The Great Conqueror

Chapter 311: Combat begins

311 battle begins

The two sides have more strengths. After fighting hard, the monsters outside the valley will be miserable. They will repeatedly be swayed by the faith and war songs of the priests and priests.

The rest of the orc warriors in the valley were peaceful. As Arthur's war songs gradually stabilized and they soared with a few gas explosions, they basically adapted to the influence of the banshee screams, at least there will be no more uncomfortable feeling .

Only then did they realize that there was still Arthur.

The two sides yelled for half an hour, but in the end, the silver-eyed banshee sighed and stopped screaming, turned back to the ice crystal platform, and wrapped herself in purple ice crystals.

Night falls ...

The day's temptation came to an end.

Huge flames piled up against Taniguchi, and several piles of bonfires were sitting around. While roasting the fire, they were discussing how to deal with the silver-eyed banshee.

The Thai Beast Warrior Foltai from the province of God ’s Grace is the first to stand up and say, “Everyone has seen today, a single power is definitely not working. I ’m here to ask a question, everyone wants to win Was this battle dingy and conceded? "

Forte was the first master to jump out and attack the Silver Eyed Banshee. His bravery also convinced others, so even though he stood up and spoke less politely, no one had any opinion.

And at this time, this topic involves the honor of the orcs, and no one will think that it is a soft egg who wants to escape.

The golden lion Murphy glanced slowly and said slowly: "Naturally, the task is completed." His voice paused and continued to analyze calmly with a low voice.

"I don't know what everyone thinks. No matter who is out of line, he represents us in the south. You know, there are not only those who are in the capital, but also those guys in the north. In the past ... they called us It's the southern soft-footed shrimp ... are you willing? Lao Tzu is unwilling. "In the last few words, this always lion fiddles with the fire in front of him.

"Do it" A thunderous voice sounded, Beamon soldier quark.

Several eye-catching strong players obviously expressed their support. At this step, it is impossible to return.

"I think everyone should kill the silver-eyed banshees together. As for who gets the beast nucleus and who is qualified, everything is up to him. At least as an orc warrior, we should first unite to kill the beast in front of us."

Zou Liang stood up and said, apparently that his "unknown little soldier" had enough respect during the day, and the soldier's quietness showed this.

Not everyone is qualified to stand up and speak.

Do not destroy the silver-eyed banshee is ashamed of the two words brave, what is the right to go out? What more glory?

After seeing the Emperor and the northern group of guys, I was afraid that they would not even be able to lift their heads.

All present were elites of the young generation, with their own pride, dignity and blood

Soon the opinions were unified.

Do not look back without killing the silver-eyed banshee.

Then, there is only one thing to do-to jointly abandon the geographical barriers of all cities and provinces. Only by genuine and sincere cooperation can we maximize the strength of everyone and complete this challenge.

This night is destined to be a busy night. All the masters are discussing nervously to see how they can make the best use of the combination.

A few miles away from the temporary gathering place of the bonfire, Dani, who was sitting on the hill with the evening breeze, smiled.

"A bunch of little fools, finally sensible, a little looking forward ..."

The light of dawn dripped through the purple clouds and cast a golden light on the ground.

There was a loud roar in the valley, and it was a priest who was practicing in the morning-his throat.

The silver-eyed banshee was quarreled by these little ants. The little ants who harassed their tranquility did not leave overnight, and it was unexpected.

More than twenty soldiers stood side by side on the shore of the lake. Fourteen of the strongest mainstays left seven or eight weaker reserves.

After a night of discussion, everyone has a mature tactics, according to the characteristics of their respective strengths and cooperation.

The first thing to stand out was Forte.

The amazing performance when he played yesterday, everyone agreed that he could play the spirit of the orcs first.

Forte stood on the ice, barely showing his knotted muscles.

He turned his head and glanced back, hehe laughed, "Today we are also comrades-in-arms, and I will watch Lao Tzu for a while."

Today is no better than yesterday. Yesterday was a temptation.

Those who choose to stand up at this time and are ready to attack the silver-eyed banshee have left life and death behind.

"Brother, please," someone said behind him.

Folthey didn't turn his head back, with a conceited grin on the corner of his mouth, his body slumped, and he snarled.

Beast Warrior, Charge

Laozi is an orc warrior—Frete the Beast

The beast-shaped giant roared, moving its limbs towards the silver-eyed banshee along the ice.

The first person to attack was both a sharp knife and a tool that attracted the attention and hatred of the silver-eyed banshee.

Forte wasn't as aggressive as he was yesterday. After all, he was most familiar with fighting on ice. He was smarter about swimming and drifted away with a speedy Mercedes that was best at the Beastmaster Dance. Draw a circle and find a way to approach the Silver Eyed Banshee. Obviously, the Silver Eyed Banshee is more cunning than yesterday.

