The Great Conqueror

Chapter 264: Intent of the Archon

The plan of the 264 Archon

At this time, the expression of the Archon's mansion was a bit embarrassing. Apparently a banquet was going on, but there was a missing person and the atmosphere was not right. A handsome young man was tepid on the surface, but the corner of his mouth was curved. Clearly expressed his unhappiness

Very upset

"Viscount Lance, the little girl was trained with a little injury and is bandaging. In order to give you a perfect image, it will take a while."

To this young man, Sara was obviously a little daunted, and despite the fire in her heart, she could only bear it.

After all, he was the governor's nephew, and he came to inspect the special envoy of Jerusalem, and offended him, and he did not have to do it. This boy named that the surname was to meet Emma. Although Sara was dissatisfied, she was not. Dare to show it.

Lance's expression was a bit easing. If it wasn't for hearing that Sara had a beautiful daughter, Lance would not be interested in coming to such a backcountry, especially there is a torturous Thomas sitting here. The power of the governor is very weak. Means nothing.

"Miss Emma is so out of sight, am I the sort of picky person?" Lance said with a smile, the so-called aristocratic temperament could not cover his eyes.

Lance is not a picky person, but Zou Liang is not a messy person.

Thinking of Emma's gentle service, Ms. Zou knew the truth, and her expression was certainly not good-looking. Mom had a prank, and her head was moved to her own place.

"The evil of heaven is especially good, and you can't blame me for committing evil of yourself." In the three acres of land of Jerusalem, Zou would not allow man-made counter-intuitions, especially if he dared to have a bad idea about his woman.

Emma nestled in Zou Liang's arms, hugging Zou Liang's waist, in fact she knew very early that the man's possessiveness was extremely strong.

"Arthur, this man is the Governor's nephew. It is deeply loved by the Governor. He is also an unscrupulous master in Dalos. He has a small heart and is very revengeful. I have a way to deal with him."

Emma said, her heart was a little warm. In the aristocracy, women are used to sacrifice. As long as the benefits are sufficient, everything does not matter, but it is obvious that Arthur did not treat her like this.

Slap ~~~

Emma exclaimed with a slap on her butt.

Arthur's expression was a little hesitant. "Take care of Mao, you just have to deal with me. What about the Governor's nephew, you are here with me today."

Emma was startled. "But, but ..."

"But what, isn't it obedient?" Zou Liang's eyes glared, and Emma immediately softened.

Zou Liang also has a measurement in mind. If he and Sara do n’t know anything about Sara, it ’s a deception, but in the aristocratic circle, except for special orcs and families, premarital **** is not managed at all. Of course, the kind that made the city rain and rain is a problem in the mind.

At present, Jerusalem, the War College, and the Adventurers 'Guild are on their side. The professional guild is neutral. This kind of wall can't stand the wind and waves. Although the Soul Engravers' Guild is not sure, there is a relationship with Sam Anton. Agreement and cooperation. If there is no extreme thing to happen, he will not jump out, especially over the capital. The Pope and the Seal Engraving Association have also reached a consensus. The close cooperation between the Seal Engraving Association and the consul has emerged an irreparable. In this case, Sara had no way to stabilize the situation except to compromise.

And he and Thomas have always been opponents. The only buffer is Zou Liang. After thinking about this, he understands that these old political foxes are pretending to be confused.

There is a distant bell from outside. This is the main clock of the city hall. It is an hour. Sarah should be in a hurry to find Emma. It ’s not a secret place. I ’m afraid he ’s not at all. No plans to get Emma back.

There was a smile on Zou Liang's mouth. Sure enough, he couldn't underestimate any opponent. Sarah could mix from a declining family to her current position. There were definitely two hits.

Because of Emma, ​​he must conflict with the governor's nephew. If he wins, he must offend the governor, so that he can shift his eyes. If he loses, he will use the power of the governor to regain the game, but Emma Became a victim.

For the hidden rules of Mengjia's upper society, Zou Liang is very clear and knows that such things will happen sooner or later. Social habits will not change because of people. He can only make good use of them.

From another perspective, I am afraid that Sarah also wants to see to what extent Zou Liang can achieve. There is no mercy at all in the struggle for power. Only the winner can be followed.

If you can settle all this smoothly, it is also equivalent to improving your control of Jerusalem, and sometimes the challenge is also an opportunity.

At least, after this incident, Emma became his imprisonment completely, which is also a signal that Sara gave him.

In the orcs, if you want to have it, you have to show strength.

very fair.

After much thought, Zou Liang seized the key to the matter.

When Zou Liang was thinking about the problem, Emma did not dare to bother. Unless the Orc woman reached a certain position, she was not in a high position. Even the nobleman would inevitably become a vassal. Since following Zou Liang, in fact, Emma Very satisfied.

That night, Emma did not leave. Although she was worried and anxious, she did not dare or disobey Zou Liang's will.

On the other side, after waiting for a long time without success, Lance swept away in anger, without giving Sara the Archon anything.

Lance left Sara's mansion and pulled a subordinate, "Go and tell me immediately, where is this little boy?"

He came here to taste the taste of the flower of Jerusalem. The current situation only shows one thing. This girl has been picked by others. He has no worries about what has been broken for the first time. At the same time, Also lost patience.

In the mansion, Sara sipped tea slowly, and Sam Anton on the side was not nervous. They were all old fritters, and Sam Anton was clearly aware.

"This is a bit dangerous. In case Arthur misunderstands, wouldn't you lose your wife and lose your soldiers," Sam Anton said with a smile.

Sara was slow, "Everything comes at a price, Jerusalem, because this boy is on a strange path. Do you think this is accidental?"

"Hehe, this kid is really different. He has lived for so long. He has never seen this strange young man. Emma hasn't returned. You have already bet half right."

"After fighting for so many years, it turned out to be in the hands of such a kid, and he lost his daughter. It is indeed unwilling. If he really understands, it means that he possesses superhuman first-class struggle consciousness. This life. "

Sarah said.

Sam Anton nodded. This is a much bigger boy, a young man as big as him. At this time, he was thinking about how to improve his strength, how to become famous, and become a high-profile star master, but Arthur has begun to understand It ’s laid out, and people who are much higher than him are playing around. What kind of control is this?

Even if Arthur can get the Red High Priest ~ ~ even the shaman's favor is not enough to impress Sara and Sam, but everything that Arthur is on points to another goal.

"Actually, this kid is very similar to Nebeiro, one top-down and one bottom-up," said Sam Anton.

Sara shrugged. "We have no value for the Sun Knights, so we have no choice."

Sam Anton took it for granted. He turned to Nebeiro, a small branch president, a powerless governor, and the glorious Sun Knight. I ’m afraid he did n’t even have a look at it, but if he followed Arthur, he would not only Russamoan was steady, maybe he could go up, especially when Arthur was just starting.

Suddenly Sam Anton smiled. "If only I had a beautiful granddaughter."

The two looked at each other and laughed. Sara apparently knew that the other was not satire, but she saw through his true intentions. He had a daughter to protect himself. He had at least no worries about life. Both of them saw through one of the advantages of Arthur. It is also a weakness, that is, to protect relatives while being cruel to the enemy.

A person who values ​​feelings will never be denied by six relatives.

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