The Great Conqueror

Chapter 286: Cloud Road

286 Road of Clouds (for five monthly passes)

So Zou Shen stick is like looking at a crush, looking at it for more than six hours, and drawing while watching. I have to say that the complexity inside is really beyond imagination. He must engrave the whole situation in his mind. The most taboo of playing a maze is that the mind is not clear. This also depends on talent. For example, when he looks at the messy things in the past, it will become organized and clear. This is the most basic ability in solid geometry. It is used to crack the solid maze. It couldn't be better.

The only thing to be careful about is adding hallucinations to the maze, but Zou Liang should have + 1's magic breaking ability, which should not cause too much problems.

For a person who is immersed in the maze route, time is meaningless, but the people behind Zou Liang have already taken a nap. Mi Qingwa's patience is very good, especially when he finds interesting prey. Next, a young Bill who just entered the heavens actually ranked higher than her.

Zou Shencun happened to be on Mi Qingwa.

The test road for level B difficulty is still the most difficult maze. Even if you are strong, you ca n’t make it. If there is an old-fashioned shadow hunter, maybe it is possible to pass, but what can this little Bill do? ?

Mi Qingwa thought he would give up, but this guy seemed to be preparing something, although it took a little longer.

Finally, Zou Shencun rubbed his face, and finally got it. Frankly speaking, it is of no value, it is still the same old thing, but it is mixed together, the scope is a bit larger, and it only takes time.

Looking at the distant route, I corresponded to the road map in my mind, and I felt confident.

The moment Zou Liang walked into the maze, everything really changed in front of her, not as simple as outside.

This maze is much more real than the previous life, but in Zou Liang's view, the ever-changing nature is just that the power of the beast **** is greater, how to play is the same.

This is probably a test of the ability to hunt shadows.

After walking for a long time, Zou Liang stopped and rested for a while. He was not in a hurry. The labyrinth was the most taboo, and no matter how the outside world changed, he walked according to his own ideas. The ability to break the hallucinations helped him to reduce a lot. trouble.

When Zou Liang was resting, the little tail behind him was also resting, but Mi Qingwa was very suspicious that he was in Mongolia, and still really understood it, because this kind of shadow-hunting test of level B difficulty, even let Jin Yao Level hunting is also sad enough, disillusionment, marking, thinking, endurance, and so on.

As a Meizu, the iconic figure of the younger generation of the Nicholas family, the first family of the Monjia Empire, Mi Qingwa, has a distinctive personality. For example, if someone finds that an opponent has entered the B-level trial by mistake, I am very happy. , But she would follow up with enthusiasm. As for the consequences, she didn't care much ... To be precise, she didn't think about it.

"Little Bill, let your sister see what you are capable of." Mi Qingwa said to herself, regardless of whether the other person is really younger than herself, the ability of Tianmeizu allows her to easily follow each other without being It was found that the other party, in particular, seemed to belong to a type that could not be carved.

Zou Liang jumped from the ground. Wrong. This place records according to its own thinking. It should be a passageway. How could it be a wall?

dead end?

Mi Qingwa seemed to be integrated with the maze, without any breath, and looked at Zou Liang who had walked into the thought quietly.

Little Bill's good fortune seemed to be over, and he went wrong and turned around, huh, hustle and bustle.

At this time, Zou Liang's hand slowly reached the wall. The hand penetrated as if it had been filled with liquid, followed by the entire body.

After all, Zou Liang ’s disillusionment is only +1. Some illusions ca n’t be cracked, but Zou Liang does n’t believe everything in front of him. He is firmly on his own path. Not to doubt yourself.

For a film hunter, the biggest fear is indecision.

Mi Qingwa disappeared for a moment, then disappeared into the wall ... Hunting shadow?

The two have been walking for five days in a row, and Zou Liang has stopped walking along the way, talking and drawing, and strengthening their memories. The scope of this is indeed much larger than expected. , Grandma Bill, the difficulty is always higher than I predicted.

It stands to reason that Mi Qingwa's personality should be very patient, but in fact ... while Zou Shengan racked his brains to think, Mi Qingwa took out a lounge chair from his space ring, eating snacks, ... … Even taking out a book to look at very unkindly, occasionally giving a stunned look in the distance.

The charm of Tianmeizu is not like that of snakes, nor is it the taste of leopards. Her movements are normal and elegant, but it is biased on the purple eyes, which will give people a throbbing heart. A small movement of the delicate body can evoke the taste of men.