Its promotion is in sight. Yesterday, I deliberately teased these prey for fun. I was afraid that they would run away. As long as they eat these guys, they can be promoted immediately.

Never underestimate a lord-level monster

Voltaire was annoying around the Silver Eyed Banshee for a long time, and yesterday's tactics let him try to disturb the Silver Eyed Banshee as much as possible to attract its attention.

It's almost upset?

With Forte's impatient character, he didn't have that much patience to consume it, he had to approach.

With a roar and a kick on his hind limbs, the ice surface exploded, and the beast warrior suddenly raised the speed, and flew from the side to the silver-eyed banshee like lightning.

Fight now

The mad beast likes to go straight.

There was a hint of slyness in the silver-eyed banshee's eyes, and the long snake tail squirmed, pushing the body of the silver-eyed banshee on the ice, and a bright red claw was inserted into the ice.


Suddenly, huge ice crystal columns with a height of two meters emerged from the ground.

Not two, but densely popped up, as if the ice suddenly turned into a hedgehog

Beast Warrior Voltaire, Fearless

An anthropomorphic sneer appeared on the rampant monster's face. Instead of slowing down, he accelerated his rush, almost rushing to the front of the ice crystal.

-Dance of the Beast

The monster's limbs are flying like wheels, advancing fast like lightning.

With violent power and speed, Forte has reached a peak.

However, the other masters who were standing on the shore waiting for the phone conference were a little worried, and Forte was in a hurry.

Bang bang

The broken ice burst, and the monster was seen frantically advancing from the air. It penetrated the first barrier of the silver-eyed banshee lightningly. When it just rushed to the flat area, suddenly, the original smooth plane stabbed again. Ice cones


It's like canine teeth staggered, constantly popping and indenting.

Unexpectedly, Forte yelled, and his palms and feet were instantly pierced through several blood holes.

This is just the beginning of the revenge of the silver-eyed banshee. Countless spikes are stabbed and received. The next moment a huge ice ball falls from the sky and hits Forte straight.


The orcs were very surprised. I didn't expect to discuss cooperation with them, and the monster's attack style also changed. Become more cunning and more aggressive

The black lion Leon, who was standing in the back, couldn't help but take a step forward. This kind of scene was simply a challenge to his patience. He felt how good it was to embrace, but after all, everyone agreed with the priest Arthur, hey, The priest is tossing and trouble.

Everyone's heart lifted, sweating for the injured Forte.

Between the electric light and flint, suddenly heard the beast Folthe yelled, starting from the big tendons on the spine, to the waist, to the thighs, to the arms, the tensing of the roots was like a tight bowstring.

Forte's best muscle control

The blood holes in the palms of his hands and feet contracted instantly, and he forcibly closed the wound with muscle strength.

But it's too late

A huge snowball with a diameter of three meters slammed into his body without waiting for his response to evade.

"Let's go, Forte can't stand it anymore." The black lion Lelaon narrowed his eyes, exposing his murderousness.

Yesterday it was said that Forte was the first to attract the attention of the Silver Eyed Banshee with her experience in fighting on the ice. Then everyone attracted the attacks in turn, first dissipating the Silver Eyed Banshee as much as possible, and then the five strongest people Launch a combined killing attack.

Arthur shook his head and waited for the lion's glance, "He must be, archer, come on"

Eight archers, including Sophie, were on board. Their mission was to contain, not to fight directly. Sophie's wings opened, and the sharpest side broke out. The sharp arrows shot directly at the Silver Eyed Banshee. The must-attend place ~ ~ Sophie did not express dissatisfaction with her offensive role but shared the task, but made the best cooperation, and understood the meaning of the whole set of tactics. She from the Bismarck family appreciates such a plan even more.

Team battles are not performed by one person. Sometimes, sacrifices are made for the overall attack, so that the maximum strength of the group can be exerted.

The silver-eyed banshee's spell was really disturbed, giving Folthe a breath, but Folthe did not disappoint everyone, and successfully approached more than ten meters.

Today's silver-eyed banshee is obviously different, but today's orc warriors are also well prepared.

The battle was officially launched, with multi-line offensives and point containment.

Sophie and Santa Febo, the archer of the Igo tribe on the side of Shenyao Xing Province, took the other six archers out of their hands, and Arrow Rain shot a wave almost every once in a while. And it was the moment when the silver-eyed banshee was about to fight back, shooting at its eyes or head and neck, disrupting its rhythm and attempt.

These archers are the best in the four major southern provinces. The archery is absolutely fast, accurate, and cruel.

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