The Great Conqueror

Chapter 293: Elegant Warsong

"The High Priest in Red, Priest Arthur!" Maru knocked at the door, "The High Priest Ansico and his people are already waiting in the square."

"Go, let's go together and see the old guy Ansike can't wait."

Thomas led Zou Liang out of the temple together, behind them, followed by a long group of temple priests.

When Anseike came to Jerusalem, he didn't even see Thomas. In his heart, he was obviously dissatisfied. Although he was promoted to the Grand Prix of Red, Thomas' authority had not yet reached the point of obeying the Grand Priest of other cities.

The main square in front of the temple was originally used for sacrifice and various beast-god-related activities. It was very large at the time of construction. It was a few kilometers long. On the periphery of the circular square paved with snow-white floor tiles, nine The tall stone pillars represent the eight major provinces under the Beast God and the Méng Jia Empire, respectively. The totems and ancient **** words are painted on the stone pillars.

At this time, the square that could hold thousands of people was actually surrounded by water, and looked around, all of them were black crows.

"A lot of people, today is a good day!" Zou Liang mō felt his chin.

He understood that Anseco's trick was to defeat Arthur's best song of war in the eyes of the Jerusalemites! Severely attacked the Temple of Jerusalem, and trampled Thomas under his feet.

Strength is the spirit and self-confidence of the old high priest Ansike.

Ansico is worried that Thomas uses his power to not let people watch. The more people, the faster the spread. He also wants to prove that he is stronger than Thomas!

The bigger the impact, the better, and the bigger the matter, the better!

Thomas glanced at Arthur, and of course the front of the priests in front of him was hard to say, such as turning Ansico dry, and said to him lightly: "Go."

"Yes! Master." Classmate Zou patted ōng, the tacit understanding between the two need not say anything.

As soon as the temple priests at Jerusalem appeared, the crowd naturally split and separated a long unmanned passage. The temple priests did not speak out. Headed by Thomas, Arthur dropped a half position, followed by the ten priests such as Maru, and then the remaining priests.

This is an extremely united group of priests, representing the current power of the Temple of Jerusalem, quiet, confident, and well-structured.

The prince of Thomas in red walked naturally from the crowd to the center of the square. The calm taste made the restless crowd feel faintly.

That's calm.

Yes, here is our home!

Ansico wants to get things done here, he will regret it.

I don't know who took the lead and shouted, "Yelousamo Temple-Long live!" The screams made as hard as possible returned to dàng above the square.

As if being stabbed by this voice, the next moment, the roaring screams roared out of the thousands of Jerusalem residents who were watching!

"Thomas Thomas Red! Priest Arthur! Win! Win!"

The crowd was boiling, as a Jerusalem, and as a believer in the beast god, these years, only this year's temple, under the management of Thomas the Red High Priest and Arthur Priest was a bit of momentum!

Double engraving, mosaic, hunting shadow shield, war songs of unparalleled faith! Which thing doesn't make everyone frown?

Not to mention that the entire Jerusalemites benefited from these inventions of the temple. This is the most affordable!

For example, Shadow Hunter or Armored Warrior now enters the beast spirit world, waved the small round shield, and filled the ground with minions, and can proudly say, "Lao Tzu is a Jerusalem!"

That feeling is domineering!

Countless envious eyes were cast around, enough to make the blood burn.

Yes, now Jerusalem has contributed all these technologies to the Pope, and began to spread to other provinces, but the first to enjoy these benefits are the Jerusalemites. It is generally acknowledged that the best way to do these engravings is the Temple of Jerusalem, the priest of the creator Arthur and other spirit hún priests he brought out!

What is superiority? This is called a sense of superiority!

Since Arthur appeared in the temple, in the past two years, Jerusalem has undergone earth-shaking changes. This is a kind of accumulation, and at the moment of Ansico's arrival, these feelings suddenly erupted!

How could you not support your own temple!

This is our belief, this is the beast **** miracle we exhaled! !!

"Long-life temple, Long live !!!"

Thousands of people rallied and the sound surged to its highest point. The momentum was quite impressive, almost as much as it was at the Battle of the Imperial Capital, and more and more people, even those who couldn't see what happened, cheered.

This is the reputation of Thomas and Arthur in Jerusalem, and people support them!

Ansike's nose was crooked. He made things bigger to embarrass his opponents, not to embarrass himself.

With a wave of his right hand, the scepter belonging to the Warsong Priest was held in his hand and he struck the ground.


Lifted up and down-

"Hmm! Hmm!"

As Ansico Shen Su struck out the rhythm, the priestly group standing behind him stepped out silently.

The black priest uniform of Qingyi is full of elegance and nobility. Everyone is the same height, dressed the same, even the footsteps and even the look on his face are exactly the same. They are unified like one person.

One stop on the field gave a feeling of nobility and strictness, and that should be the Warsong Priesthood.

In contrast, Arthur's fifty-eight warsong priests were uneven, naive, and even less majestic and imposing, even with a playful expression.

"The main sacrifice of Ansike, you are a guest from afar. Please invite me first." Zou Shencun is now more and more graceful, of course, when he talks about grace, it is time to be absolutely sure.

Sixty-man war song troupe line up at once, this is the killer of Anxico!

With a wave of silver light in his hand, the momentum of the Warsong Priest suddenly rose.

"Oh ~~~ The glory of the beast god, we sing, we believe, we dedicate, we ~~ devotion!

When mí mong, it is the lamb that guides you.

You are the guide of love!

Glory and glory belong to you!

Faith is our praise to you, our most pious follower ~~~ "

The old version of the war songs of faith, which belonged to the ancient line of beast **** temples, gradually sounded.

It's like the bōlan gradually rises in the calm lake water, and the singing ripples spread out.

There was a power in the song, like an invisible big hand covering the square, and the crowd that was screaming and snarling gradually became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were surprised, and from the singing they heard a call, calm them down, and call for battle!

The battle song is indeed full of solemn atmosphere ~ ~ The use of upright is also quite in place.

However, Zou Liang's eyes flowed a little sadness, sadness to the opponent, thinking about how mighty the battle song of Benedict VIII was, what is a battle song, that is a song of battle, not a song that is completely flattering .

This war song is not for people to fight, but for the status of the temple, but the result is counterproductive.

After many years, the orcs have been lost in the song of war.

Anxico looked up tǐōng and enjoyed the quietness of 10,000 people. This is the power of his first warsong priest in Shenyao Province, what a **** new school warsong, and that kind of barbaric sound, how can he compare with his hardened faith warsong!

Zou Liang went to his team. 58 apprentice priests had already stood in the center of the square. They were not affected by their opponents. They were also soldiers who had experienced life and death and had seen big scenes. For these concert-level opponents, they did Not too much feeling.

(From tomorrow, the skeleton is ready!)! .

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