The Great Conqueror

Chapter 229: Beast Shop

Emma is getting more and more beautiful. A moisturized woman is definitely different from a green girl. In the past, Emma was unwilling to make a sound anyway, even if it was painful, she could hardly bear it now. .

This man was as crazy and domineering as usual on the bed, and he didn't make sense at all. He didn't know how long before and would not stop.

Zou Liang especially likes to come from the back. I have to say that Emma's hips make him put it down. Collision with Feng will produce a sense of pleasure that can only be understood, but it is a deeper conquest for Emma.

After the passion, Emma crawled into Zou Lianghuai like a kitten.

Zou Liang also gradually accepted this relationship. Emma was unwilling to change. Then she went to the countryside to follow the custom. His favorite slave girl was his favorite.

"Emma, ​​are there any seductive men who have provoked you lately." Zou Liang is still very concerned. This girl was already nagging, and now she is nourished by herself, and to be honest, Zou Liang is a little dazed, but In order to maintain the dignity of the host, he clenched his teeth.

"Yes, a lot." Emma licked her lips.

* ...

There was a crisp note on her buttocks, but Emma showed a little joy, twisting her hips, but getting closer.

"How do you feel in your heart?" Zou Liang asked.

Emma twisted her **** but didn't answer. Apparently, she intentionally stimulated Zou Liang. Although she knew it, she still had to admit that the slave girl succeeded.

"I want to punish you!"

Zou Liang's voice was a little hoarse.

Emma bit her lip, posing resentfully.

"It's another storm." Eventually, their passion accumulation during this period was released.

Emma lazily leaned against her nose. "Master, is Mi Qingwa bright?"

"Yes, almost like you." Zou Liang smiled.

Girls like to be coaxed. In fact, Emma is not jealous to ask such questions. Orc women rarely have such a tendency. Of course, Swan is the exception. If Zou Liang can attract Mi Qingwa and Orizia, it is an illustration of his charm. .

What happened to Zou Liang in the imperial capital became smooth in the night. "People in the small cities are obviously full of longing for the emperor. Many people have never left Yelusamo for their whole life. In the rain, even the young master of the Nicholas family ate, and it became the pride of the young Jerusalem.

Orc girls like powerful men, and Emma is actually very clever. She knows how powerful men are. "Wisdom, personal strength, and control of the situation are rare." Her father said that without Arthur, Thomas simply Nothing, Arthur was the most terrible, he pried the whole empire with the power of a trainee priest.

He is only eighteen years old this year.

If it goes well, this is definitely a terrible character.

Sara is not a clan, so there wo n’t be much prejudice. If Arthur only knows that she is in the limelight, then the final achievement is quite limited, but now Thomas and even Subaru are his backers, and this year can make the Pope small. The child started his fight, and there was no second person except Arthur.

Sara meets Arthur "In fact, it is bad luck. Without Yaji, Sara must be able to follow up, but now she is worried about survival.

Probably even Zou Liang could not imagine that the highest evaluation of himself turned out to be the consul Sara.

Listening to Emma's words, her voice also expressed concern about her father. "After all, she is the daughter of the consul. This sensitivity is basic.

"Emma, ​​did your father know about us?"

Zou Liang asked, "I don't have any worry in my heart. It's different now.

"Should be a little skeptical." Emma also knew that she was so degrading, but she couldn't control herself. She was fascinated by the man, and even had a tendency to be abused.


"No, I'm yours, but don't embarrass my father if you can." Emma lowered her head.

Zou Liang patted Emma gently. In the Orc, women's status is relatively low. Even the nobles are more political marriages. Unless they have absolute strength like Mi Qingwa, the strong can ignore the gender. But how many of them are such that sacrifices for the benefit of the family are mainstream.

"Emma, ​​rest assured, I have my own arrangements, and what I want to do is not to destroy the system of governors."

Zou Liang said that his vision is far-reaching, but from the perspective of governance, the ruling officer is more perfect than the temple, but the problem now is the right to rule.

Night Road Mossa is the pilot of his new model. Zou Liang, who has insights beyond the times, is very confident. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to be in vain. He has a goal in his heart, so he can do it with stern power. Success or failure are not important.

The process of fighting the world with my brothers is life!

"the host……"


Zou Liang patted Nao Xi, this alas), the woman's Feng Fu Li is really terrible!

It did n’t take long for Mosaic to become famous all over the world. This is also inevitable. This innovation is too scary. The special attributes are simply infinite possibilities!

The price of special attributes beast spirits soars like a rocket, and the price is very chaotic.

The problem is that not all beast spirits with attributes have value. The key is that only Zou Liang knows. He always has to keep one hand and let others fail. It is too perfect but not good.

The first point is that the beast spirit is intact, and incompleteness will dissipate quickly.

The second point is that the beast is more flexible, which is related to the success rate of mosaic.

The third point is the level of the beast spirit. The higher the level, the higher the success rate.

This is the animal spirit aspect, and the method is also very terrible. Although Zou Liang handed over the method, the small details of the operation are also important. For example, the position of the mosaic is also very particular. The failure rate of others is very high. Zou Liang didn't have much to hand over everything he knew, but he thought it was the foundation of life.

The strength of the Avril family is limited, so when paying attention to the quality of Zou Liang's account. It was during this sensitive period that the Avril family opened their beast shop in Jerusalem and Dalos.

When everyone was desperately hiding, someone suddenly wanted to sell "...

Instantly crazy.

When Ai Weier handed the list to Zou Liang, she really surprised Zou Liang, who thought that she could earn as much as she could.

After all, before mosaicism, this thing was completely worthless, especially in some underdeveloped areas where the soul is carved. Large customers can naturally be sold at a discount. It is a good thing to sell it. ~ Ai Weier according to Zou Liang's standards, It is divided into three grades of respect, sacredness, and god, and each grade is divided into three grades: upper, middle, and lower. The price is naturally different.

Respectable beast spirits can be used below the bronze level, beast spirits of the holy product can be used in the silver light level and the Jin Yao level. As for the beast spirits of the divine product, it is the first choice of the Jin Yao class master.

However, even if Ai Weier searches for it with all his strength, there are currently three divine beasts in reserve. After all, it is too difficult to involve intactness. It is good for a powerful monster to kill.

Of course, there are three beast spirits of that Queen Medusa, and with Medusa's head, it is perfect.

Of course, there are incomplete high-grade beast spirits, but the Soul Engraving Guild definitely has talents. Zou Liang does not think that everyone is a fool. Sooner or later they will find this, and the credibility of doing business is the first. The stores sell authentic products!

The level depends on the purchasing power of the individual.

As soon as this store opened, it immediately caused an uproar, publicity? Everyone is talking, where else is needed!

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