The lavender armor was bare with fair-skinned jade skin, delicate and fragile. If you ignore the surrounding environment and the armor on her, it is like an elegant girl enjoying afternoon tea.

Mr. Zou is not so comfortable. He is psychologically prepared, but this place is not just as simple as a maze.

After pondering for a while, he decided to go to the left, because there were two choices in the direction leading to one direction. When Zou Liang's hand was trying to pass, the warning sign appeared immediately.

Boom ... Boom ...

Two steel monsters rushed out, killing Zou Liang one by one, and Zou Liang didn't pause at all.


There was a loud noise, and the cricket on the left still killed the cricket on the right. Zou Liang flickered away. The attack on the right cricket Zou Liang didn't see it. With a sudden pull in his right hand, the two crickets collided together. , And Zou Liang's tomahawks cut their heads.

Mi Qingwa drank her mouth very comfortably. She is also known as a puppet. It is not uncommon here. Although her defense and attack are good, her movements are slow and clumsy. However, the little Bill ’s strain was really indifferent during the whole process. Two monsters far above the level are in sight.

Zou Liang entered the other entrance, and the general direction was correct.

In this way, patiently, step by step, Zou Liang spent twelve days running through the maze. Later, Zou Liang had no interest in this maze. Changing the soup and not changing the medicine, the most essential essence has been seen by him. Except for the monster that appeared to give him a headache, the rest was nothing.

Obviously the IQ created by the beast **** is not much higher than him.

When walking out of the maze, Zou Liang saw a stele with the names of several people engraved on it. It should be left by someone who had run through before.

Zou Liang shook his **** and moved on.

After he left, his name appeared on it-Zou Liang.

Mi Qingwa followed with a smile, and her name also appeared on it. It was really a bargain. Just following Little Bill, she came out. It was so fun.

After the level of the maze, Zou Liang found that time had come to the afternoon. In any case, the time in this mystery is different from the outside, and I don't feel tired and hungry, so I move on.

The surrounding environment is a mountain with no end in sight, and the whole world is shrouded in a dreamlike mist.

Zou Liang vaguely doubts that this fog is part of an illusion, or is everything I see now an illusion?

But one thing is different from the previous maze, the sun above the head is normal.

The environment around me also feels real. There was a breeze blowing with the breath of grass and soil.

Half an hour later, a layer of mountains like terraced fields in Yunnan appeared in front of Zou Liang. This is a fresh environment.

Zou Liang didn't think much, and walked up layer by layer. When he reached the top floor, he was surprised by the sight.

Pieces of step-like crystal glass are suspended in the air, some high and low, staggered. It looks very pretty. The sun was coming obliquely from the west, and it was a bit unrealistic to pass through these transparent steps.

——The Road of Clouds

When Zou Liang looked at this dreamy scene in a daze, an invisible force pushed across that first crystal stage, and Zou Liang had no time to curse

The fragile glass seemed to break at any moment, and the glass crystal seemed to disappear at any moment.

At your feet, there are floating clouds and abyss.

When Zou was too late to respond, she focused her whole heart on it, jumping and running, because after a little delay, the crystal steps that fell on her feet broke and turned into dust and disappeared into the air.

If you don't want to be killed, you have to run forward.

If it does n’t matter, the problem is that not all the steps can be stepped on in this suspended glass crystal stage, and there are traps.

For example, some crystal steps will sink suddenly when you step on them, some will rise, and some will separate to the two sides.

If Ms. Zou is not of good psychological quality, he's finished.

At this time, he didn't even have the strength to scold people, and he was fully absorbed in his feet. Regardless of whether it is one hundred floors above or one hundred floors below, please come early.

If you think about the abyss under your feet, and you step on such a fragile crystal step that is not reliable, the human heart cannot stand it. Nervous as if to jump out ~ ~ If there is a more abnormal baptismal road ahead, the fall alone is enough to shock the life.

For half an hour, I felt the feeling of walking on the tightrope and the edge of the cliff. Zou did not know if she should be lucky, although she almost stepped on the air several times, but fortunately she should become fast, but they were all shocked.

The most dangerous thing is to step on a seemingly ordinary crystal step, stepped on it suddenly flipped 180 degrees, and fell directly on the ground. Fortunately, there is a first-grade crystal step not far below, and Zou Liang's physical fitness and flexibility are good enough, with a palm support, barely supporting the body, and then jumped to the other side before this step was not crushed.

I stumbled and finally passed this level.


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