The Great Conqueror

Chapter 241: Blizzard

"Beauty, we are from one country." Zou Liang smiled bitterly.

"You and Orisia are one country, and Lu Yao are one country, and Emma is one country. It has nothing to do with me." Ji Na did not appreciate it.

"Ahem, you know I've been busy setting up a Warsong Priest recently. Can this be delayed for a few days?"

"Two days later, there is no choice. Whoever makes you offend people everywhere will have to pay if you want to gain something."

Gina was very chic and made a goodbye to clean up, walked away from the model, looking at the sloppy figure, and the drooling beautiful legs. In the past life, those supermodels will lose their jobs.

... Grandma Bill, lost his mind, for two days, I rely on, avatar!

Zou Shencun is not omnipotent, and his "posthumous" also looks at the scene. In the case that his arms cannot twist his thighs, Zou Shencun is still on the road.

A very shabby carriage, fortunately, accompanied by beautiful women, or Zou Liang would go crazy.

"The apostle ranks so poor that you can't change to a better carriage?"

"You think everyone is like you. It would be nice without you to walk."

Gina gave Zou Liang a white look, this guy is becoming more and more like an old lady, and she must pay attention when she goes out.

Zou Liang's complaint is also a separate matter. He contributes to his own people. He has never been tired or tired. The problem is that he is helping others.

"As for the two of us, isn't the apostle ranks like a master like a cloud, so how can I help a few."

"When did you become the apostle director and say, everyone has their own case!"

Gina glared at the other side. "This man is really right. He pushes against each other if there is something.

Gina actually considers herself as an apostle. Although his father is a consul, he will not develop further on the consul. The consul is a cover for the apostle's identity. The biggest development direction is the ranks of the apostles. It ’s also more willing to develop in the apostolic industry. It ’s more free here, and can be exposed to more weird things. ”Gina ’s blood is flowing with adventure factors. The pure orc is different from the utilitarian Zou. .

Hundreds of kilometers away from Jerusalem, there was a vision in a village. On a hot day, there was snow, and as long as the strange things were messy, it was the responsibility of the apostles.

Zou Liang didn't really take himself as a leader. If he was really a leader, he would tell Gina instead of Gina. "He was discovered, the orcs are as cunning, and they like to raise their hats. Make people call.

"Is there any grievance in the hot snow?" Zou Liang thought of Sister Dou.

"Remorse? Maybe, you have to figure out this anomalous situation, don't complain, and it's not dangerous." Besides, there is a beautiful lady like me to accompany, others still want to come! "

Gina said.

Zou Liang smiled bitterly. It was because of your great beauty. Is n’t this a test of his fixation, can it be seen or not? This taste is uncomfortable. The most important thing is that Jina has not paid attention to her legs constantly changing positions. You said, how can a young man with blood be tolerated?

Zou Liang simply closed his eyes and raised his mind to “adjust his own vitality. For his own cultivation, he has never been busy. This is the basis of his life and perseverance.” His vitality is also increasing. As for how to put his beast Ascension of the spirit to the bronze level, he really has no way, he also asked more about it, basically the ascension of the beast spirit is a feeling, there are no shortcuts for the orcs, but Nebeiro created a series of Miracle, in Tongtianjing, he also saw a small white face of Bismarck, who was almost bronze-grade at his age. As the quality of the beast spirit improved, the combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

After inquiring about it from various parties, it was finally concluded that either the beast spirit ascends with time, or it is experienced some special time, or it is the favor of the beast god, or it is exciting to death.

It seems that it is still necessary to find a senior master such as ghost shadow to inquire about it, or to find old evil, these older generations must have unique insights.

Gina looked at Zou Liang with her eyes closed, knowing that this guy couldn't stand his beauty, and couldn't help but be a little proud of it, but she wanted to see how long this guy could tolerate.

At first Zou Liang did have some irritability, but after gradually entering the vitality cycle, she completely quieted down. I can imagine what it feels like to be used to the comforts of previous life's transportation and come back to this bumpy world, just like the most sturdy The bus hit four different models of Gollum and was still running.

Fortunately, Mr. Zou is not motion sick. He has become accustomed to enter the inner view in various environments, not to mention that the particularly quiet environment is easy to be distracted. This environment can instead let him concentrate, and the external bumps can keep his heart stable. Like an axis, no matter how chaotic the outside world is, as long as the axis is stable, there is a kind of calm and light calmness.

There was a feeling of understanding in Zou Liang's heart, but it seemed that he could break through so little, and the bumpy carriage gave him such a realization.

Time passed by a little bit, Ji Na didn't have the ability of Zou Liang, but the girl was very competitive, and she was more competitive than Zou Liang. If you do n’t move, I wo n’t move, and see who has good patience.

The three-day journey passed quickly during the practice. Zou Liang did not intentionally, but entered the inner view during the violent bumps, which made him have a wonderful feeling. He seemed to be able to understand something, but wandered by the door. Time So quickly passed.

The orc city is relatively developed, but the village is far behind. It is in the "primitive state" of hunting and weaving. After arriving at the destination, it is obvious that the temperature here is not right, the temperature difference is too great, and Shenyao is located in the province. South, but it feels like winter here.

Gina and Zou Liang entered the village. This vision brought some panic to the village. They believed that this was a precursor to the punishment of the beast gods. The orcs were still fearful of the gods. There were no atheists here. The difference is whether they care.

The doctrine of the Beast God is relatively loose and does not cultivate the afterlife, so it is not as strict as the Buddhists of the previous life, but there is some awe for God.

Such a small village, naturally, will not have a temple. People know the beast god, but there is no commemorative activity, let alone go to the nearby cities to pray.

"During the heyday of the Holy See ~ ~ Even the most remote villages had priests." Gina was a little bitterly booed.

Zou Liang nodded. The orcs were also curious about two gorgeously-dressed young people, especially the hot beauty of Gina. The young people of the orcs would definitely come forward to chat, but the current vision made the whole The people in the village were terrified.

After inquiring, I found the elders in this village, who are also the oldest.

"Hello elder, we are the ones who are investigating the vision. Can you tell us about the situation?"

Gina is very respectful in front of the old man. Although Zou Liang is a second-level apostle, he went out to perform tasks for the first time, and Gina is already considered an "old man".

"Young man, are you apostles?" The old man smoked a dry tobacco belt and squinted at the two young men.

Gina was also a little surprised, "Elder, we are apostles."

"You are too young. Let the Holy See be more sophisticated. This kind of anti-horrific vision cannot be handled by young people like you." . . !!

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