The Great Conqueror

Chapter 249: That 1 track is 500 years of immortal war spirit

Five hundred years ago, the power of the Holy See was still invincible. Pope Benedict VIII led the XX level of jihad knight Casablanca to start a jihad. The goal was only one to completely seal the last of the four demon kings, the Snow Queen, which is the only remaining in the underground world. One of the known third-level spaces is a snowy space.

The battle was earth-shattering. Pope Benedict VIII is not the current pope. To become a pope, he needs to be the strongest in the Holy See. The Pope is a natural wizard, a legendary warsong priest, and a knighthood. A long diamond-level paladin led by the Casablanca, five dark gold fighters, fifty gold fighters, and 20,000 silver fighters entered the underground world, and finally came to the snowy space.

Frankly speaking, now that there is such an army, it can sweep the world, and the opponents who hit it are unknown.

That snow-shattering scene, the snow space in the image is hundreds of times larger than it is now. The endless snowfield monsters, like the monster beast expo, the huge jihadist knights are even more imposing. As a warrior, you can be instantly Such a battle fell.

"Benedicta VIII at that time was indeed more papal".

With a scepter, the holy knights shouted and shouted in unison, each holy knight has a firm belief, shouting the honor of the beast **** ", the war began.

The scene is indeed extremely cruel. Above the peak of the snowy space, a white figure is still white long hair, which is more mature than the Snow Woman. The eyes are full of coldness.

The holy knights are really strong. "Liang Liang felt that having such a terrible team can cross the continent. Each warrior is determined, technically mature, and the team discipline is extremely strict. Although the monster is powerful, it faces diamond-level warriors. The jihadist knights they led also had nothing to offer.

However, the Snow Girl above the peak opened her arms and seemed to spit out a certain melody. There was no sound in the impression, but the sky was dark and dark. "Furious Storm Snow, the beasts are one hundred times more spiritual, but the snow fell on the knight, but heavy If it ’s a jin.

At this time, the pope Tengyu, who had been calm at all, stood up, pointing the scepter in his hand directly to the sky, and his mouth seemed to be missing words.

The dark clouds of the sky gradually dispersed, and even a golden light emerged from the clouds.

This is the power of the Pope!

The pope's face looked like iron, with his scepter, and the holy knight erupted into the sky. He rushed towards the monster.

Xun Liang was just a bystander. Seeing this scene had a **** impulse, he could not wait to kill himself.

There is too much hatred between orcs and monsters. This contradiction is as incompatible as water and fire.

The jihadists paid a heavy price, but they still defeated the monster army and killed them at the foot of the snow mountain.

At this time, the image became blurred, and when the picture was clear, Snow Queen seemed to have suffered severe injuries, and the expression of the Pope was quite ugly, and the Crusader Knight was severely injured.

Tong Liang understood the truth. In this world, to the pinnacle of strength, you can manipulate the self-collection.

The Snow Queen is "the Pope, so is the diamond-level jihadist knight, and so is the Snow Maiden."

The Snow Demon Queen belongs to the demon elves, and cannot be killed, but can only be sealed. Her vitality is annihilated in the seal. The living holy war knight cast this white tower in the snowy space. "The Snow Demon Queen is sealed." "Knights" they will guard this place with their lives until the death of the demon king.

The only feeling of Bu Liang is madness.

The orc's life is limited, and the only way is to freeze the ice. Thoroughly freeze the seal. When the seal is loose, the new jihadist knight will unseal it with a sacred order.

So Li Liang is here ...

But Bu Liang's first feeling was ridiculous, the Pope, Grande, and on his own two ...

Although there was a vision in Wushan, it did not mean that there was a problem inside the seal, but that the demons outside tried to destroy it, but the seal was inside. Although the power of the snowy space would be leaked, it was impossible to release the Snow Woman, but they used this intentionally. This vision attracted the ranks of the apostles, hoping to release the Snow Girl by external forces, but the apostles were not the apostles of the year, and sent two novices to explore the road.

If it is just that ordinary apostles cannot enter at all, either the seal is lifted, or the holy order is held. This is because the holy order contains power, which is good for spiritual practice, but his real role is not for spiritual practice.

Time really took away a lot of things. The holy warriors were the strongest among the holy knights before. They were able to be single-handedly with the demon king. They were bombarded long before they exchanged like Zou. To the slag.

These changes are all instantaneous "Snow Snow has arrived, and Casablanca, the diamond-level jihadist, has also awakened, looking coldly at Snow Snow in the distance.

Frankly speaking, for these devout believers, Tong Liang has a kind of awe in his heart. For the sake of faith, they are willing to give everything, it is fanatical, but also persistent.

At this time, the diamond knight completely became part of the seal, and he obeyed the order of the angel of the decree.

Long frozen, the only constant of these knights is loyalty!

Snow Woman is their enemy.

