The Great Conqueror

Chapter 267: Monk Trial

276 Monk Trial

Lu Yao is releasing Song of Healing War regardless of his body. Zou Liang has not stopped, and everyone has to surpass his weakness.

The team took a break in the small town, and some of them also participated in the trials. But as war monks, this experience is the first time, and it is completely different from the past. They have never cared about the people around them.

Zou Liang has said a lot of rules, and some of them do n’t quite understand, but after seven days of hard work, they do n’t need to explain, they all understand.

And to survive, they must increase the power of Warsong.

Obviously, they also realized the benefits of Warsong in battle fleeing. The power of Warsong depends on the inner leaks, even the level is not restricted. Leaks and piety determine the power of Warsongs.

Warsong is an offensive and defensive attack that can both inspire soldiers and directly attack monsters. This profession is not a vanity profession, but a real soldier.

The monks were gaining experience from this escape journey. Zou Liang was not idle himself, and the mother had a bad voice. It was really uncomfortable.

There is no grass coral coral lozenge, but Lu Yao still got Lanu to get some herbs. After drinking Zou Shen stick, I feel my throat is much better, but I still ca n’t roar. This pair is used to roaring and fall in love with roaring Zou Shen The stick is a bit difficult.

In the next time, he asked each monk to communicate with each other to understand their perceptions of the experience in detail, but also targeted guidance. Warsong also felt something. The guidance at this time is of great significance.

Every monk pointed out by Zou Liang had a lot of gains. Although Lu Yao was tired because of the treatment, Arthur's teaching was too important, so he insisted on listening.

Zou Liang, when pointing to others, even found that he had a special feeling when he whispered.

Although treble is powerful, such as the extreme storm war song, but there is another terrible power against treble, Zou Liang is not useful, but in the previous life, often contacted, is essential in music.


Mr. Zou was very excited. He came to this world. Especially in the way he took, force and seal are not the most important. Warsong is the king, especially Zou Shencun who targets the pope. Caring.


How to bring out the power of the bass, there is a treble boom, if you can also match the surging bass, grandma Bill, he really became a **** stick

The treble is so high. This bass really embarrassed Zou. After all, his mouth is not a horn, but if there is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid of someone with a heart. Just when the voice is not good, I feel the feeling of sinking.

So Mr. Zou kept himself in the room again, making strange noises like frogs from time to time. Lu Yao had to take care of the wounded. Zou Liang was taken care of by Emma. Emma was actually worried, but Zou Liang was also bearish. What to do can't pull back at all.

Once you decide what to do, you have to do it. If you don't have this character, you won't play fighting games like that.

As long as there is such attachment, this spirit of drilling in, there is no difficulty to stop him.

This is faith, it is a kind of attachment.

A week later, the closed door "门" was knocked open suddenly, revealing Zou's tired but joyful face, and put his hands on his back and laughed to match his momentum.

As soon as Zou Liang came out, he was in a hurry to find someone, pulled on Ranu from the Adventure Guild and the 58-song Warsong Priesthood, ready to enter the monster map for trial.

Actual combat is always the best way to check the results.

Whether it is the Warsong Troupe or Zou Liang himself, it is necessary to constantly test it in actual combat. Especially, when Zou looked happy, she knew what she had realized at a glance. It was a little urgent.

And the fifty-eight members of the Warsong Priesthood, after these seven days of rest, and the pharmacists of the Adventurer's Corps don't use money for medication, basically recovered. I have to say that in terms of resilience, the orcs are pretty good.

"Arthur, did you really decide?" Lanu was still a little stunned. When he heard that Zou Liang was going to take the "Sickness" into the underground world for trial, a drop of sweat fell from Lanu's forehead.

This new map of the underground world, named "Monster Hunting Ground", is not very difficult, but there are a lot of monsters in this map. A group of defenseless warsong monks, this ... looking at some excited Asia The priest, Ranu, was also very embarrassed. Once something happened, the red high priest, shaman, and even the pope sacrifice one by one, how many lives are not enough to die.

A group of monks were either bandaging their arms or tangling their heads, not to mention Ruman, and it was not so fast to break the ribs and use medicine. Now there is still a circle of splints around the chest and waist, like a "barrel man "It's funny.

Of course, their actions are not hindered, but after a week of serious injuries, it is hard to say how much combat power they can have. What's more, Zou's plan is to take these fifty-eight people to go to the monster hunting ground. It may be a little trouble to be surrounded by the monster group.

The more Ranu thought, the more he sweated, but when he got to his mouth, Ranu swallowed back and persuaded, and now he can only believe it.

Mr. Zou became more and more domineering, so Lanu brought 15 hunters of the Guild of Adventurers, but did not say what it was doing.

Emma was naturally brought along, and Lu Yao as a pharmacist and warsong priest also accompanied her. This battle was tested, and it was the sister-in-law and the horse who always had to slip away to know.

This time, Mr. Zou was very urgent. Everyone only prepared three days of dry food, some medicines, and nothing else.

It's time for revenge

Last week, the monk group struggled to come back from it ~ ~ This time Zou Liang decided to take everyone back and kill enough.

As soon as you entered the monster hunting ground, you felt a lot of monsters.

Grandma's, as they said, the monsters here can't be considered particularly powerful, but the number is absolutely large. Once you come in, you can feel a lot of chaotic atmosphere, strong or weak, far or near.

As soon as Zou Liang entered the monster hunting ground, the kind of orc breath that was incompatible with this world was like throwing stones into the calm lake surface, and a wave of ripples wafted, which was soon noticed by the monsters.

With Zou Liang's keen intuition, I can feel that a few strong monsters in this world are sneaking peeping in the dark, with a bit of ambush and insidious taste. This feeling is really unpleasant.

Looking at it, the entire world is shrouded in a lilac mist, revealing a strangeness that cannot be seen. You can feel the chaos of all kinds of monsters, and you can also feel that powerful monsters are hiding in the dark, but you can't see them clearly. This is undoubtedly not good for the team that just entered the new world.

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