The Great Conqueror

Chapter 215: Orisia's Secret

Chapter 215 Orisia's Secret

Feiya can also see Zou Liang's changes, and the whole person burst into surging vitality.

"His Royal Feiya, what's the matter of awakening?" Now that Orisia had said it in advance, I'm afraid there was something inside, Zou Liang was anxious to know more.

"This is the secret of the Bismarck family. Outsiders do n’t know it. One thing is certain. There is a huge barrier between you and Orisia. Otherwise, she wo n’t ask me for help. You have to understand. Pursuing her may cost you everything, including life. "

Feiya said, there was a trace of loss in her eyes, what a sea seal mountain alliance, how ridiculous, the moon is cloudy and sunny, at this time the ancients are difficult to complete.

Zou Liang smiled indifferently, "Life is precious, love is expensive, and big-elopement!"

Feiya couldn't help but smile, "Where to go, Mengjia has no place that the Gabriel family can't find. If you really like her, you must try to make yourself worthy of her. I think the first thing you need to do now is Get her mother's approval first. "

"Thank you, I know that Her Royal Highness Feiya is not lacking, but if it is useful to get me, I will do my best!"

Zou Liang thanked him sincerely. Although he did n’t admit it, he was hit by Orisia. According to Feiya, the whole world has become colorful. Zou Liang is not afraid of any challenge, as long as Orisia has not changed, the others Can't stop him.

But this time he did have to be cautious. The Gabriel family obviously had all the tricks. If he could change Orisia's character by awakening, there might be other methods. He couldn't be reckless.

"Maybe there will be times like this, you go."

Feiya's eyes turned to the moon again, she was as lonely as the moon.

Zou Liang left with interest, and the lonely figure was indeed impressive. Although the scenery was entrusted to the Pope, ... he knew it bitterly.

Feeling the divine order in the arms, there is indeed a wonderful feeling of being connected with the flesh, not gold but not jade, anyway, good things are right.

After waiting for a while, Subaru and Thomas walked out with excitement, apparently they had a lot of gains.

When he went back to the carriage, Zou Liang knew that mosaic would be a major bargaining chip for the Holy See and the Seal Engravers' Guild. The specifics were not even known to Subaru, but this mosaic was absolutely essential. Once the mosaic was out, it was enough for the Engravers The guild was a big blow, but the struggle for power was about exchange, and the pope must have got great urgent benefits.

That's why I told them that they should be prepared.

"Master, what use is this decree?"

"You kid, luck is really good. The holy order represents the pope in person. It is not only useful for the temple, but also for all the places in Mengjia, but you should not use it unless you have to. You understand the reason."

Subaru laughed.

It is equivalent to the Pope in person, but you are not the Pope, it is okay to save your life. If the mess comes, the Pope can be recovered.

This is much easier to use than medals. Medals can only scare people. It is an honor. Not everyone in the Holy See buys accounts. Needless to say other forces, but the ordinance is different. This is a big killer.

Similar to Zou Liang's conjecture, the point is that there is someone behind it. This thing is the finishing touch. What interests Zou Liang is the origin of the holy order. He really has a special sense of familiarity.

"Master, do you know the origin of the ordinance?"

Subaru froze and laughed, "You really asked me. The sacred order has been there since the Holy See. The legend is left by the beast god. The ordinance is an imitation, mainly its symbolic meaning. "

Zou Liang nodded, and had the opportunity to research. If she really wanted Feiya to say that it was a genuine article, the baby from thousands of years ago had no signs of wear. If it was not a baby, there would be no baby!

After returning, Zou Liang was in a good mood to tell Annie a story. Annie was bored and died. Finally, she waited for Zou Liang to return, and the ball turned happily.

Subaru and Thomas apparently also studied the later events. The Pope revealed many things to them. The important thing is that Subaru's best shaman this year, Subaru has only two hands in hand, which was obtained for the sake of balance.

The imperial capital was almost lively. Isa Gabriel was whipped thirty times. I heard that it was the order of the pope himself, and no one dared to stop it.

But how did this guy offend the Pope?

It is only known that a small priest from outside and the Baron Isa clashed, and the Baron Isa was also thrown out, which triggered a scuffle between the city guards and the Knights. This is commonplace, but it involves The Gabriel family, I'm afraid this little priest is worse.

Isa healed. When he fell from the window, he fell to the tailbone, miserable. The fire of revenge in his heart was burning, and the battle between the city guards and the knights he did not care. The skin of this little priest.

But someone was cursing, thinking of all kinds of vicious tricks and being dragged out by the Holy Knights who rushed in. No matter how he called and begged, it was useless, and threw thirty whip on the street.

