of people in front of me, and hid my eyes behind me for the first time, "Ah, why did you come in, I haven't finished it."

"Brother, didn't you say, can't you smoke this thing?" Avril immediately flew up.

"Oh, five sisters, one hasn't been drawn yet. You see, I just took a few sips." Classmate Zou's sweat was raging, just stop smoking. Recently, I'm addicted, and I can't help it. .


Lu Yao politely snatched Zou Liang behind the half root, and then looked up and down, "Are there any?"

"No, it's really gone, this is the last stock."

The other squads didn't bother to look at their posture, staring blankly at the battlefield like hell. There were corpses of eye-mongers everywhere, and the number around them was rotten. Many of them seemed to be killed by similar rays.

Not to mention the other people, even Murphy and Buenavin, who had some psychological preparation, could not help but be surprised.

"Brother Arthur, the real person does not show up. It seems that the war songs of the temple will be carried forward in the hands of you and the priest of Luyao." Buenavin looked at Zou Liang with a smile, but there was a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

If the attacking war song is indeed appalling, it can be said that the chicken rib profession of war song priest already has the possibility of revival.

At least in the hands of Arthur and Lu Yao, the Warsong Priest should not be underestimated.

To be honest, no one could equalize the shrinking Bill Priest and this hell-like battlefield, knowing that it was these eye-monitors who fled them, and now they are all corpses.

But the super priest in front of him couldn't lift his head because he was bullied by two girls with a cigar. Others really couldn't understand it.

It was confirmed that Zou Liang had no inventory left, and Avril and Lu Yao let him go. Emma was very worried, but she could not perform. Of course, Emma, ​​a female slave, never forbid Zou Liang from doing anything.

Zou Liang proudly exchanged a look with Randy, and couldn't put the eggs in a basket. This is the most basic truth. Why did Zou make mistakes, and his main force is all placed with Randy.

"Buenavin, our elder brother is more capable. This is nothing." Randy waved his hands boldly, avoiding Avril's sharp eyes by the way.

Wumei is really amazing.

At this time, no matter how perturbed Arthur looked, UU read the book No one dared to look down on him.

The two humble priests of these two teams played the biggest role.

This is obviously a family of Eye Demon. Killing this big family, the battles encountered in the later march are in the control range. Even if there are evil Eye Demon, not so many young people cooperate, they will only become shadow hunters and archers. prey.

Of course, as a priest, Zou took a rest in the back.

His uprightness is much stronger than Lu Yao. Lu Yao who released the two treatments has not recovered yet, and Zou Liang is like a okay person. This attempt also made him understand more. Is the way to survive in the beast **** continent.


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