Beyond the white tower, the Snow Maiden floats in the air. There are already thousands of snow monsters underneath, and a steady stream of snow monsters are gathering. It is said that this is not the Snow Girl, but the memory from the Snow Queen.

It was anger and murder that went through five hundred years.

The awakening of Casablanca also awakened the strength of the Snow Maiden queen in the Snow Maiden.

In front of Bu Liang, there were rows of neat knights. They came out of the ice to fight again.

Looking at these soldiers, each of whom can fight against the situation, Buliang trembled inexplicably. What made them give up everything and freeze themselves?

"It's him." He couldn't do it.

What kind of faith, what kind of determination, what kind of piety?

Among the many holy war knights, the only one who still kept a little thinking was Casablanca, still looking firmly at the Ministry holding the holy order.

That gaze was not as gentle as a knife, it was mild, which reminded Han Liang of his last moment of being frozen, so calm.

This peace is called sacrifice!

Every warrior here ... is frozen alive, they are voluntary.

Buliang gritted his teeth and instantly realized the cruelty of survival. Holding the decree tightly in his left hand and holding up his scepter high in his right hand, it is true that "he is not the Pope, nor has the power of the Pope, but facing such a soldier, the only thing Buliang can do is to use the strongest power .

"Following the ups and downs of the mountains and rivers, gentle curves, letting the central Plains who love Ma love to Northland and Jiangnan, facing the ice and snow swords and wind and rain and loving companions" cherish the golden golden years given to me by the heavens, and be a daring man Why fear fear and danger, pride will not change year after year? ”The war song sounded.“ The white tower has been surrounded by monsters. The “snow-daughter” in the sky has been replaced by the scent of the snow-monkey queen.

The Snow Maiden is just a stand-in. As the strength matures, the Snow Queen will one day be completely reborn.

Eyes like sharp blades, but Bu Liang has no fear. Life and death have long been put aside. His soul from the soul has been burning and can fight with such warriors. This life is worth it.

There is bitterness and sweetness in life, and good and evil are separated on both sides. "

All for the dream of tomorrow!

Watch the iron hoofs trampling thousands of miles "

I stood at the tip of the wind and clasped the sun and the moon, and wished that the fireworks would be peaceful and happy. I really want to live another 500 years! "

When the demon filled the sky, the sound of Bu Liang also pierced the soul, the light was great, and those soldiers who were completely stiff from the frozen seal began to appear light in their pupils.

Five hundred years ago, they were the strongest fighters.

Five hundred years later, they are still the strongest fighters.

Watching the iron hoofs walking through the rivers and mountains, I stood on the tip of the wind and waves, holding the sun and the moon, and wishing that the fireworks would be peaceful and peaceful. I really want to live for another 500 years. happy.

"If time goes by," they will still not regret their choice.

They are soldiers!

In the light, "Casablanca raised his hand with the knight's sword" The surging power thawed and awakened, their souls have been sleeping forever, but the bright war songs of the Ministry awakened their remaining war spirits.

It is a memory "a glory of a soldier who would rather die.

The knights uniformly faced the tide-like monsters. ”Liang Liang saw their silent“ screams ”, which was the glory of the beast god!

With the battle song of Jiao Liang, the Knights rushed into the torrent of monsters.

Flesh flew.

Being a man with one heart and one gallbladder, being a man is a matter of fear and danger, and feelings of pride are constant from year to year. Being a man has bitterness, sweetness, evil, and goodness.

Bu Liang was completely crazy, and Warsong came out desperately ~ ~ All this is for these holy war knights, he found himself in love with this profession, because these soldiers can sing war songs for these soldiers, yes The glory of his life.

After fierce battles, there was no room for both sides. Casablanca faced the Snow Monster Queen. The crystallized sword was completely fearless of the snow and snow, and could penetrate all the sky-high ice arrows, but it broke through the diamond-level armor.

This is the ultimate of the soldiers ", and Liang Liang's battle song really played an exhilarating role. He held the sacred order and activated the power of the white tower formation." The light of the white tower enveloped the entire battlefield. The warriors bathed in the light, do not fear death, will surpass brutality, "beyond everything, they are the most powerful force! The monster is broken, the Snow Queen does not care, this is her world, although the strength has not recovered, But there is no such powerful presence as the Pope.

The icy ice arrows, the overwhelming frost, the Snow Queen queen was indeed prestigious, and the armor on Casablanca exuded a crystal clear light, advancing against the frost, that could instantly freeze the silver knight and frostbite the cold of Jin Yao soldiers, And cannot stop Casablanca's pace.

There was a cold smile on the corner of the Snow Demon Queen's mouth, apparently her power was not restored. "But this diamond knight has only half of that year, turning herself into a puppet. The orc is even harsher than the demon. The demon It is cruel to the enemy, and the orcs are cruel to the enemy and to themselves.

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