When the execution was executed, no beast spirit was allowed to change. Besides, Isa was a priest who had no armor, and the white body was immediately blurred by the flesh and blood.

This can make people who are waiting for a good show startled. Which one is this?

At this time, Zou Liang took Nini to Yipinlou again, and of course there was a ball. In one day, Yipinlou had been restored to its original state of business, and because of trouble, business was good. This is the quirk of the orcs. The more lively, the more things, the more popular.

At the sight of Zou Liang, the boss opened his eyes this time and personally entertained him.

"Priest Arthur, where do you want to be?"

"Old place."


Old Lu is also a well-informed person, but such a strange thing is really rare, but it was a fight, and the apprentice priest did not suffer. As a result, the Pope could send the Isa to a beat. I'm afraid he won't get out of bed if he doesn't lie for a month.

What's more, Old Lu also saw Arthur's shots, and he sang both battles and battles, more than a tough one!

Unfathomable, unfathomable!

Zou Liang sat in the old seat and was in a good mood, especially when he learned of Orisia's situation, he was full of fighting spirit.

Many of them have been here yesterday. This place has become a place to wait for beautiful women. The appearance of the little angel Orissia yesterday, even though she was surprised, also satisfied the desires of many worshipers.

There are ten beautiful women in Mengjia. Zou Liang has already seen three. The little angel Orissia has risen to the third place. There is no way for Gabriel to wake up. The pure temperament is extraordinary, and with age, only Will add beauty.

The second is Orissia's deadly opponent, the young lady of the Nicholas family, who also awakened, and also half a year earlier, Mi Qingwa Nicholas, the genius of the emperor's gifted talent, hated and loved her Love is her unparalleled fatal temptation, but her hobbies are unbearable. Anyone who wants to pursue her will be tossed by her fiercely, completely treating the pursuer as a toy. Of course, even this is still the case. Go forward, but not many people can enter the eyes of Mi Qingwa.

The competition between the generations of Nicholas and Gabriel is nothing new. This generation is at an extreme. The awakened people of the two families are girls. This is quite rare. Girls ... Especially beauties, it's pretty scary to fight.

Orizia is nicknamed Little Angel, and Mi Qingwa is a little devil. Angels and demons are just as loveable.

The fifth is Her Royal Highness Feya of the Latour family. Of course, she is now the woman of Her Majesty the Pope. The geniuses of the Emperor can only think about it. They must be careful when the Cavaliers find the door. Feiya's Mei is amazing, but unfortunately it has already been collected by the Pope. Although her prestige is reduced, she can still rank fifth.

Of course, Orissia and Mi Qingwa still have unlimited potential. Now they are young and lively, and the charming and moving will be the future stage.

It's a pity that their position is not what ordinary people can expect. The emperor's geniuses just want to look far away and stimulate their creative inspiration.

Seeing Zou Liang and Annie, as well as the ball, caused a lot of debate. This boy is really a cow. When almost everyone thinks that this countryman is going to be unlucky, it is Isa that is unlucky. I heard that it was dragged on the bed Come out, pathetic.

Nini was happy. Rather, Arthur could accompany her alone. She really hoped that Grandpa's meeting would continue.

Zou Liang is playing with the Holy Spirit. This is a weird thing. Go back and find Avril to recognize it. Avril is better than him in erudition. I do n’t know what these buddies do ~ ~ Avril ’s acquisition of the beast spirit is almost completed It doesn't matter how the Pope intends to use it. He knows that his level can't interfere with the decision above, anyway, they get what they want, and they can do whatever they want. As for the Pope, he wants to share the mosaic technique with the Soul Engraving Association. In order to obtain the support of the Soul Engraving Association for the Holy See and split the relationship between them and the consul, of course, the Engraving Association must pay a considerable price, and it must also be paid. This technique is not as difficult as double-layer carving Popularization is a heavy blow to the Soul Carving Association.

Politics is a bitch, you can play everything.

The Pope knew that Zou Liang was disgusted with the Society of Sculptors of Souls, and asked Thomas to enlighten him so that he would not have any burdens in his heart. Classmate Zou had a burden of farts. As long as his benefits were available, how to make love and how to make them, and the temples and seals. The promotion of the guild will only increase the price of the beast spirits collected by Avril, which is a good thing.

It can be seen that the cheap master is in a good mood. He is about to participate in the Patriarchate, and he may get the name of the Pope for the first time. This is a great face.

The key point is that his pope left a good impression here, so that people with high power in the empire knew that it was a huge success in itself, which lurked in opportunities.

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